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Chinese Characters: Make-Me-a-Hanzi Dictionary
[, pú, ㄆㄨˊ] vine, rush
Radical: , Decomposition:   艹 [cǎo, ㄘㄠˇ]  浦 [, ㄆㄨˇ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] plant
Rank: 2344

KANJIDIC with stroke order from AnimCJK
[] Meaning: bullrush; flag; cattail
On-yomi: ホ, ボ, フ, ブ, ho, bo, fu, bu
Kun-yomi: がま, かば, かま, gama, kaba, kama
Radical: , Decomposition:     
Rank: 1887

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[pú, ㄆㄨˊ, ] refers to various monocotyledonous flowering plants including Acorus calamus and Typha orientalis; common cattail; bullrush; surname Pu; old place name; phonetic po or pu #12,308 [Add to Longdo]
蒲式耳[pú shì ěr, ㄆㄨˊ ㄕˋ ㄦˇ,   ] bushel (one eight of a gallon) #18,516 [Add to Longdo]
蒲公英[pú gōng yīng, ㄆㄨˊ ㄍㄨㄥ ㄧㄥ,   ] dandelion; Taraxacum mongolicum #25,315 [Add to Longdo]
菖蒲[chāng pú, ㄔㄤ ㄆㄨˊ,  ] Acorus calamus; sweet sedge or sweet flag #61,908 [Add to Longdo]
蒲江[Pú jiāng, ㄆㄨˊ ㄐㄧㄤ,  ] (N) Pujiang (place in Sichuan) #62,819 [Add to Longdo]
蒲松龄[Pú sōng líng, ㄆㄨˊ ㄙㄨㄥ ㄌㄧㄥˊ,    /   ] Pu Songling (1640-1715), author of Strange tales from a Chinese studio 聊齋志異|聊斋志异 #63,217 [Add to Longdo]
蒲县[Pú xiàn, ㄆㄨˊ ㄒㄧㄢˋ,   /  ] Pu county in Shanxi #79,336 [Add to Longdo]
蒲城[Pú chéng, ㄆㄨˊ ㄔㄥˊ,  ] (N) Pucheng (place in Shaanxi) #91,646 [Add to Longdo]
蒲葵[pú kuí, ㄆㄨˊ ㄎㄨㄟˊ,  ] Chinese fan palm; Livistona chinensis #133,536 [Add to Longdo]
蒲甘[Pú gān, ㄆㄨˊ ㄍㄢ,  ] Bagan (Pagan), ancient capital of Myanmar (Burma) #142,819 [Add to Longdo]
香蒲[xiāng pú, ㄒㄧㄤ ㄆㄨˊ,  ] Typha orientalis; broadleaf cumbungi; bulrush; cattail #144,340 [Add to Longdo]
蒲圻[Pú qí, ㄆㄨˊ ㄑㄧˊ,  ] (N) Puqi (city in Hubei) #160,686 [Add to Longdo]
蒲剧[pú jù, ㄆㄨˊ ㄐㄩˋ,  ] Puzhou opera of Shanxi Province #161,318 [Add to Longdo]
水菖蒲[shuǐ chāng pú, ㄕㄨㄟˇ ㄔㄤ ㄆㄨˊ,   ] Acorus calamus; sweet sedge or sweet flag [Add to Longdo]
蒲甘王朝[Pú gān wáng cháo, ㄆㄨˊ ㄍㄢ ㄨㄤˊ ㄔㄠˊ,    ] Bagan (Pagan) Dynasty of Myanmar (Burma), 1044-1287 [Add to Longdo]
蒲草箱[pú cǎo xiāng, ㄆㄨˊ ㄘㄠˇ ㄒㄧㄤ,   ] rush basket [Add to Longdo]
蒲隆地[Pú lóng dì, ㄆㄨˊ ㄌㄨㄥˊ ㄉㄧˋ,   ] Burundi [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-Thai: Longdo Dictionary
蒲魚[かまとと, kamatoto] (n) ผู้หญิงที่ชอบเสแสร้ง ทำตัวไร้เดียงสา แกล้งไม่รู้ในสิ่งที่รู้แล้ว

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
蒲;香蒲[かば(蒲);がま;こうほ(蒲);かま(ok), kaba ( kama ); gama ; kouho ( kama ); kama (ok)] (n) (uk) common cattail (Typha latifolia); common bulrush; common reed mace #6,159 [Add to Longdo]
菖蒲[しょうぶ;そうぶ(ok), shoubu ; soubu (ok)] (n) (1) iris (flower); (2) Siberian iris (Iris sanguinea); (3) (arch) (See 菖蒲・しょうぶ) sweet flag (Acorus calamus); calamus #19,644 [Add to Longdo]
菖蒲[しょうぶ;そうぶ(ok), shoubu ; soubu (ok)] (n) (1) sweet flag (Acorus calamus); calamus; (2) (col) (See 花菖蒲) Japanese iris (Iris ensata var. ensata) #19,644 [Add to Longdo]
