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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
血流[xuè liú, ㄒㄩㄝˋ ㄌㄧㄡˊ,  ] blood flow [Add to Longdo]
血流漂杵[xuè liú piāo chǔ, ㄒㄩㄝˋ ㄌㄧㄡˊ ㄆㄧㄠ ㄔㄨˇ,    ] enough blood flowing to float pestles (成语 saw); rivers of blood; blood bath #331,477 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
血流[けつりゅう, ketsuryuu] (n) blood flow [Add to Longdo]
血流障害[けつりゅうしょうがい, ketsuryuushougai] (n) impeded blood flow [Add to Longdo]
血流量[けつりゅうりょう, ketsuryuuryou] (n) (volume of) blood flow [Add to Longdo]
肺血流[はいけつりゅう, haiketsuryuu] (n) pulmonary blood flow [Add to Longdo]

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HydrogenSulfate begins to enter our blood through the skin excluding oxygen almost immediately, a wetsuite is no protection[CN] 压力使得我们的血流紧贴于皮肤 立刻排出氧气 潜水鞋失去了保护作用 The Living Sea (1995)
He is bleeding badly, what'd we do then?[CN] 怎么办,他流血流得很厉害 Once Upon a Time in China II (1992)
Okay, the mutagen is now entering his bloodstream.[JP] よし 変異原は今 彼の血流に入ってる Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)
You get your brains smashed in every night.[CN] 你每晚被打得头破血流 有什么差别吗? Far and Away (1992)
The night when the soul returns will be a bloody night.[CN] 还魂夜当晚少不了血流成河 Out of the Dark (1995)
They help circulate.[JP] 血流の循環を促進します Ip Man 3 (2015)
All I want to do is end the bloodline, extirpate it, and start another, afresh.[JP] バグウエル族の血流を終わらせて、 新しい家族を作りたい Bad Blood (2007)
Calisthenics stimulates the heart, which increases blood flow to the frontal lobe, which stimulates deductive thinking.[JP] 容疑者が いない 柔軟体操は 心臓を刺激して 前頭葉への血流が増加する Solve for X (2013)
I feel completely drained.[CN] 我感觉血流干了 Dracula: Dead and Loving It (1995)
The blood flows more freely down there so one doesn't have to suck as hard.[JP] 血流量が多いから― 強く吸う必要がない Escape from Dragon House (2008)
Behan was afraid if he came down here with his deputies, there'd be bloodshed.[CN] Behan害怕如果他带着他的委托人过来 这里就会血流成河 Wyatt Earp (1994)
Well, you're the one bleeding to death.[CN] 血流如注的人是你 The Net (1995)
BRAINS AND GUTS DRIPPING ALL DOWN ITS HEAD.[CN] 脑浆迸裂, 血流成河 Leprechaun (1993)
We're going to have a blood flood.[CN] 这屋子要血流成河了 Swallowtail Butterfly (1996)
Those men who bled the ground red at Falkirk...[CN] 那些人... 在福克血流成河 Braveheart (1995)
Once it enters the bloodstream, it immediately starts to break down the immune system.[JP] いったん、血流に入ると 免疫系を破壊し始める In Extremis (2013)
We draw blood![CN] 血流满地! The Faculty (1998)
Fierce fighting between both sides of the party.[CN] 大家打得很激烈,血流成河 { \cH00FFFF }{ \3cH000000 }Fierce fighting between both sides of the party. Biao jie, ni hao ye! (1990)
Blood spattered everywhere[CN] 血流满地 Police Academy 6: City Under Siege (1989)
- Eat a little, for the blood circulation.[JP] - 少し食べろ 血流が良くなる Look Who's Back (2015)
North Korea may be a brick wall, but it's not one on which I shall bang my head.[CN] 北朝鲜就像一堵砖墙,不过我可不想自己往上碰个头破血流。 Full Circle with Michael Palin (1997)
But, eventually, I came to recognize, when the destiny of a great fortune is at stake, men's greed spreads like a poison in the bloodstream.[JP] それでも、だんだん分かってきた 巨大な遺産の命運が 決まろうとする時には 人の強欲は血流中の毒がごとく拡散し The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
He went right down the middle, smacking' his head on every beam, man.[CN] 他直倒下去,头破血流 Dazed and Confused (1993)
