(เนื่องจากผลลัพธ์จากการค้นหา menees มีน้อย ระบบได้ทดลองค้นหาใหม่โดยใส่ดอกจันทน์ (wild-card) ให้โดยอัตโนมัติ: *mene*) |
มีผลลัพธ์ที่ไม่แสดงผลอยู่ |
| gameness | (n) ความสนุกสนาน, See also: การเล่นสนุกสนาน | ill-omened | (adj) อัปมงคล, See also: เป็นลางร้าย, เป็นลางไม่ดี, ไม่เป็นมงคล, Syn. ill-fated, inauspicious, Ant. auspicious | noisomeness | (n) ความน่ารังเกียจ | welcomeness | (n) ความยินดีต้อนรับ | winsomeness | (n) การมีสเน่ห์ | lonesomeness | (n) ความอ้างว้าง, See also: ความโดดเดี่ยว, ความเงียบเหงา, Syn. loneliness | tiresomeness | (n) ความน่าเบื่อหน่าย, See also: ความไม่น่าสนใจ | self-sameness | (n) ความเหมือนกัน, See also: ความตรงกัน | wearisomeness | (n) ความเหนื่อยอ่อน | wholesomeness | (n) การส่งเสริมสุขภาพ, Syn. healthfulness, healthiness, salubriousness, Ant. unhealthiness | meddlesomeness | (n) การชอบก้าวก่าย, See also: ความจุ้นจ้าน, Syn. curiosity | troublesomeness | (n) ความยากลำบาก | troublesomeness | (n) ความคับแค้นใจ | troublesomeness | (n) ความน่ารำคาญ | unwholesomeness | (n) การมีอันตรายต่อสุขภาพ, See also: การที่ไม่มีประโยชน์ต่อสุขภาพ, Ant. healthiness | unwholesomeness | (n) ความเสื่อมเสียต่อศีลธรรม | unwholesomeness | (n) ลักษณะที่แสดงถึงสุขภาพไม่ดี, Ant. robustness |
| | hymeneal | (adj) เกี่ยวกับการสมรส, เกี่ยวกับการแต่งงาน | lameness | (n) ขากะเผลก, ความพิการ, ความบกพร่อง, อาการขัดยอก, ความอ่อนแอ |
| | Spodumene | สปอดูมีน, Example: แหล่ง - ในประเทศไทย พบในหินเปกมาไทต์ ที่สำนักเนียน อำเภอสิชล จังหวัดนครศรีธรรมราช ประโยชน์ - เป็นตัวต้นกำเนิดที่จะให้โลหะลิเทียม ซึ่งนำมาผสมทำน้ำมันหล่อลื่นในเครื่องจักรที่ใช้ความร้อนเป็นเวลานาน ๆ นอกจากนี้ยังใช้ในอุตสาหกรรมเครื่องปั้นดินเผา แบตเตอรี่ เครื่องปรับอากาศ ใช้เป็นวัสดุสำหรับช่วยให้โลหะหลอมง่ายขึ้น ชนิดฮิดเดไนต์และคุนไซต์ เป็นรัตนชาติได้สวยงามมาก [สิ่งแวดล้อม] | Maintenance of Sameness | ชอบสิ่งใดสิ่งหนึ่งจำเจ [การแพทย์] | Milk Lameness | โรคที่ขาเจ็บระหว่างให้นม [การแพทย์] |
| | These two are under temporary arrest... And this is the pamphlet. | Das sind die beiden vorläufig Festgenommenen... und das ist die Schmähschrift. Sophie Scholl: The Final Days (2005) | Pizza delivery for Pablo Jimenez! | Pizza für Pablo Jimenez! Ragtag (2014) | You killed Escher. | Das ist eine willkommene Überraschung. Minute Man (2014) | Well, those are some fuzzy damn lines. | Das nenne ich mal eine verdammt verschwommene Aussage. Yesterday's Gone (2014) | So, is this your doing, my sudden but very welcome visit here? | Also ist das dein Werk, mein plötzlicher, aber willkommener Besuch hier? The Way Out (2014) | You pick one you wanna keep and I'll pick the other. | Ene, mene, muh... Such die aus, die du behalten willst, ich nehme die andere. A Walk Among the Tombstones (2014) | He has no patience for that judgmental bitch. | Er hat keinerlei Geduld für die Attacken dieser voreingenommenen Schlampe. Charlie and the Mother of All Sessions (2014) | I'm an escaped fugitive wanted for murder. | Ich bin ein entkommener Flüchtling, der wegen Mordes gesucht wird? Last Rites (2014) | Clementine's abiding interest and principal focus was tracking and exploring phenomena that defy explanation. | Hauptsächlich galt Clementines Interesse jedoch der Suche nach und Erforschung von unerklärlichen Phänomenen. Lost Generation (2014) | That would be a most-welcome surprise. | Das wäre eine sehr willkommene Überraschung. A Tale of Two Sisters (2014) | I may be a degenerate and a terrible husband, but I love my wife, so please don't let anything happen to her. | Ich mag ein schrecklicher und verkommener Ehemann sein, aber ich liebe meine Frau, also sorgen Sie bitte dafür, dass ihr nichts geschieht. Heart Breakers, Money Makers (2014) | The collected organis not tested like it Would be on a healthy individual. It's impossible. | Das entnommene Organ wird nicht, wie bei einem gesunden Patienten untersucht. Gods (2014) | Jiménez Cardinal de Cisneros, Archbishop of Toledo, Grand Inquisitor of Spain. Five thousand? | Unterzeichnet von Jimenez Kardinal Cisneros, Erzbischof von Toledo und Großinquisitor Spaniens. 