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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
摇晃[yáo huàng, ㄧㄠˊ ㄏㄨㄤˋ,   /  ] to rock; to shake; to sway #16,294 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Put this in your mouth, we walk past them, you stumble a bit.[CN] 把这个放进嘴巴里 然后我们走过去 你假装走的有点踉跄和摇晃 The Hofstadter Isotope (2009)
Could you shake this, please?[CN] 摇晃它,请。 Daddy Cool (2008)
The candle flames.[CN] 柱子下方蜡烛的火 摇晃了一下 Amalfi: Rewards of the Goddess (2009)
You will see me anytime.[CN] 即是占卦,摸着龟壳摇晃那种 Ngai chai dor ching (2009)
Then it's all nerds with rickety homemade gadgets.[CN] 参展的都是些摇晃 看起来不怎么 起眼的自制小东西 Unstable Fables: Tortoise vs. Hare (2008)
There was this big boom and then the whole apartment just started shaking.[CN] 一声巨响 然后公寓就摇晃起来 Superman/Batman: Apocalypse (2010)
My apartment block was shaking last night. Did you feel it?[CN] 昨晚我的寓所在摇晃 你感觉到了吗 Flashbacks of a Fool (2008)
Her horse was fine, but when the ride started, I felt mine give a little, as if it might collapse.[CN] 她的马没事,但是当开始启动之后 我感觉我的马有点摇晃 好像快倒下去 The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2011)
A big, dumb, old police horse whose big, dumb, old police ass swayed in front of my car as I was trying to pass it.[CN] 一个愚蠢的大个儿警用马 ...的愚蠢的大屁股 ...我想开过去的时候它就在我前面摇摇晃晃 The Bounty Hunter (2010)
It's shaking around like it's crazy.[CN] 它在摇晃,好像疯了一样 Alien Trespass (2009)
Which is better? "Call us older, because we're always shaky."[CN] 然后呢? 『叫我们长者,因为我们走路摇摇晃晃』? Wrinkles (2011)
Take the pills, Marshal.[CN] 然后剧烈摇晃 吃了这些药,司法官 Shutter Island (2010)
And give me four booty roundabouts in unison with extra butt-cheek vibration.[CN] 然后动作一致做出 摇屁股的姿势 加强两臀摇晃效果 Spring Breakdown (2009)
You know how some people have that... that droop... that sort of tragic dangling earlobe thing?[CN] 你知道有些人的很低垂... 那种悲剧性的摇晃的耳垂 而你的... Post Grad (2009)
It's wobbly and shaky here.[CN] 这儿总是摇摇晃晃的 Mars Needs Moms (2011)
One second I'm being tossed around, next I know I'm in the lagoon.[CN] 我前一秒钟才在剧烈摇晃中 下一秒便在水里 316 (2009)
When someone sticks out their hand, it's polite to oblige and shake their hand.[CN] 当有人动摇了你的手, 好礼貌和摇晃。 6 Guns (2010)
Hold on tight.[CN] 会有少许摇晃 Umizaru 3: The Last Message (2010)
He's tottering and his upper body is swaying.[CN] 身体已经开始摇晃,也没法保持直线了 状态很不好,已经到极限了吗 Naoko (2008)
Don't rock the boat.[CN] 不要摇晃这艘船啊 How Do You Know (2010)
Takuji-senpai, when you run your body is too soft.[CN] 佐佐木学长 学长的上半身老是摇晃 Naoko (2008)
Likely to wobble on arrival.[CN] 抵达时可能会摇晃 The Assault (2010)
And to underline it all, she permanently shakes her barely covered tits.[CN] 为了强调,她会一直摇晃 她暴露的胸部 Rabbit Without Ears 2 (2009)
♪ By letting my seat wave[CN] ~让座位也随之摇晃~ My Week with Marilyn (2011)
I stumbled to her room and as I stood there over the bed watching them I was overcome with this intense sadness.[CN] 当我摇晃着走到她的房间时 站在... ...床边看着他们.. ...我强忍着这种强烈悲伤 Lake Mungo (2008)
We swing back and forth[CN] 前后的摇晃 Just Another Pandora's Box (2010)
