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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
强度[qiáng dù, ㄑㄧㄤˊ ㄉㄨˋ,   /  ] strength; intensity #3,957 [Add to Longdo]
发光强度[fā guāng qiáng dù, ㄈㄚ ㄍㄨㄤ ㄑㄧㄤˊ ㄉㄨˋ,     /    ] luminous intensity #107,405 [Add to Longdo]
压力强度[yā lì qiáng dù, ㄧㄚ ㄌㄧˋ ㄑㄧㄤˊ ㄉㄨˋ,     /    ] pressure (as measured) [Add to Longdo]
磁感应强度[cí gǎn yìng qiáng dù, ㄘˊ ㄍㄢˇ ㄧㄥˋ ㄑㄧㄤˊ ㄉㄨˋ,      /     ] magnetic field density [Add to Longdo]
辐射强度[fú shè qiáng dù, ㄈㄨˊ ㄕㄜˋ ㄑㄧㄤˊ ㄉㄨˋ,     /    ] radiation intensity [Add to Longdo]

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At these latitudes, the sun's rays are weak and grass can only grow here for a few months a year.[CN] 在这样的高纬度,阳光的强度非常微弱 这里的草儿只有几个月的生长期 Great Plains (2006)
They're exactly the same strength, which means one of them is a fake. - Nothing personal.[CN] 这强度一模一样 这意味着有一个是假的 Knight of the Living Dead (2008)
- I'm increasing the power of the electrical field here By about 17 times where you had it, [CN] 我把电场强度加到你使用的17倍 Elements (2009)
once you build the intensity of the sensation do not fall back to a milder stimulation or instend of this, so if you mouth is geting tired and you doing something..., working here and also you start here...on the top of your tongue[CN] 一旦你制造的感觉达到一定的强度 不要降低刺激到较温和的水平 就像这样,所以当你的嘴巴累了 Episode #1.1 (2006)
The 1930s gave us a glimpse ofjust how fragile the land can be.[CN] 想象20倍强度的 连续沙尘暴 Six Degrees Could Change the World (2008)
I've rigged the ceiling with three SunMax ultraviolet lights each of which are the same intensity and wavelength as the sun at high noon.[CN] 我在天花板上装了三盏紫外线灯 它们的强度和波长 和正午太阳是一样的 30 Days of Night: Dark Days (2010)
A bit of strength[CN] 有点强度的 Sex Is Zero 2 (2007)
Orange and red indicate the sea temperature has risen to 82 degrees Fahrenheit, a full degree higher than normal.[CN] 是大西洋风暴记录上的第4低压 卡崔娜的强度因此更为加剧 Six Degrees Could Change the World (2008)
And hurricanes derive their rocket fuel from the warming of the ocean.[CN] 近来已经出现更多剧烈风暴 飓风的强度单位共分为5级 Six Degrees Could Change the World (2008)
The lattice structure gives the Tower strength without using much metal.[CN] 这种晶格构造使铁塔在不增加金属原料 的情况下加固了强度 Aftermath: Population Zero (2008)
- How can we fit through small holes?[CN] 我们能从小洞中钻出去么? { \3cH202020 }How can we fit through small holes? 听说过抗拉强度么? Riots, Drills and the Devil: Part 1 (2005)
Despite the fact we have markedly increased our operational intensity we're not seeing any progress.[CN] 既便如此... 我们已经 明显加强了操作和监督强度... 但毫不奏效 Body of Lies (2008)
Now we're going even further, looking far above us to reveal the invisible secrets on the very edges of our world.[CN] 而是藏在气泡状的 太阳等离子之间的缝隙里 这些细小明亮的斑点的磁场强度 高于太阳上的其他任何部分 Speed Limits (2010)
It appears that the sound waves are the same strength as the mainframe room.[CN] 看起来声波强度和主机房的一样 Knight of the Living Dead (2008)
Most collisions are weak and they had no further consequences.[CN] 多数碰撞是低强度的 没有多大影响 The Hunt for Ringed Planets (2009)
Crust analysis through propagation of ground waves.[CN] 测量地心震波强度 分析地壳状况 Nihon chinbotsu (2006)
The ingredients are very low Accumulated by surface forces.[CN] 你知道的 放在一起是没有牢度的 除非就是一点表面的张力 - 强度极低的物体 The Hunt for Ringed Planets (2009)
in seattle, the iconic space needle was designed to sway one inch for every 10 miles per hour of wind, but with its steel weakened by corrosion, it takes little more than a strong breeze for the symbol[CN] 西雅图 地标性建筑太空针塔 其设计强度能经受每小时10公里的狂风 而仅摇摆1英寸 Life After People (2008)
It's tight, ain't it?[CN] 强度LT,是不是? My Normal (2009)
You're overestimating the tensile strength of the substructure you're building.[CN] 你高估了你做的基础部分的抗张强度 The Classified Materials Turbulence (2009)
- You don't have it high enough yet, artie. I'm stuck.[CN] 强度不够 我卡住了 Elements (2009)
- Don't be late. - ... high, becoming rough.[CN] - 别回来太晚 强度较高... Flashbacks of a Fool (2008)
