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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
后备军[hòu bèi jūn, ㄏㄡˋ ㄅㄟˋ ㄐㄩㄣ,    /   ] rearguard #64,502 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I'm a Junior Reserve.[CN] 我是低级后备军 Part VII (1988)
437 Civil Affairs Company, U.S. Army Reserve.[CN] 我是美国后备军人437连 Three Kings (1999)
I'm coming after you civil reservists to see if you can remember about rifles and thumbs down the seams of your slacks, into your pink civvy thoughts with my big black boots, bearing a big, black, knobbly stick.[CN] 我正在跟随你市民的后备军人 见到如果你能有关来福枪记得 而且以拇指拨弄下来缝合线 你的松长裤, 进入你的粉红平民想法之内 与我的大黑色的长靴在一起, How I Won the War (1967)
my superior will kill me! Who are you? R--Reserve forces training.[CN] 我的上级会杀了我 你是谁? 后备军训练 Kick the Moon (2001)
So, as we had supposed, Manstein has been forced to put his Last reserves in.[CN] 投入我们的战斗 库都纳, 用上了最后的后备军 Goryachiy sneg (1972)
Reserves, to guard the palace.[CN] 他们是后备军队,去守卫皇宫 Conan the Destroyer (1984)
- He's called for, reserve forces training.[CN] 他要参加后备军训练 留下快走 Kick the Moon (2001)
They came up close, but we put in the reserve.[CN] 他们近一步接近 但我们要求增加后备军 Gettysburg (1993)
It is and it isn`t. Could you call the reserve center?[CN] 还没有,帮我个忙 打电话给后备军人指挥中心 Three Kings (1999)
Maybe it's time to bring out our reserves?[CN] 是否该调后备军了,元帅 Goryachiy sneg (1972)
What about our reserves?[CN] 后备军呢? Street Fighter (1994)
According to him, the 17th tank division is in action as of yesterday, the reserve group of the "Don" army.[CN] 他说昨天从后备军调来了 第17坦克营 Goryachiy sneg (1972)


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