1507 (2014) | Quéméner! | Quemener! Summer Nights (2014) | Quéméner, don't fuck with me! | Quemener, mach keinen Mist! Summer Nights (2014) | Quéméner, do it. | Quemener, drück. Summer Nights (2014) | Quéméner, hurry up! | Quemener, beeil dich! Summer Nights (2014) | Hurry up, Quéméner! | Beeil dich, Quemener! Summer Nights (2014) | Keep going, Quéméner! | Los, Quemener! Summer Nights (2014) | See? | Keiner liebt dich, Quemener! Summer Nights (2014) | Good, Quéméner! | Gut, Quemener! Summer Nights (2014) | Smart, judgmental cop's kid. | Schlaues, voreingenommenes Bullen-Kind. Bedien dich. | An estate completely ruined. | Ein verkommener Familienbesitz. La forêt (2014) | A fruitful and welcome diversion. | Eine nützliche und willkommene Ablenkung. The Scholar's Pen (2014) | No, it's a rundown courthouse around the corner from the Jiffy Lube. | Nein, es ist ein heruntergekommenes Standesamt an der Ecke des Jiffy Lube. A Chic Bar in Ibiza (2014) | A judgmental, occasionally temperamental one, but... | Ich hatte einen guten Lehrer. Einen voreingenommenen und gelegentlich temperamentvollen, aber... Corto Maltese (2014) | As you can see, Jordan will be silently observing our group for a few days. | Wie ihr seht, wird Jordan... unsere Gruppe für ein paar Tage in vollkommener Stille beobachten. Charlie Gets Trashed (2014) | Perhaps the greed that is actually making us overweight and sick is of the corporate variety. | Vielleicht ist die Gier, die uns dick und krank macht, auf Firmenebene zu finden. That Sugar Film (2014) | We think of our emotions like they're these unique, personal phenomena, that no one has ever felt what we have felt. | Wir denken, unsere Emotionen seien diese einzigartigen, persönlichen Phänomene, dass niemand je gefühlt hat, was wir gefühlt haben. Flash vs. Arrow (2014) | ..the escaped prisoner, Bea Smith, escaped custody from a Melbourne hospital yesterday evening where she was being treated following an incident at Wentworth Prison. | - Überraschenderweise war die entkommene Strafgefangene Bea Smith gestern aus einem Krankenhaus in Melbourne geflohen, wo sie nach einem Vorfall in der Haftanstalt Wentworth behandelt wurde. Fear Her (2014) | Do you really need me to tell you what he would do to the degenerate who would steal his daughter's heart? | Muss ich dir wirklich erzählen, was er mit der Heruntergekommenen machen würde, die das Herz seiner Tochter stiehlt? The Magician (2014) | Let's hope they'll take a busted up truck for the entrance fee. | Ich hoffe, die nehmen einen runtergekommenen Truck als Einsatz. Welcome to the Fu-Bar (2014) | Welcome news, brother. | Eine willkommene Nachricht, Bruder. Hashshashin (2014) | That's true. | - Und ich bin mir nicht sicher, dass vollkommene Ehrlichkeit immer das Beste für eine Beziehung ist. The Hook-up Reverberation (2014) | Amy, good luck getting these guys excited about a dinner with a theme. | Amy, viel Glück dabei, ihn für ein Themenessen zu begeistern. The Clean Room Infiltration (2014) | No, I feel like I'm operating new machinery, nobody gave me the instruction manual, and I should just stay away from everybody. No, I - | Nein, ich fühle mich wie eine neu in Betrieb genommene Maschine, der niemand die Bedienungsanleitung gegeben hat und... sie sich einfach von allen fernhalten sollte. Till Death Do Us Part (2014) | Well, let's just say your wedding is a welcome distraction. | Über die Hochzeit zu sprechen, ist eine willkommene Ablenkung. Blood for Blood (2014) | Daughter, this sensible woman knows better than to expect disinterested generosity from the world, right? | Tochter, diese vernünftige Frau weiß es besser, als eine unvoreingenommene Wohltat zu