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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
风采[fēng cǎi, ㄈㄥ ㄘㄞˇ,   /  ] svelte; elegant manner; graceful bearing #7,617 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Your presence has not changed at all.[CN] 你的风采还真是一点也没变 Dororo (2007)
- Preconceptions! - Contraceptions.[CN] 是风采 My Favorite Martian (1999)
Sorta like you when you won that state title back in, uh...[CN] 有点你当年赢取洲际杯的风采 好像在... Beneath the Darkness (2011)
You ain't never ever heard a song like this[CN] 秀出你的真风采 StarStruck (2010)
I can find you the citation.[CN] 应该是来自法语"风采" Love & Friendship (2016)
I labor by singing light, not for ambition nor bread or the strut and trade of charms on the ivory stages, but for the common wages of their most secret heart.[CN] 我努力地轻轻吟唱 I labor by singing light, 不为生计不为欲望 not for ambition nor bread 更不是为了一展风采而抛头露面 or the strut and trade of charms on the ivory stages, The Edge of Love (2008)
It's from the French "mien," I believe.[CN] 喔 没错 "风采" 指的是外观和面貌 Love & Friendship (2016)
You've still got it, Captain.[CN] 您风采依旧 The Pirates! Band of Misfits (2012)
But if fiddling becomes more important than goulash you start neglecting the kitchen.[CN] 如果琴声抢了美食的风采 人们就会忽略了菜色 Gloomy Sunday (1999)
And years later, they'll tell how they stood in the rain for hours just to get a glimpse of the one who taught them to hold on a second longer.[CN] 若干年后,他们还会津津乐道 当年如何在雨中苦候... ...就为了一瞻其风采... 那个教他们无论什么情况 都要再多坚持一秒的人 Spider-Man 2 (2004)
She blew away all the other girls[CN] 她的风采完全压住了其他人 Saving Face (2004)
A poet to the end.[CN] 诗人风采依然 The Raven (2012)
Billy! - Preconceptions! I know I said preconceptions![CN] 比利 比利 我说的是"风采 My Favorite Martian (1999)
There's nothing left now of the man they called Colonel Red Demon.[CN] 完全不见当年"赤鬼一等陆佐"的风采 Kôkaku kidôtai: Stand Alone Complex Solid State Society (2006)
It's an honour to meet a daughter of the Holy Isle.[CN] 能亲睹圣岛之女的风采 是我的荣幸 The Mists of Avalon (2001)
She saw you one day when she was in town and she can't shake you from her mind.[CN] 她在街上一睹您的风采 便无法忘怀 务必想要举荐您 Over Your Dead Body (2014)
Show me some S, P, I, R, I, T![CN] 秀给我看看你的风采! Chapter Ten 'Six Months Ago' (2006)
Don't miss your chance to see Oz, the Great and Powerful![CN] 别错过一睹伟大的OZ风采的机会 Oz the Great and Powerful (2013)
There is mien stained with blood[CN] 有我们血染的风采 Prison on Fire II (1991)
The fans here in Sweden, indeed, all of Europe even the King and Queen now applauding the South Americans.[CN] 终于全世界可以目睹巴西队的风采了 Pelé: Birth of a Legend (2016)
Charming as ever, Mrs. Sullivan.[CN] 风采依旧 沙利文太太 New Birthday (2013)
The Jenny Von Westphalen is 900 feet long, is lifted by turbine engines that are activated by an energy field that they call Fluid Karma.[CN] 一睹趣亿制造的巨型齐柏林飞艇的风采 这架巨型飞艇名叫"燕妮・冯・威斯特法伦" 有900英尺长 (燕妮是马克思的妻子,飞艇以此命名) 由一个涡轮引擎发动升空 Southland Tales (2006)
Mr. Chen realized that he was smitten with Miss Jiang[CN] 陈先生就发现了 他已经深深的 被蒋小姐的风采所吸引住了 Love (2012)