-Shake her?[CN] -摇晃她? Death at a Funeral (2010)
And when a person gets in car that drunk and a car oscillates at great deal there's a little pendulum that swings up and back and that will pull the car over to the side...[CN] 一个人如果酒后驾车 车子摇晃的很厉害 用一个小钟摆来测量 Zeitgeist: Addendum (2008)
-Not shaking her hasn't worked, has it?[CN] -不摇晃她就没成功,是吗? Death at a Funeral (2010)
Secondly, the organic structure of tapioca makes it a jiggling bowl of potential death.[CN] 其次 西米的有机结构使布丁 黏糊糊摇晃晃 有潜在致命危险 The Friendship Algorithm (2009)
-You want me to shake her?[CN] -你要我摇晃她? Death at a Funeral (2010)
-You shake her, and you kiss her.[CN] -你摇晃她,然后吻她 Death at a Funeral (2010)
HETTY: "They wrenched the flag furiously from the dead man, and as they turned again, the corpse swayed forward with bowed head, one arm swung high, and the curved hand fell with heavy protest on the friend's unheeding shoulder."[CN] "他们猛的把旗子从死者身上扯下来 在他们又折回来的时候 尸体低着头摇摇晃晃向前走来 Absolution (2010)
Buster is underway. Are your Mike's feet?[CN] 道格拉斯又发起了猛攻 泰森开始摇晃了 Tyson (2008)
The Pearl was pitching and yawing violently.[CN] 黑珍珠号在海浪中颠簸,剧烈地摇晃 Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011)
Shake the bible.[CN] 摇晃圣经 The Beantown Bailout Job (2009)
I told you not to "sway" your upper body![CN] 上身不要摇晃 Naoko (2008)
Uncrossable Gorge, which is spanned by Rickety Bridge.[CN] 难以越过的峡谷 有着摇摇晃晃的桥 横跨其上 Unstable Fables: Tortoise vs. Hare (2008)
# I'm rocking you to sleep[CN] 我轻轻摇晃 让你进梦乡 Unfinished Song (2012)
-You walk up to her, and you shake her.[CN] -你过去跟她聊聊,然后你摇晃她 Death at a Funeral (2010)
Though it wobbled a bit.[CN] 但是飞得摇摇晃晃的 CJ7 (2008)
Hit my head when the train lurched[CN] 火车突然摇晃 碰个正着 Flowers (2010)
Swinging left to right. Like a willow tree.[CN] 左右摇晃 Just Another Pandora's Box (2010)
- He rocked, right?[CN] 他摇晃,对不对? Cougars Inc. (2011)
But because of the balance, I'm not tipping anymore.[CN] 但是因为平衡的好 我并没有太摇晃 Still Waiting... (2009)
He's also dark brown and long and jiggly and he walks with the cutest little waddle.[CN] 还有他是暗棕色,身长又爱摇晃 他走起路来摇摆得很可爱 Open Season 2 (2008)
All the autistic kids would sit there for 45 minutes, just rocking. Fuck you![CN] 多动症孩子就会一起坐在那 摇晃个整整45分钟 坑爹啊! Russell Peters: Red, White and Brown (2008)
You get that butt up in the air, get those ass cheeks flapping, your balls will be ricocheting back and forth like Hector "Macho" Camacho fucking in his speed bag... da-da-duh, da-da-duh, da-da-duh, da-da-duh, aah![CN] 你屁股摇晃,拍打她们的脸颊 你的睾丸前后跳动 就像 Hector "Macho" Camacho 在他的速度袋子你做爱一样... Baby on Board (2009)
Yeah, sawing, hammering, eating out of a lunch pail as my working-class fellows and I sit perched precariously on a girder high above the metropolis.[CN] 东锯锯 西锤锤 跟我的工友们 一起吃大锅饭 坐在高高的横梁上摇摇晃晃 凌驾于喧嚣的都市之上 The Einstein Approximation (2010)
Swinging around all the time too[CN] 也是不停地摇晃 Just Another Pandora's Box (2010)

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