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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
餐桌[cān zhuō, ㄘㄢ ㄓㄨㄛ,  ] dining table; dinner table #11,634 [Add to Longdo]
餐桌[cān zhuō yán, ㄘㄢ ㄓㄨㄛ ㄧㄢˊ,   ] table salt [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Tables from Honduras, china from England, Salt Lake City... you know all about geography.[CN] 洪都拉斯的餐桌 英格兰的瓷器 盐湖城 你明白 所有的地理位置 Sweetwater (2013)
I can tell you're in complete awe of our picnic table.[CN] 我能看出来你很喜欢我们的野餐桌 I can tell you're in complete awe of our picnic table. The Way Way Back (2013)
Ah, come on, there's plenty of room at our table.[CN] 来吧 在我们的餐桌上仍然有一个座位 Pacific Rim (2013)
Come on! This is the best dinner conversation we ever had.[CN] 不嘛 这是我见过最精彩的餐桌谈话了 Grudge Match (2013)
And to all you nice people, back to your dinner.[CN] 所有的人都回到餐桌 Pawn (2013)
The only reason I started going in the first place is 'cause Greg's wife puts out that little buffet table with them meatballs and them little smoky wieners.[CN] 让我开始去参加的唯一原因是 格雷格老婆的小餐桌上面 摆满了肉丸子和小熏肠 Pawn Shop Chronicles (2013)
I am guilty of nothing but an honest day's work, while he steals a meal right off a man's table.[CN] 我老实工作 这算什么罪 而他居然从餐桌上抢走了别人的晚餐 Savannah (2013)
REGGIE: Now, that I wasn't on the menu, [CN] 虽然我没有被端上餐桌 Free Birds (2013)
Turn back the stinky finger my son will use to... pull snot from his nose at table.[CN] 不要让我的孩子用脏手 在餐桌上擤鼻涕 The Physician (2013)
Will this work as a table, my lord?[CN] 这个地方权当餐桌怎么样,大人? Walk of Punishment (2013)
It's moved from my kitchen table to my nightstand, and next, it'll be by my toilet and that's where it'll get read, okay?[CN] 它已经从我的餐桌 迈进我的床头柜了 接下来 它就会进入我的厕所 在那里它就会被品读了 好吗? A Thousand Words (2012)
Explain to me why it is more noble to kill 10, 000 men in battle than a dozen at dinner.[CN] 给我解释一下,为什么战场上斩杀万人 比餐桌上干掉十个更高贵 Mhysa (2013)


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