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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
军政[jūn zhèng, ㄐㄩㄣ ㄓㄥˋ,   /  ] army and government #17,694 [Add to Longdo]
军政[jūn zhèng fǔ, ㄐㄩㄣ ㄓㄥˋ ㄈㄨˇ,    /   ] military government #48,628 [Add to Longdo]

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She used dental genetics to identify children of parents murdered by the junta in Argentina.[CN] 她用牙齿遗传学 找出孩子 由父母的谋杀 军政府在阿根廷。 Decoding Annie Parker (2013)
Provinces are established in 1580.[CN] 施行军政结合 The Meeting of Two Oceans (2007)
Oh, yeah, in la junta.[CN] 哦,是啊,在La军政府。 The Magic of Ordinary Days (2005)
Do you plan to rebuilt the army-corps?[CN] 你们打算重建军政府? Do you plan to rebuilt the army -corps? April Captains (2000)
While he hired and fired generals and the winter grew colder 15 of his officials were ordered from their commands and ministries to meet in a quiet lakeside residence in Wannsee, in Bertin tar from the crisis at the front.[CN] 当他频繁更迭将领之时 冬天越来越冷了 15名军政要员奉他之命由各自的机关前往 Conspiracy (2001)
And he proclaimed the martial law to maintain the military government on 17th of October, 1972[CN] 1972年10月17日, 他宣布戒严维持军政 KT (2002)
People will say this is a military government[CN] 别人会说我们是军政府了 The Founding of a Republic (2009)
Chernobyl marked the beginning of disarmament for the world's greatest nuclear rivals.[CN] 切尔诺贝利开启了 世上最大核武对手的裁军政 The Battle of Chernobyl (2006)
We will not survive this war.[CN] 军政府不能采取这种立场 Shoah (1985)
The actions of the hard-line military regime are the cause of increasing international concern.[CN] { \2cH0080FF }在缅甸 态度强硬的军政府 { \2cH0080FF }国际社会对其强硬政权行径的担忧 与日俱增 Rambo (2008)
The ruling military government wants the abundant natural resources on Karen land.[CN] { \2cH0080FF }缅甸军政府觊觎 { \2cH0080FF }克伦族的自然资源已久 Rambo (2008)
What message am I supposed to take?[CN] 军政府的信息 Shoah (1985)


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