erwarten von der Welt, richtig? Three Queens (2014) | He buys distressed buildings, paints, spackles, and then flips them for quick money. | Er kauft heruntergekommene Gebäude, streicht, spachtelt, und verkauft sie für schnelles Geld. Just a Regular Irregular (2014) | Only to turn up with his heart ripped from his chest. | Nur um dann mit offenem Brustkorb und entnommenem Herzen gefunden zu werden. Dr. James Covington (No. 89) (2014) | The incision in his chest was made over a prior midline incision. | Der Einschnitt in seinen Brustkorb wurde über einen bereits zuvor vorgenommenen Mittelschnitt gemacht. Dr. James Covington (No. 89) (2014) | Yeah, maybe it's an immersive smartphone app or a 21st-century approach to 360-degree media envelopment. | - Ja! Sondern eine interaktive Smartphone-App. Oder es zeigt die vollkommene Medienpräsenz im 21. Jahrhundert. One Trick Pony (2014) | Mate, you are... you are a welcome sight. | Kumpel, du bist... du bist ein willkommener Anblick. The Devil's Vinyl (2014) | Belief in the existence of the perfect man. | Der Glaube an die Existenz des vollkommenen Menschen. If the Shoe Fits (2014) | I am a strong eight in LA and a complete 10 everywhere else. | Ich bin eine ziemlich starke 8 in Los Angeles... und eine vollkommene 10 überall sonst. Charlie Rolls the Dice in Vegas (2014) | This rotten town. | Diese verkommene Stadt. Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (2014) | Rotten town. | Diese verkommene Stadt. Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (2014) | This rotten town. | Diese verkommene Stadt.... Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (2014) | In this rotten factory! | Diese runtergekommene Fabrik. The Boxtrolls (2014) | Menelaus, my man! | Menelaos, Kumpel! Mr. Peabody & Sherman (2014) |
| | สิ่งรบกวน | (n) disturbance, See also: troublesomeness, intrusion | เป็นลางร้าย | (v) bode ill, See also: be ill-omened, Ant. เป็นนิมิตหมายที่ดี, Example: พระรามสุบินเป็นลางร้าย โหรพิเภกทำนายว่าฝ่ายข้าศึกจะสะกดทัพแล้วลักพาพระรามไป | ความอ้างว้าง | (n) loneliness, See also: lonesomeness, solitude, desolation, Syn. ความเปล่าเปลี่ยว, ความเปลี่ยวใจ, ความว้าเหว่, ความเหงา, Example: เป็นเวลานานนับสิบปีที่เขาอยู่กับความหลัง อยู่กับความอ้างว้างสิ้นหวัง เฝ้าดูคนรอบข้างตายจากไปทีละคน | ความคับแค้นใจ | (n) distressed, See also: grief, resentment, oppression, troublesomeness, Syn. ความแค้นใจ | ความเบื่อหน่าย | (n) boredom, See also: ennui, tiresomeness, Syn. ความเบื่อ, ความแหนงหน่าย, ความเหนื่อยหน่าย, Example: เขาเริ่มเกิดความเบื่อหน่ายในงานที่ทำอยู่ | ความวังเวง | (n) lonesomeness, See also: loneliness, solitariness, Syn. ความเปล่าเปลี่ยว, ความว้าเหว่, Example: บรรยากาศในห้องเงียบเสียงลงจึงเกิดความวังเวงขึ้นถนัด, Thai Definition: บรรยากาศที่สงบเยือกเย็นทำให้เกิดความรู้สึกอ้างว้าง ว้าเหว่ เปล่าเปลี่ยวใจ | ความงาม | (n) beauty, See also: handsomeness, Syn. ความสวยงาม, ความงดงาม, Ant. ความน่าเกลียด, Example: สวนสาธารณะดาษดื่นไปด้วยความงามของไม้ดอกนานาพรรณ | ความไม่สะดวก | (n) inconvenience, See also: troublesomeness, uncomfortableness, Syn. ความติดขัด, อุปสรรค, Ant. ความสะดวก, ความไม่ติดขัด, Example: การซ่อมถนนทำให้เกิดความไม่สะดวกต่อประชาชนในละแวกนั้น | ความเบื่อ | (n) boredom, See also: ennui, tiresomeness, Syn. ความเบื่อหน่าย, ความเหนื่อยหน่าย, Ant. ความอยาก, Example: จินตนาการของผู้เขียนได้บดบังความเบื่อในตอนแรกจนหมดสิ้น |