I had to calculate the area with the greatest tensile strength, so as not to damage the structural integrity of the aircraft.[CN] 我必须计算出抗张强度最大的区域 这样才不会损坏飞机的整体结构 Knight of the Living Dead (2008)
Then, it winds in until it reaches the rebar, metal that gives reinforced concrete its strength.[CN] 然后它蜿蜒前进直到钢筋 用来加强混凝土强度的金属 Aftermath: Population Zero (2008)
That should ensure a fuselage integrity while maintaining power-to-weight ratio.[CN] 保证动力重量比,还能增强机身强度 Iron Man (2008)
First I'm gonna start with your balls, and I'm gonna tie 'em up real tight.[CN] 首先,我是开始 Pkratk, 和欧莱雅要去 配合他们真正的强度。 My Normal (2009)
Kettunen got an idea to test the strength of a scale model - by running some water through it at high pressure.[CN] 凯德奈有个想法,想测试建筑模型的强度... ...就灌些水进去增加压力。 Black Ice (2007)
- What's this? - Detects radiation levels.[CN] 检测辐射强度的 Chapter Eight 'Seven Minutes to Midnight' (2006)
We may think that we've conquered flight, but compared to the natural world, our mastery of the air is basically rubbish.[CN] 蜘蛛从接口拉出丝 将液态丝变成固体丝 几股丝线扭结在一起 就具有了更高的强度 Speed Limits (2010)
In a world which is warmer, the hurricanes will have a lot more energy to drive them.[CN] 最强烈的飓风列为第五级 未来可能有强度更高的 Six Degrees Could Change the World (2008)
They're lighter, cheaper and have twice the tensile strength.[CN] 更轻 更便宜 两倍抗张强度 The Jerusalem Duality (2008)
We need someone who can survive here. - Do you understand?[CN] 我们需要能够适应这个高强度工作的员工 你明白吗 The Devil Wears Prada (2006)
But there is one hell of a magnetic field. So it's got to be here somewhere.[CN] 但磁场强度很大 应该在附近什么地方 Episode #1.5 (2007)
- Height? - We Have yet to...[CN] 强度呢 这还没 Tidal Wave (2009)
High-intensity lasers. Whatever part of you does touch gets sliced.[CN] 这是高强度激光 碰到哪,哪就被削掉 Get Smart (2008)
Trade winds diminish and the cool Humboldt current slackens[CN] 信风强度减弱 洪堡洋流威力消退 Forces of Change (2006)
What's the signal strength on that thing?[CN] 那东西显示的信号强度怎么样? Unknown (2006)
Viola, C to A. It's growing, gaining strength.[CN] 中提琴 C 到 A 强度渐增 Copying Beethoven (2006)
The magnetic field is remaining consistent about 5 Tesla.[CN] 磁场强度和先前保持一致 大约为5特斯拉(磁通量单位) Episode #1.3 (2007)
The duplicate body is emitting doom at 10 times the background level.[CN] 复制体的放射强度比基准水平高10倍 Futurama: Bender's Big Score (2007)
We also added a crossbow that fires harpoons connected to spider-silk nano-thread.[CN] 还有能射出小标枪的弓... ...连着蛛丝纳米线 跟钢丝强度差不多 Get Smart (2008)
We're free to try to make a profit, to just get by, or to fail.[CN] 我们或投资获利 或勉强度日 或一贫如洗 这都由自己决定 Capitalism: A Love Story (2009)
Which is why we need to de- escalate, back off.[CN] 这就是为什么所以我们要 减少强度, 后退 No Nukes Is Good Nukes (2006)
Though flexible enough to be woven, bamboo has a higher tensile strength than steel.[CN] 尽管竹子足够柔韧以至于可以用来穿戴 但竹子却拥有比钢还要好的抗张强度 Shangri-La (2008)
With the woman, it could be hours, just depending on how strong the light is.[CN] 也可以像公园里那个女人 数小时后死去 甚至可以是几分钟 取决于白光的强度 White Noise 2: The Light (2007)
Toughest men's sport in the world. Most people don't know that.[CN] 体操是世界上最高强度的运动 大多人都不知道这一点 Peaceful Warrior (2006)
this serum seems to fortify muscular function, overriding the brain/body barrier that stops you from burning out your nervous system.[CN] 血清似乎增强了肌肉强度 模糊了大脑和身体的差异 使神经系统不致崩溃 I Love the Knight Life (2009)
belowthesurface of reinforced concrete structures, there is a mesh of steel reinforcing bars and they don't corrode because the concrete maintains an alkaline environment around them.[CN] 为了加强混凝土的强度 我们都会加上一些钢筋网 这些钢筋不会腐蚀 Life After People (2008)
Any magic you use against a Mord-Sith comes back at you ten times stronger.[CN] 任何你用来对抗摩德西斯的魔法 都会以十倍的强度返回给你 Home (2009)
This guy puts out 1, 800 curies of radiation without ever coming in contact with nuclear material.[CN] 却发出超过1800居里(放射性强度单位)的辐射 Chapter Eight 'Seven Minutes to Midnight' (2006)

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