いずれ菖蒲か杜若[いずれあやめかかきつばた, izureayamekakakitsubata] (exp) equally beautiful [Add to Longdo]
伊勢花菖蒲[いせはなしょうぶ, isehanashoubu] (n) Iris ensata; Ise Japanese iris [Add to Longdo]
羽布団;羽蒲団;羽根蒲団[はねぶとん, hanebuton] (n) down (feather) quilt [Add to Longdo]
黄菖蒲[きしょうぶ, kishoubu] (n) yellow iris [Add to Longdo]
花菖蒲;花しょうぶ[はなしょうぶ;はなあやめ(花菖蒲), hanashoubu ; hanaayame ( hanashoubu )] (n) Japanese iris; blue flag; Iris ensata [Add to Longdo]
蟹蒲;カニ蒲[カニカマ;カニかま(カニ蒲);かにかま(蟹蒲), kanikama ; kani kama ( kani kama ); kanikama ( kani kama )] (n) imitation crab meat [Add to Longdo]
掛け布団;掛布団;掛け蒲団;掛蒲団[かけぶとん, kakebuton] (n) bed cover; coverlet; quilt; comforter; eiderdown [Add to Longdo]
樺桜;蒲桜[かばざくら;かにわざくら, kabazakura ; kaniwazakura] (n) (1) (かばざくら only) (uk) (See 江戸彼岸) ornamental variety of double weeping rosebud cherry; (2) any cherry tree with birch-like bark; (3) (arch) (See 上溝桜) Japanese bird cherry (Prunus grayana) [Add to Longdo]
樺色;蒲色[かばいろ, kabairo] (n) reddish yellow [Add to Longdo]
蒲魚[かまとと, kamatoto] (n) (1) (uk) feigning innocence, ignorance or naivety; (2) someone (esp. a woman) pretending to be innocent, ignorant or naive [Add to Longdo]
蒲公英[たんぽぽ(gikun);ほこうえい;タンポポ, tanpopo (gikun); hokouei ; tanpopo] (n) (uk) dandelion (esp. species Taraxacum platycarpum) [Add to Longdo]
蒲焼き;かば焼き;蒲焼[かばやき, kabayaki] (n) loach or eel dipped and broiled in soy-based sauce [Add to Longdo]
蒲薦[ほせん, hosen] (n) bulrush mat [Add to Longdo]
蒲団皮;布団皮[ふとんがわ, futongawa] (n) quilting; ticking [Add to Longdo]
蒲鉾[かまぼこ, kamaboko] (n) (processed) fish paste [Add to Longdo]
蒲鉾兵舎[かまぼこへいしゃ, kamabokoheisha] (n) Quonset hut [Add to Longdo]
蒲柳[ほりゅう, horyuu] (n) purple willow; infirmity; delicate constitution [Add to Longdo]
蒲柳の質[ほりゅうのしつ, horyuunoshitsu] (n) delicate health; fragile health [Add to Longdo]
筋蒲鉾[すじかまぼこ, sujikamaboko] (n) gristly fish paste (made of muscle, tendons, skin, etc.) [Add to Longdo]
江戸花菖蒲[えどはなしょうぶ, edohanashoubu] (n) Iris ensata; Edo Japanese iris [Add to Longdo]
坐り蒲団[すわりふとん, suwarifuton] (n) (arch) (See 座布団) flat floor cushion used when sitting or kneeling (usu. rectangular) [Add to Longdo]
座蒲;坐蒲[ざふ, zafu] (n) { Buddh } (See 布団) round cushion used for Zen meditation (traditionally made of woven bulrush leaves) [Add to Longdo]
座布団(P);座蒲団;座ぶとん;坐蒲団[ざぶとん, zabuton] (n) (See 布団) zabuton (flat floor cushion used when sitting or kneeling; usu. rectangular); (P) [Add to Longdo]
紫蒲公英[むらさきたんぽぽ, murasakitanpopo] (n) (uk) (obsc) (See 千本槍) Leibnitz daisy (Leibnitzia anandria) [Add to Longdo]
小蒲[こがま, kogama] (n) Typha orientalis [Add to Longdo]
菖蒲湯[しょうぶゆ, shoubuyu] (n) bathwater with iris petals [Add to Longdo]
西洋タンポポ;西洋蒲公英[せいようタンポポ(西洋タンポポ);せいようたんぽぽ(西洋蒲公英), seiyou tanpopo ( seiyou tanpopo ); seiyoutanpopo ( seiyou kama kou ei )] (n) common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) [Add to Longdo]
煎餅布団;煎餅蒲団[せんべいぶとん, senbeibuton] (n) thin bedding; hard bed; bedding worn flat and hard by usage [Add to Longdo]