| เอามา | [ao mā] (v) EN: bring FR: apporter ; amener ; porter ; acquérir | เอาไป | [ao pai] (v, exp) FR: emporter ; emmener ; prendre ; enlever | เอาไปด้วย | [ao pai dūay] (v, exp) EN: bring along FR: emmener | บากบั่น | [bākban] (v) EN: persevere; try hard ; struggle FR: perséverer ; persister ; se donner du mal ; se décarcasser (fam.) ; se démener | ชักธงลง | [chak thong long] (v, exp) EN: lower a flag FR: amener la pavillon ; baisser le pavillon | ดำเนิน | [damnoēn] (v) EN: proceed ; carry on ; carry out ; conduct ; go on ; go forward ; handle ; act ; walk ; go on foot ; go ; pursue FR: avancer ; se dérouler ; mener ; procéder | ดำเนินชีวิต | [damnoēn chīwit] (v, exp) EN: lead a life of ; make a living ; live ; conduct one's life FR: mener sa vie | ดำเนินการ | [damnoēnkān] (v) EN: manage ; carry out ; conduct ; engage in ; do ; perform ; act ; proceed ; carry on ; execute ; run ; operate ; administer ; implement FR: agir ; procéder ; effectuer ; conduire ; mener ; prendre des mesures | ดำเนินคดี | [damnoēnkhadī] (v, exp) EN: sue ; prosecute ; charge ; indict ; go to court ; take legal proceedings FR: mener une action en justice ; ester en justice ; intenter ; attaquer | ดึง | [deung] (v) EN: pull ; haul ; draw ; drag ; tug ; pluck FR: tirer ; amener | ดิ้นรน | [dinron] (v) FR: se démener ; se débattre | เดินเล่น | [doēn len] (v) EN: go for a walk ; go for a stroll ; stroll ; promenade ; take a walk ; wander FR: se balader ; se promener ; flâner | เดินเที่ยวเล่น | [doēnthīo len] (v, exp) FR: se promener | เดินทอดน่อง | [doēn thøtnǿng] (v, exp) EN: stroll ; ramble ; saunter; walk in a preoccupied air FR: se promener ; déambuler ; marcher d'un pas nonchalant | ฟัด | [fat] (v) EN: fight ; struggle ; wrestle ; throw ; hurl ; contend FR: secouer ; malmener | หาเสียง | [hāsīeng] (v) EN: campaign ; run for an election ; try to get votes ; solicit votes ; woo FR: faire campagne ; mener campagne ; chercher à attirer les électeurs | หัวโจก | [hūajōk] (n) EN: ringleader ; gang leader ; big boss FR: meneur [ m ] | หัวหน้า | [hūanā] (n) EN: chief ; boss ; leader ; foreman ; head ; superior ; president FR: chef [ m, f ] ; leader [ m ] (angl.) ; meneur [ m ] ; patron [ m ], patronne [ f ] ; boss [ m ] (fam.) ; président [ m ] ; présidente [ f ] ; dirigeant [ m ] ; dirigeante [ f ] | ใจดี | [jaidī] (adj) EN: kind ; nice ; good-hearted ; generous ; benevolent ; kindhearted = kind-hearted ; good-natured ; benign FR: bon ; gentil ; charitable ; généreux ; aimable ; doux ; qui a du coeur ; au coeur généreux ; brave ; amène ; affable ; plaisant | จัดการ | [jatkān] (v) EN: manage ; direct ; administer ; deal ; handle ; conduct ; arrange ; take charge of ; crack down on ; cope FR: diriger ; gérer ; administrer ; mener | โจก | [jōk] (n) EN: leader ; chief ; ringleader ; head FR: chef [ m ] ; meneur [ m ] ; leader [ m ] | จบ | [jop] (v) EN: end ; come to an end ; conclude ; finish ; complete ; terminate FR: finir ; se terminer ; cesser ; prendre fin ; terminer ; finaliser ; mener à terme ; achever | จูง | [jūng] (v) EN: lead ; wheel ; take FR: mener ; conduire ; tenir | จูงจมูก | [jūng jamūk] (v, exp) EN: lead someone by the nose FR: mener par le bout du nez | จูงมือ | [jūng meū] (v, exp) EN: lead someone by the hand FR: mener par la main | ข่มเหง | [khomhēng] (v) EN: bully ; annoy ; persecute ; hector ; abuse FR: harceler ; tyranniser ; persécuter ; malmener ; brutaliser ; molester ; maltraiter | ความเบื่อหน่าย | [khwām beūanāi] (n) EN: boredom ; tiresomeness ; dislike ; ennui FR: ennui [ m ] | กินลมชมวิว | [kinlom chom wiū] (v, exp) EN: go for a walk ; stroll ; walk leisurely FR: se promener ; se balader | ลดลงเหลือ | [lotlong leūa] (v, exp) FR: être réduit à ; être ramené à | มา | [mā] (v) EN: come FR: venir ; arriver ; s'amener | เมเนส | [Mēnēs] (n, prop) EN: Menes FR: Ménès | นำ | [nam] (v) EN: lead ; conduct ; guide ; head FR: conduire ; mener ; guider | นำ | [nam] (v) EN: bring ; take ; fetch ; come with ; carry FR: amener ; transporter | นำกลับมา | [nam klap mā] (v, exp) FR: rapporter ; ramener | นำมา | [nam mā] (v) EN: bring ; take ; bear ; fetch FR: amener ; apporter | นำหน้า | [namnā] (v) EN: precede ; lead FR: précéder ; mener ; être à la tête de | นำไป | [nam pai] (v, exp) FR: emmener ; apporter | นำสืบ | [namseūp] (v) EN: attest ; bring witness or evidence to court ; bring witnesses to prove ; serve as proof of FR: amener des témoins à la barre | ไปเที่ยว | [pai thīo] (v, exp) EN: travel ; tour ; go out ; take a trip ; wander about ; go somewhere for pleasure FR: aller faire un tour ; aller se balader ; aller se promener ; aller sans but ; faire une excursion ; excursionner | ปฏิบัติ | [patibat] (v) EN: perform ; carry out ; execute ; implement ; practice ; do ; act ; conduct ; put into practice FR: exécuter ; accomplir ; appliquer ; pratiquer ; procéder ; conduire ; mener ; exploiter ; faire | เป็นลางร้าย | [pen lāng rāi] (v) EN: bode ill ; be ill-omened | พา | [phā] (v) EN: take ; bring ; lead ; conduct ; guide FR: mener ; emmener ; conduire ; entraîner | พากลับไป | [phā klap pai] (v, exp) FR: ramener ; remmener | พา...ไป... | [phā ... pai ...] (v, exp) FR: emmener qqn. à/au ... | พา...ไปดูหนัง | [phā … pai dū nang] (v, exp) EN: take s.o. to the movies FR: emmener qqn au cinéma | พา...ไปหา... | [phā ... pai hā ...] (v, exp) FR: emmener qqn voir qqn | ผู้นำ | [phūnam] (n) EN: leader ; chief ; captain ; boss ; head ; ruler FR: leader [ m ] ; meneur [ m ] ; chef [ m ] | ผู้นำฝูง | [phūnam fūng] (n, exp) EN: leader ; ringleader ; chief ; head ; chieftain FR: chef [ m ] ; meneur [ m ] | ประกอบคุณงามความดี | [prakøp khunngām khwāmdī] (v, exp) EN: do good ; be virtuous ; live a virtuous life ; lead a virtuous life FR: mener une existence vertueuse | ปรากฏการณ์ | [prākotkān] (n) EN: phenomenon ; occurence ; effect FR: effet [ m ] ; phénomène [ m ] |
| | | achimenes | (n) any plant of the genus Achimenes having showy bell-shaped flowers that resemble gloxinias, Syn. hot water plant | anaximenes | (n) a presocratic Greek philosopher and associate of Anaximander who believed that all things are made of air in different degrees of density (6th century BC) | burdensomeness | (n) unwelcome burdensome difficulty, Syn. onerousness, oppressiveness, heaviness | cymene | (n) any of three isotopes of a colorless aromatic liquid hydrocarbon occurring in the volatile oil of cumin and thyme and used in the manufacture of synthetic resins | eumenes | (n) mason wasps, Syn. genus Eumenes | extremeness | (n) the quality of being extreme | flavorsomeness | (n) having an appetizing flavor, Syn. savoriness, flavoursomeness | fulsomeness | (n) smug self-serving earnestness, Syn. unctuousness, unction, oleaginousness, smarminess, oiliness | genus achimenes | (n) genus of tropical perennial American herbs | handsomeness | (n) the quality of having regular well-defined features (especially of a man), Syn. good looks | hermeneutic | (adj) interpretive or explanatory | hermeneutics | (n) the branch of theology that deals with principles of exegesis | hymeneal | (n) a wedding hymn | hymeneal | (adj) of or relating to a wedding or marriage | jimenez | (n) Spanish lyric poet (1881-1958), Syn. Juan Ramon Jimenez | jimenez de cisneros | (n) prelate who was the confessor of Isabella I and who was later appointed Grand Inquisitor (1436-1517), Syn. Francisco Jimenez de Cisneros | lameness | (n) disability of walking due to crippling of the legs or feet, Syn. gimpiness, gameness, claudication, limping, gimp | lameness | (n) an imperfection or defectiveness | lightsomeness | (n) the trait of being lighthearted and frivolous, Syn. lightness | lissomeness | (n) the gracefulness of a person or animal that is flexible and supple, Syn. suppleness, litheness | loathsomeness | (n) the quality of being disgusting to the senses or emotions, Syn. sliminess, repulsiveness, lousiness, vileness, wickedness | melpomene | (n) (Greek mythology) the Muse of tragedy | menelaus | (n) (Greek mythology) the king of Sparta at the time of the Trojan War; brother of Agamemnon; husband of Helen | mettlesomeness | (n) courageous high-spiritedness | nyctimene | (n) East Indian fruit bats, Syn. genus Nyctimene | quarrelsomeness | (n) an inclination to be quarrelsome and contentious, Syn. contentiousness | sameness | (n) the quality of being alike, Ant. difference | selfsameness | (n) the quality of being identical with itself | spodumene | (n) a pyroxene mineral consisting of lithium aluminum silicate; a source of lithium | tameness | (n) the attribute of having been domesticated, Syn. domestication, Ant. wildness | troublesomeness | (n) a difficulty that causes anxiety, Syn. worriment, inconvenience | unwholesomeness | (n) the quality of being unhealthful and generally bad for you, Syn. morbidity, morbidness, Ant. wholesomeness | wholesomeness | (n) the quality of being beneficial and generally good for you, Ant. unwholesomeness | winsomeness | (n) childlike charm or appeal | adventurousness | (n) the trait of being adventurous, Syn. venturesomeness | agility | (n) the gracefulness of a person or animal that is quick and nimble, Syn. nimbleness, lightsomeness, legerity, lightness | aloneness | (n) a disposition toward being alone, Syn. lonesomeness, solitariness, loneliness | awkwardness | (n) trouble in carrying or managing caused by bulk or shape, Syn. unwieldiness, cumbersomeness | callas | (n) Greek coloratura soprano (born in the United States) known for her dramatic intensity in operatic roles (1923-1977), Syn. Maria Meneghini Callas, Maria Callas | carefreeness | (n) the cheerful feeling you have when nothing is troubling you, Syn. lightheartedness, insouciance, lightsomeness | cowpen daisy | (n) coarse greyish-green annual yellow-flowered herb; southwestern United States to Mexico, Syn. golden crown beard, Verbesina encelioides, Ximenesia encelioides, golden crownbeard, butter daisy | cybele | (n) great nature goddess of ancient Phrygia in Asia Minor; counterpart of Greek Rhea and Roman Ops, Syn. Dindymene, Great Mother, Magna Mater, Mater Turrita | delectability | (n) extreme appetizingness, Syn. lusciousness, deliciousness, toothsomeness | desert holly | (n) handsome low saltbush of arid southwestern United States and Mexico having blue-green prickly-edged leaves often used for Christmas decoration, Syn. Atriplex hymenelytra | doomed | (adj) marked by or promising bad fortune; ; ; ; - W.H.Prescott, Syn. ill-omened, ill-starred, unlucky, ill-fated | friskiness | (n) lively high-spirited playfulness, Syn. sportiveness, frolicsomeness | ghastliness | (n) the quality of being ghastly, Syn. luridness, grimness, gruesomeness | gladness | (n) experiencing joy and pleasure, Syn. gladsomeness, gladfulness | harmfulness | (n) the quality of being noxious, Syn. noxiousness, noisomeness | intrusiveness | (n) aggressiveness as evidenced by intruding; by advancing yourself or your ideas without invitation, Syn. meddlesomeness, officiousness |
| achimenes | n. 1. 1 any plant of the genus Achimenes having gloxinialike flowers. Syn. -- hot water plant [ WordNet 1.5 ] | Awesomeness | n. The quality of being awesome. [ 1913 Webster ] | Calymene | n. [ Gr. (&unr_;) concealed, p. p. of &unr_; to conceal. ] (Zool.) A genus of trilobites characteristic of the Silurian age. [ 1913 Webster ] | Cinnamene | n. [ From Cinnamic. ] (Chem.) Styrene (which was formerly called cinnamene because obtained from cinnamic acid). See Styrene. [ 1913 Webster ] | Conimene | n. [ Etymol. uncertain. ] (Chem.) Same as Olibene. [ 1913 Webster ] | Cumene | n. [ From Cumin. ] (Chem.) A colorless oily hydrocarbon, C6H5.C3H7, obtained by the distillation of cuminic acid; -- called also cumol. [ 1913 Webster ] | Cymene | n. (Chem.) A colorless, liquid, combustible hydrocarbon, CH3.C6H4.C3H7, of pleasant odor, obtained from oil of cumin, oil of caraway, carvacrol, camphor, etc.; -- called also paracymene, and formerly camphogen. [ 1913 Webster ] | Gameness | n. Endurance; pluck. [ 1913 Webster ] | gladsomeness | n. The state of experiencing joy