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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
餐桌[cān zhuō, ㄘㄢ ㄓㄨㄛ,  ] dining table; dinner table #11,634 [Add to Longdo]
餐桌[cān zhuō yán, ㄘㄢ ㄓㄨㄛ ㄧㄢˊ,   ] table salt [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Oh, my God. She's getting on the buffet table? That makes...[CN] 神啊,她要爬到餐桌上去了,那真是... 你怎么不上她? No Strings Attached (2011)
He's sitting at the right hand of the Father, not here on a table in Zurich.[CN] 他正坐在父的右边, 而不是降临于苏黎世的餐桌上。 Reformation: The Individual Before God (2009)
If we leave in 10 minutes, we'll be there before 7:00, get a table no problem.[CN] 那7点前就坐餐桌上 绝对没问题 Date Night (2010)
Okay, I don't need your attitude about setting the table, okay?[CN] 嗯 我不想听些纯表态的空话 比如摆餐桌 懂么? Hotel for Dogs (2009)
I don't need a dining room table for 12 people.[CN] 我不需要一张能坐下12人的餐桌 The Help (2011)
I thought we talked about cell phones at the dinner table.[CN] 我们谈过餐桌上不接手机的 Sundown (2010)
I'm putting food on the table for you and your child.[CN] 餐桌上为你和你的孩子准备食物的人是我啊 Watchmen (2009)
I gotta work, bussing' tables at the grill.[CN] 我得工作 在Grill收拾餐桌 Unpleasantville (2010)
Building little... wooden dinette sets?[CN] 建设小... 木制餐桌椅套? Tiny Furniture (2010)
You set up that table, [CN] 你备好餐桌 Henry's Crime (2010)
Well, it's a font for baptism, but it actually doubles as a Communion table on the top.[CN] 它是个洗礼盆, 但它实际上还兼作圣餐桌,在这上面。 Reformation: The Individual Before God (2009)
give them a bath and get them into their pajamas, which is a fight every night.[CN] 煮晚饭 清理餐桌... 帮他们洗澡 然后给他们穿睡衣... 而这每次都要引起大战 Date Night (2010)


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