匂い菖蒲[においしょうぶ, nioishoubu] (n) aromatic cane; orris [Add to Longdo]
肉蒲団;肉布団[にくぶとん, nikubuton] (n) (arch) female bedmate (whose body is likened to a fleshy cushion) [Add to Longdo]
白花蒲公英[しろばなたんぽぽ;シロバナタンポポ, shirobanatanpopo ; shirobanatanpopo] (n) (uk) Taraxacum albidum (species of white dandelion) [Add to Longdo]
肥後花菖蒲[ひごはなしょうぶ, higohanashoubu] (n) Iris ensata; Higo Japanese iris [Add to Longdo]
布団(ateji)(P);蒲団;薄団(iK)[ふとん, futon] (n) (1) futon (quilted Japanese-style mattress laid out on the floor); (2) round cushion used for Zen meditation (traditionally made of woven bulrush leaves); (P) [Add to Longdo]
布団蒸し;蒲団蒸し;布団蒸[ふとんむし, futonmushi] (n) burying a person under a futon in fun [Add to Longdo]
敷き布団(P);敷布団(P);敷き蒲団;敷蒲団;敷ぶとん[しきぶとん, shikibuton] (n) (ant [Add to Longdo]
揚げ蒲鉾[あげかまぼこ, agekamaboko] (n) deep-fried kamaboko [Add to Longdo]
藁布団;藁蒲団[わらぶとん, warabuton] (n) (See 布団・1) straw futon; straw mattress; palliasse [Add to Longdo]
匍匐;蒲伏[ほふく, hofuku] (n, vs) creeping; crawling; sneaking [Add to Longdo]
柬埔寨(ateji);柬蒲寨(iK)[かんぼじあ;カンボジア, kanbojia ; kanbojia] (n) (uk) Cambodia [Add to Longdo]
檳榔;蒲葵[びろう;びりょう(檳榔);ほき(蒲葵);あじまさ(檳榔)(ok), birou ; biryou ( bin rou ); hoki ( kama aoi ); ajimasa ( bin rou )(ok)] (n) (uk) Chinese fan palm (Livistona chinensis) [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
The garden is famous for its irises.その庭園は菖蒲の名所だ。
Air the futon.蒲団を干して下さい。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I-I'll check Maester Luwin's records.[CN] 整整一千蒲式耳,小姐 The Queen's Justice (2017)
There are more lovely dandelion[CN] 有蒲公英的更可爱 Our Little Sister (2015)
Korea?[JP] (蒲生) 韓国に? Hero (2007)
We acknowledge the defendant's presence near the site.[JP] (蒲生) 被告人が現場近くに いたということは認めましょう しかし それだけでは不十分です 検察官は Hero (2007)
Why?[JP] (蒲生) なるほど しかし Hero (2007)
There were cornflowers and gladioli everywhere, morning glories and day lilies born again from the ashes with an extraordinary vitality unheard of in flowers before then.[CN] 到处是矢车菊和唐菖蒲 还有牵牛花和萱草 这些花以花卉中 Hiroshima Mon Amour (1959)
A thousand bushels...?[CN] 1000蒲式耳... Captain Horatio Hornblower R.N. (1951)
This was the lighting at the scene that evening.[JP] (蒲生) 事件の時 現場もこの同じ色の光で照らされていました Hero (2007)
- [ Turns off faucet ] - Oh, my God, it's fine.[CN] 我想已经获得夜蒲的奖赏。 Pam Freakin' Staggs (2015)
That was a forced confession.[JP] (蒲生) その自白は 強要されたものです Hero (2007)
He's destroyed careers.[JP] (遠藤) 蒲生に負けて 廃人になった検事もいるらしいよ (雨宮) 嘘! Hero (2007)
A revue?[CN] 蒲田离家很远啊 Final Take: The Golden Age of Movies (1986)
That's where Gamo comes in.[JP] そこで 弁護を依頼されたのが 蒲生だ Hero (2007)
Big sister, did you do this when you were pregnant with master Feipu?[CN] 大姐... 你怀飞蒲少爷的时候,也这样吗? Raise the Red Lantern (1991)
What? It has?[JP] えっ 蒲田に? Shin Godzilla (2016)
Doubtlessly hired for an obscene amount.[JP] 当然 蒲生には法外な弁護料が支払われただろう Hero (2007)
Feipu![CN] 飞蒲 Raise the Red Lantern (1991)