and pleasure. Syn. -- gladness, gladfulness. [ WordNet 1.5 ] | Handsomeness | n. The quality of being handsome. [ 1913 Webster ] Handsomeness is the mere animal excellence, beauty the mere imaginative. Hare. [ 1913 Webster ] | Hermeneutical | { } a. [ Gr. &unr_;, fr. &unr_; to interpret: cf. F. herméneutique. ] Unfolding the signification; of or pertaining to interpretation; exegetical; explanatory; as, hermeneutic theology, or the art of expounding the Scriptures; a hermeneutic phrase. [ 1913 Webster ] Variants: Hermeneutic | Hermeneutically | adv. According to the principles of interpretation; as, a verse of Scripture was examined hermeneutically. [ 1913 Webster ] | Hermeneutics | n. [ Gr. &unr_; (sc. &unr_;). ] The science of interpretation and explanation; exegesis; esp., that branch of theology which defines the laws whereby the meaning of the Scriptures is to be ascertained. Schaff-Herzog Encyc. [ 1913 Webster ] | Humorsomeness | n. Quality of being humorsome. [ 1913 Webster ] | Hymenean | { } a. [ L. hymeneius, a., also Hymenaeus, n., Hymen, Gr. &unr_; the wedding song, also &unr_; Hymen: cf. F. hyménéal, hyménéen. ] Of or pertaining to marriage; as, hymeneal rites. Pope. Variants: Hymeneal | Hymenean | { } n. A marriage song. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ] Variants: Hymeneal | Ill-omened | a. Having unlucky omens; inauspicious. See Note under Ill, adv. Syn. -- ill-fated, ill-starred, unlucky. [ 1913 Webster ] | Isochimene | n. The same as Isocheim. [ 1913 Webster ] | Lameness | n. The condition or quality of being lame; as, the lameness of an excuse or an argument. [ 1913 Webster ] | Limenean | a. Of or pertaining to Lima, or to the inhabitants of Lima, in Peru. -- n. A native or inhabitant of Lima. [ 1913 Webster ] | lonesomeness | n. 1. a disposition toward being alone. Syn. -- aloneness, loneliness, solitude. [ WordNet 1.5 ] 2. The condition of being alone; the feeling of sadness resulting from being alone. [ PJC ] | Melpomene | n. [ L., fr. Gr. &unr_;, lit., the songstress, fr. &unr_;, &unr_;, to sing. ] 1. (Class. Myth.) The Muse of tragedy. [ 1913 Webster ] 2. (Astron.) The eighteenth asteroid. [ 1913 Webster ] | Nyctimene | prop. n. (Zool.) A genus of East Indian fruit bats. Syn. -- genus Nyctimene. [ WordNet 1.5 ] | Omened | a. Attended by, or containing, an omen or omens; as, happy-omened day; an ill-omened venture. [ 1913 Webster +PJC ] | Oxycymene | n. [ Oxy- (b) + cymene. ] (Chem.) Hydroxy cymene. Same as Carvacrol. [ 1913 Webster ] | Paracymene | n. [ Pref. para- + cymene. ] (Chem.) Same as Cymene. [ 1913 Webster ] | Philomene | n. The nightingale. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ] | Primeness | n. 1. The quality or state of being first. [ 1913 Webster ] 2. The quality or state of being prime, or excellent. [ 1913 Webster ] | Pseudo-cumene | n. [ Pseudo- + cumene. ] (Chem.) A hydrocarbon of the aromatic series, metameric with mesitylene and cumene, found in coal tar, and obtained as a colorless liquid. [ 1913 Webster ] | Sameness | n. 1. The state of being the same; identity; absence of difference; near resemblance; correspondence; similarity; as, a sameness of person, of manner, of sound, of appearance, and the like. “A sameness of the terms.” Bp. Horsley. [ 1913 Webster ] 2. Hence, want of variety; tedious monotony. [ 1913 Webster ] Syn. -- Identity; identicalness; oneness. [ 1913 Webster ] | Spodumene | n. [ Gr. &unr_;, p. pr. pass. from &unr_; to burn to ashes, from spodo`s ashes; cf. F. spodumène. ] (Min.) A mineral of a white to yellowish, purplish, or emerald-green color, occurring in prismatic crystals, often of great size. It is a silicate of alumina and lithia. See Hiddenite. [ 1913 Webster ] | Stamened | a. Furnished with stamens. [ 1913 Webster ] | Sublimeness | n. The quality or state of being sublime; sublimity. [ 1913 Webster ] | Tameness | n. The quality or state of being tame. [ 1913 Webster ] | Thymene | n. (Chem.) A liquid terpene obtained from oil of thyme. [ 1913 Webster ] | Welcomeness | n. The quality or state of being welcome; gratefulness; agreeableness; kind reception. [ 1913 Webster ] | Winsomeness | n. The characteristic of being winsome; attractiveness of manner. J. R. Green. [ 1913 Webster ] |
