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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
乌贼[wū zéi, ㄨ ㄗㄟˊ,   /  ] cuttlefish #48,188 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
- Barracudas, stingrays, electric eel, trout, hammerheads, piranhas, giant squid, octopi...[CN] 刺魟 、 电鳗 、 双髻鲛 鳟鱼 、 食人鱼 、 大乌贼... Rushmore (1998)
A criminal from Hong Kong?[CN] 乌贼吗? Hitman (1998)
- Possibly a giant squid.[CN] - 或许有个巨型枪乌贼 Amazon Women on the Moon (1987)
It's a... squid.[CN] 恭喜,烈擎 它是个... ...乌贼 Men in Black (1997)
I hate squid.[CN] 我讨厌乌贼. Sphere (1998)
The coral fish is very shy and quite intelligent[CN] 乌贼很害羞但聪明 The Living Sea (1995)
We are lucky today.This the first time my children have seen a coral fish[CN] 我们今天很幸运 是我孩子头一次见到乌贼 The Living Sea (1995)
Since it's a type of squid, can also release a thick cloud of ink[CN] 乌贼能释放一层墨作为一种掩蔽 The Living Sea (1995)
Deploy the sentinels. Immediately.[CN] 马上派出乌贼 The Matrix (1999)
It can change its spots to communicate with other coral fish or can change colour for camouflage[CN] 它可以改变斑点或颜色与其它乌贼交流 The Living Sea (1995)
CaIamari![CN] 乌贼! Sphere (1998)


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