
*band aid*

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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: band aid, -band aid-
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ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Where are the band aids?กล่องปฐมพยาบาลอยู่ไหนน่ะ? Sweet Sex and Love (2003)
Who's got a band aid?ใครมีพลาสเตอร์ยาบ้าง Rice Rhapsody (2004)
It's pulling off a band aid. You just have to close your eyes and do it.มันเหมือน ดึงพลาสเตอร์ออก \\\ นายก็แค่ หลับตาแล้วทำมัน Made of Honor (2008)
I put together 27 rock 'n' rollers and we put on a concert that raises more money in one weekend then Band Aid, Live Aid, and Farm Aid combined.Ich trommle 27 Rock 'n' Roller zusammen und wir liefern ein Konzert, das mehr Geld an einem Wochenende einbringt als Band Aid, Live Aid und Farm Aid zusammen. Three Little Spies (1986)
I am stuck on Band-Aid brand 'Cause Band-Aid's stuck on meIch steh auf Band Aid-Pflaster, weil Band Aid an mir klebt. City of Angels (1998)
I am stuck on Band-Aid brand 'Cause Band-Aid's stuck on meIch steh auf Band Aid-Pflaster, weil Band Aid an mir klebt. City of Angels (1998)
We're here for the music. We are "Band Aids."Wir sind Band Aids. Almost Famous (2000)
- She ran a school for Band Aids.- Sie hat eine Schule für Band Aids. Almost Famous (2000)
This is Beth from Denver. She's one of the legendary original Band Aids.Hier ist Beth aus Denver... eine der legendären ersten Band Aids. Almost Famous (2000)
For 50 bucks and a case of Heineken I'll throw in three ladies including Miss Penny Lane and the famous Band Aids who have to leave the tour before New York.Für $50 und eine Kiste Bier setze ich drei hübsche Damen... Penny Lane und die Band Aids. Sie müssen vor New York weg sein. Almost Famous (2000)
She was a Band Aid.Sie war ein Band Aid. Almost Famous (2000)

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53
Band Aid

pos>n. [ from a Trademark. ] An adhesive bandage, composed of a short ribbon of cloth or plastic with an adhesive coating on one side, and having a patch of gauze at the center. It is used to cover small cuts, abrasions, or blisters on the skin, and may be easily applied to and removed from the skin with no additional material. Originally a trademark, the term has been popularly used generically. [ trademark ] [ WordNet 1.5 ]

2. A hurried repair; a temporary fix for a minor problem. The term has been used metaphorically to mean an ineffective cosmetic solution, when used on a serious problem.
Syn. -- quick fix, quickie, quicky. [ WordNet 1.5 +PJC ]

Variants: band-aid, Band-Aid

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
カットバン[kattoban] (n) (abbr) (See カット) band aid; (pre-cut) adhesive plaster [Add to Longdo]
バンドエイド;バンドエード[bandoeido ; bandoe-do] (n) band aid; adhesive bandage [Add to Longdo]


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