| | | 同一 | [どういつ, douitsu] (adj-na, n, adj-no) identity; sameness; similarity; equality; fairness; (P) #2,682 [Add to Longdo] | マネージメント(P);マネジメント(P);メネジメント | [mane-jimento (P); manejimento (P); menejimento] (n) management; (P) #16,056 [Add to Longdo] | お節介(P);御節介 | [おせっかい, osekkai] (adj-na, n) (See 節介) meddling; meddlesomeness; nosiness; interference; officiousness; (P) [Add to Longdo] | アキメネス | [akimenesu] (n) achimenes (lat [Add to Longdo] | アネクメーネ | [anekume-ne] (n) Anoekumene (ger [Add to Longdo] | イエメンオオトカゲ | [iemen'ootokage] (n) Yemen monitor (Varanus yemenensis, species of carnivorous monitor lizard found at the base of the Tihama mountains along the western coast of Yemen) [Add to Longdo] | ラメネートスキー | [ramene-tosuki-] (n) laminated ski [Add to Longdo] | 愛嬌;愛敬;愛きょう | [あいきょう, aikyou] (n, adj-no) (1) charm; attractiveness; amiability; winsomeness; (2) courtesy; ingratiating behaviour; (n) (3) (usu. as 御愛嬌) (See 御愛嬌) entertainment; amusement; fun [Add to Longdo] | 縁起でもない | [えんぎでもない, engidemonai] (exp) ill omened (as in "Don't say such an ill omened thing!"); unlucky [Add to Longdo] | 縁起の悪い | [えんぎのわるい, enginowarui] (adj-i) ominous; ill-omened; sinister [Add to Longdo] | 禍禍しい;禍々しい;曲が曲がしい;曲曲しい;曲々しい | [まがまがしい, magamagashii] (adj-i) (1) (uk) ominous; sinister; unlucky; ill-omened; (2) annoying; (3) appearing to be true [Add to Longdo] | 禍言;禍事 | [まがごと;まがこと, magagoto ; magakoto] (n) (1) (esp. 禍言) ominous word; ill-omened word; (2) (esp. 禍事) misfortune [Add to Longdo] | 解釈学 | [かいしゃくがく, kaishakugaku] (n) hermeneutics [Add to Longdo] | 始値 | [はじめね, hajimene] (n) opening (stock-market) quotation [Add to Longdo] | 雌ねじ;雌螺子;雌捻子 | [めねじ, meneji] (n) (See 雄ねじ・おねじ) female screw [Add to Longdo] | 臭み;臭味 | [くさみ, kusami] (n) (1) bad smell; (2) affectation; fulsomeness [Add to Longdo] | 節介 | [せっかい, sekkai] (adj-na, n) (obsc) (See お節介) meddling; meddlesomeness; nosiness; interference; officiousness [Add to Longdo] | 定散二善 | [じょうさんにぜん, jousannizen] (n) { Buddh } wholesomeness while meditating and in one's daily affairs [Add to Longdo] | 徳利蜂 | [とっくりばち;トックリバチ, tokkuribachi ; tokkuribachi] (n) (uk) potter wasp (esp. species Eumenes mikado) [Add to Longdo] | 姫鼠 | [ひめねずみ;ヒメネズミ, himenezumi ; himenezumi] (n) (uk) small Japanese field mouse (Apodemus argenteus) [Add to Longdo] | 不祥 | [ふしょう, fushou] (adj-na, n) disgraceful; inauspicious; ill-omened; ominous; scandalous [Add to Longdo] | 片跛;片ちんば | [かたちんば, katachinba] (adj-na, n) (1) (sens) lame; lameness; (2) mismatched (e.g. odd shoes) [Add to Longdo] | 法解釈学 | [ほうかいしゃくがく, houkaishakugaku] (n) legal hermeneutics [Add to Longdo] | 飽き | [あき, aki] (n) weariness; tiresomeness; (P) [Add to Longdo] | 無為無聊 | [むいぶりょう;むいむりょう, muiburyou ; muimuryou] (adj-na, n, adj-no) boredom; ennui; tedium; wearisomeness [Add to Longdo] | 跛;蹇;足萎え | [びっこ(跛);ちんば(跛);あしなえ, bikko ( ha ); chinba ( ha ); ashinae] (n) (1) (uk) (sens) (See びっこを引く) lameness; cripple; (2) (跛 only) mismatched pair (of shoes, etc.) [Add to Longdo] |
| 仮名 | [かめい, kamei] angenommener_Name, falscher_Name [Add to Longdo] | 婿養子 | [むこようし, mukoyoushi] in_die_Familie_aufgenommener, Schwiegersohn [Add to Longdo] | 慈雨 | [じう, jiu] wohltuender_Regen, willkommener_Regen [Add to Longdo] | 珍客 | [ちんきゃく, chinkyaku] langerwarteter_Gast, willkommener_Gast [Add to Longdo] | 阿鼻叫喚 | [あびきょうかん, abikyoukan] 2 buddhistische_Hoellen, vollkommenes_Durcheinander [Add to Longdo] |
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