I'll make some dandelion tea.[CN] 我会煮一些蒲公英茶 French Twist (1995)
She promised me a bushel of peas and some barley flour.[CN] 她答应给我一蒲式耳豌豆和一些大麦面粉. Witchhammer (1970)
This is a natrium light, same as the street lamps at the scene.[JP] (蒲生) 事件現場の街灯と同じ低圧ナトリウムライトです Hero (2007)
Are Kamata flickers that good?[CN] 松竹蒲田那他们拍的电影就那么好看吗? Final Take: The Golden Age of Movies (1986)
Maybe in green and yellow.[CN] 所以我想要做一件像蒲公英 有朝气又轻快的内衣 Shinburando setsuritsu (2015)
It's been real rewarding being in court with you.[JP] 俺 蒲生さんと闘えて 結構 充実してるんですから Hero (2007)
- Eight years. - To be appealed.[JP] (芝山) ねばるなあ 蒲生も Hero (2007)
Kohei Kuryu?[JP] (蒲生) 面識がおありだったと おっしゃってましたね Hero (2007)
Adapted from Pu Songling's "Strange Stories from Liu Jai."[CN] 改编自蒲松龄的聊斋志异 A Touch of Zen (1971)
Feipu, come down here.[CN] 飞蒲,你给我下来! Raise the Red Lantern (1991)
He actually just landed.[CN] 嬲崾 厍蒲叔 後舒 磔恃? 娩 碚? 後沅裔 扪砣丘 Buried (2006)
- No, I'm not.[JP] (鍋島) 蒲生 (蒲生) お・・・ Hero (2007)
Right, that is why she went to be a striper.[CN] 对呀,所以她就应该去拍那些玉蒲团 Hei ma wang zi (1999)
why aren't the State forestry corps dealing with that?[JP] なぜ' 森林警ィ蒲隊ヵ〝'調べ な し丶 Violent Shit: The Movie (2015)
I think I'll stay a bit longer.[JP] (鍋島) そうか (蒲生) ん・・・ (鍋島) じゃ おやすみ Hero (2007)
Kazuomi Gamo?[JP] (芝山) 蒲生一臣か? 知ってるんですか Hero (2007)
Shochiku Kamata makes[CN] 我最喜欢的是松竹蒲田的片子 Final Take: The Golden Age of Movies (1986)
Deputy Chief.[JP] (蒲生) おう しばらくだな 鍋島 Hero (2007)
She quit on her own[CN] 蒲田? 好小子,原来是你! Final Take: The Golden Age of Movies (1986)
The Gamo I knew would've gone on to do great work.[JP] 僕の知っている蒲生なら いい仕事を していただろうな (鍋島) そろそろ失礼するよ Hero (2007)
Who's the D.A. in charge?[JP] (蒲生) 名前をなんといいましたか その検事・・・ Hero (2007)
I want everything you've got in that perimeter.[CN] 醚硐 哚 闱 嵯磉? 阡 逍? 轻锨蒲É Buried (2006)
This may not be as easy as I expected.[JP] (蒲生) なかなか思ったようには いかんもんだな ん? Hero (2007)
Now his fate rests with Gamo.[JP] 蒲生に頼るしかないんだ Hero (2007)
No. He said he does sales for a nut-and-bolt factory.[CN] 不,他在蒲田的螺丝工厂当业务 Midnight Diner (2014)
Feipu, son of the First Mistress?[CN] 是大太太那个叫飞蒲的儿子? Raise the Red Lantern (1991)
He works so hard that... he finds himself trapped in the ball[CN] 我说我在蒲田那样 到处是臭沟的地方能待下去吗? 真是个好姑娘 Final Take: The Golden Age of Movies (1986)
You can pick pecans for 40 cents a bushel at Zelma Landing.[CN] 你可以挑选山核桃 以40美分每蒲式耳 在Zelma着陆。 Norma Rae (1979)
Blonde.[JP] (柏木) 金髪・・・ に見えますけど (蒲生) 金髪ですか? Hero (2007)
For 400 years, Yu Putuan remains the best of the top 3 banned books with its depictions of carnal desires[CN] 《玉蒲团》是相传400多年来 三大禁书中最出色的书 内容是有关男女情欲的风流小说 Sex and Zen (1991)
- Mr. Wilcox met Jacky before, out in Cyprus, when she was 16.[CN] 威尔科克斯太太以前见过洁姬的 在塞蒲路斯, 那时候她才16岁 Howards End (1992)
Kamata's famous for good actresses[CN] 你说的松竹蒲田主要是因为女演员吧 说得对,女演员阵容整齐啊 Final Take: The Golden Age of Movies (1986)
He took the Kamata tunnel.[CN] 嫌犯向蒲田隧道逃串 Bayside Shakedown 2 (2003)


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