So, that's kinda how he was. He showed me the top floors of places.[CN] 他就是这样的人, 给我展现了很多顶端的风采 Searching for Sugar Man (2012)
I could see you being very successful in the courtroom, for instance.[CN] 我有幸曾在法庭上 一睹你的风采 Savannah (2013)
Honestly, you look better than you have in years.[CN] 说实话 你已多年没有这般风采了 The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
Things may have changed a lot, but you haven't changed a bit. No.[CN] 时过境迁,但你风采依旧 The Liberator (2013)
It's an honour to meet a priestess of Avalon.[CN] 能亲睹亚法隆女祭司的风采 是我的荣幸 The Mists of Avalon (2001)
Your sharp tongue is still the same.[CN] 你也是还是依然有风采 The Treacherous (2015)
Searching in the wind for traces of my former spirit.[CN] [ 我在风里追寻我过去的风采, ] Three Seasons (1999)
Elegant but, uh... passionate.[CN] 有风采,不过呢,呃... ... - 骚劲足。 10 Rillington Place (1971)
You would ache for the sights and sounds of the arena.[CN] 你会想念竞技场的呼声和风采 Party Favors (2010)
I don't know, just 'cause I didn't have access to your big dick or something?[CN] 不知道 大概是我没机会一睹你的风采了 Friends with Kids (2011)
You really are. You're great the way you are, and...[CN] 真的,你有你自己的风采 Knocked Up (2007)
People have been coming in to town all week from locations as far as Akron, Ohio and Lexington, Kentucky just to get a glimpse of the 6'3" phenom.[CN] 整个星期都有球迷 源源不断地赶来 他们中有的从阿克伦、俄亥俄 莱克星顿、肯塔基远道而来 只为能一睹这位6尺3寸高的 天才球员风采 Leatherheads (2008)
Is she as beautiful as they say?[CN] 我不禁好奇要认识一下这位夫人 亲眼瞧瞧她的迷人风采 Love & Friendship (2016)
Oh, yes, "mien," appearance or countenance.[CN] "风采 动人"? Love & Friendship (2016)
Be all us present of good cheer... and all may witness... the finest archers in all of England![CN] 我们今天欢聚一堂... 大家将亲眼目睹.. 英国第一箭手的风采! Princess of Thieves (2001)
Finally, the doors opened to a public eager to feast their eyes on the grand debut of Mr. Brainwash.[CN] 门终于对 焦急等待的观众们开放了 大家都想一睹洗脑先生的风采 Exit Through the Gift Shop (2010)
There was a medical situation preventing me from crushing it to my usual standards.[CN] 那年我出了点健康状况 There was a medical situation 让我没法爆出往日风采 preventing me from crushing it to my usual standards. The Lady (2015)
- That's, oh, such a-- such a treat to read an American perspective on the subject.[CN] 你真是风采依旧呀. - [ 笑声 ] - 噢, 顺便说一下, The Object of My Affection (1998)
Well, not your eyes, but you do have a gay mouth.[CN] 你的眼神不像 倒是嘴很有同志的风采 The Last Days of Disco (1998)
Mien stained with blood[CN] 血染的风采... Prison on Fire II (1991)
Lost your tan.[CN] 失去了往日的风采 Bad Timing (1980)
I tremble to see him again at the arena...[CN] 我十分期待在竞技场上一睹他的风采 Legends (2010)
So, when RoadBlasters got plugged in and stole Turbo's thunder...[CN] 所以,当公路狂飙安装好后 抢了涡轮的风采 Wreck-It Ralph (2012)
"You're so beautiful. You're so charming"[CN] "你的美丽 你的风采" The Soul of Bread (2012)
I reckon I've lost a step.[CN] 我已经无复当年风采 Dusk Till Dawn 2: Texas Blood Money (1999)
I'm going to show you just how functional I am.[CN] 我要让你看看我男人的风采 Rates of Exchange (2009)
- Preconceptions![CN] 是风采 My Favorite Martian (1999)


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