When injected directly into the bloodstream, it affects the thalamus region of your brain.[JP] 直接血流に注入すると 脳の視床部に影響を与える Vertigo (2013)
BROYLES: Here.[JP] 彼女の血流に注入された物質が Power Hungry (2008)
Hasn't enough blood been shed?[CN] 你还嫌血流得少 The Emperor's Shadow (1996)
They got me too. It's a real gusher.[CN] 他们也伤了我,血流如注呢? Hot Shots! Part Deux (1993)
Obstructed the blood flow to his arm for about 30 minutes.[JP] 30分ほど腕への血流を塞いでた Tremors (2013)
Let's increase the flow to 3.5.[CN] 增加血流量到3.5 Spawn (1997)
Look, Lou I could jump across the table, snatch your heart out of your chest squeeze the blood out, and stick it in your front pocket.[CN] 老卢 听着... 我可以 起来揍你一顿 打得你头破血流满地找牙 Fallen (1998)
His kidney and liver are gone. He's leaking like a sieve.[CN] 肾脏和肝脏完蛋了,血流不止 Born on the Fourth of July (1989)
I did wade through rivers of blood.[CN] 血流成河在所不惜 Michael Collins (1996)
Once separated from the bloodstream... it can serve as a powerful agent to slow the spread of the virus.[JP] 血流から分離して... それはウイルスの増殖の速度を抑える ことができる Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials (2015)
All right, sir, I've controlled his bleeding.[JP] わかりました 血流は制御しています Krieg Nicht Lieb (2014)
Winnie hates the Bolshies and wants to hold back and let Stalin bleed himself white fighting Hitler alone.[CN] 温尼憎恨布尔什维克 他现在坐视不理 就是为了让斯大林自己对付希特勒、 一直把血流干了为止 Part III (1988)
For such a girl, it's not worth fighting about, even with blood.[CN] 为这么一个人打来打去 打的头破血流的,它不值得 Keep Cool (1997)
You've got to be more careful if they're too long because when she's serving you with her hands, it's easier for her to cause your dick to bleed and you'd have to be in stitches.[CN] { \fnFangSong_GB2312\bord1\shad1\pos(200, 288) }如果太長你就要小心了 { \fnFangSong_GB2312\bord1\shad1\pos(200, 288) }因為她用手給你服務的時候 { \fnFangSong_GB2312\bord1\shad1\pos(200, 288) }很容易會搞到小弟弟頭破血流 要縫針的 Under the Rose (1992)
I don't want some prankster in a monkey suit bleeding all over the streets.[CN] 我不希望一些 猴急的人在惡搞 弄的血流大街小巷。 Harry and the Hendersons (1987)
After you die, your cells start leaking potassium into the bloodstream.[JP] 死後 細胞はカリウムを 血流に放出し始めるから Tremors (2013)
We need to dilute the poison in his bloodstream.[JP] 血流で 毒を希釈する必要がある Dead to Rights (2013)
Then why the judge hurt?[CN] 你没打人那个评判怎会头破血流 Rhythm of Destiny (1992)
He needs a sedative in his bloodstream first.[JP] 彼は最初に 彼の血流に鎮静剤が必要だわ The Scientist (2013)
Gets the heart racing. And I know you like to stay fit.[JP] 血流にいいし 節制は好きですね The Watch (2012)
Your gas heater could blow up or you could lose a wheel on the freeway.[CN] 会被汽车撞得头破血流 或者在一个小时内不会讲话 Murphy's Law (1986)
There's no trace of the virus in your bloodstream.[JP] 血流にはウィルスの痕跡はありません Divergence (2005)
I would do a hundred of these, get my blood pumping.[JP] 試験勉強をしてて疲れた時 これを100回やると 血流がよくなるんです Child Predator (2012)
Whatever was injected into her bloodstream[JP] 彼女の血流に注入された物質が The Cure (2008)
Go to a hotel? We got a guy who's shot in the belly, who can't walk, bleeds like a stuck pig.[CN] 我们有一个腹部中弹的人 不能走路,血流不止 Reservoir Dogs (1992)
They agreed not to beat up on me and I promised not to bleed on them.[CN] 他们同意不揍我... 我保证不让我的血流到他们衣服上 就这样 The Karate Kid (1984)
You pull that off, you gonna be nothing but a spigot.[JP] はずさないと 血流が止まるよ The Same Boat (2016)


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