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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
聖堂[せいどう, seidou] (n) (Confucian) temple; church; sanctuary; (P) #4,503 [Add to Longdo]
司教座聖堂[しきょうざせいどう, shikyouzaseidou] (n) cathedral [Add to Longdo]
大聖堂[たいせいどう;だいせいどう, taiseidou ; daiseidou] (n) cathedral [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
This magnificent cathedral dates back to the Middle Ages.この壮大な大聖堂の建立は中世にまでさかのぼる。
Many people visited the shrine where the saint lay buried.その聖者が埋葬されている聖堂を多くの人々が訪れた。
The cathedral dates back to the Middle Ages.その大聖堂の建立は中世にまでさかのぼる。
The cathedral dates back to the Middle Ages.その大聖堂の建立は中世にもさかのぼる。
To the best of my knowledge, the cathedral dates back to the Middle Ages.私の知る限り、この大聖堂の建立は中世にまでさかのぼる。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
All Saints College[CN] 讀聖堂 Xiong xie (1981)
When a new Pope has been chosen... and the bells of St. Peter's chime he is shown into a small chamber next to the Sistine Chapel.[JP] 新しい法王が選ばれる時... サンピエトロ大聖堂の 鐘が鳴り... ...システィナ礼拝堂の隣の ─ Spooky Little Girl (2011)
And so, inexplicably, with a crash, the cathedral collapsed.[JP] 大聖堂を崩壊させ 多くの犠牲者を出しました The Church (1989)
Well, he was buried in Winchester Cathedral, which is where I went to school.[JP] 司教が 大聖堂に埋葬された 通学してた場所だよ One Day (2011)
There appears to be a good deal of room elsewhere on the premises for everyone else.[JP] 聖堂内には立派な個室が全員分あると聞きます And Now His Watch Is Ended (2013)
The chancellor's office indicated Master Anakin returned to the Jedi temple.[JP] 議長の指示で アナキンは ジェダイ聖堂に戻るそうです Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Beneath the Sept of Baelor and the slums of Flea Bottom.[JP] ベイラーの聖堂の下 ノミの底の貧民街にも Kissed by Fire (2013)
Your passport, with the official stamp of the cathedral.[JP] パスポートに 聖堂の公式スタンプを The Way (2010)
If a special session of Congress there is... easier for us to enter the Jedi temple it will be.[JP] 臨時会議が開かれるなら ジェダイ聖堂にも入り易い Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)
I heard there was an attack on the Jedi temple.[JP] 聖堂が襲われたの? Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)
As my parents were being evacuated and they were crossing the road, a mine exploded in front of their car and shrapnel hit her straight in the temple.[JP] 両親は強制立ち退きを させられ移動中に 車の前で地雷が爆破し 聖堂にいた母に破片が当たり 5 Days of War (2011)
Tour the cathedral. El Cid is buried there.[JP] 「エル・シド」の聖堂がある The Way (2010)
- There's no choice. Be possessed or die under the ruins of the cathedral.[JP] 選択の余地はない 大聖堂と運命を共にするのみ The Church (1989)
He told me we must find a shrine, an ancient myth said it had healing powers.[JP] 彼は 聖堂を探すと 言った 古代神話で 治癒の力が あるというのだ Byzantium (2012)
It's... the chance to build cathedrals, entire cities, things that never existed.[JP] チャンスなんです いいですか、大聖堂や街はもちろん Inception (2010)
I'm on my way to the Jedi temple to start my training, I hope.[JP] 訓練のためにジェダイ聖堂に 行くことになりました Star Wars: The Phantom Menace (1999)
Lady Ursula, the most beautiful daughter of Lord and Lady Dubon, made her way up the steps of the great cathedral to pray to her blessed saint. "[JP] 祈りをするために 大聖堂に行った Finding Neverland (2004)
So tell him to march into the sept and crush the High Sparrow's head like a melon.[JP] じゃあ、聖堂に突入して ハイスパローの頭をメロンみたいに潰せと命じろ Oathbreaker (2016)
It says in the book that since medieval times... the original mono portal structure has remained unaltered.[JP] 先生 本に書かれてました この大聖堂のつくりは 出入り口はひとつだと The Church (1989)
And this makes Fulcanelli's theow more plausible...[JP] ゴシック時代の大聖堂は The Church (1989)
The Church[JP] -大聖堂 - デモンズ3 The Church (1989)
They said they carried disease.[JP] 大聖堂を建てて The Church (1989)
That's when the first huge gothic cathedrals sprang up all over Europe.[JP] ちょうどあの時期に 多くの大聖堂が建てられた The Church (1989)
The ceremony is traditionally held in the main sanctum, which seats 700 comfortably.[JP] 式は伝統的に本聖堂で行われる 聖堂には700の席がある And Now His Watch Is Ended (2013)
Do you realise what could be hidden under these cathedrals?[JP] 魅力的な話ね 大聖堂の下には なにが隠されているかも The Church (1989)
And you will be given a penance to perform in refectory or in chapel.[CN] 然後在用餐室或小聖堂進行贖罪 The Nun's Story (1959)
Miss Bruckner, I read that the builders of gothic cathedrals... built them in such a way that they would collapse... if you pressed a precise point that they kept secret.[JP] 大聖堂の建設について 本を読んだんですが 大聖堂には 隠された仕掛けがあって 一瞬で崩壊させることができると The Church (1989)
I recreated the ceremony we interuppted at the crypt, with a few enhancements of my own.[JP] 地下聖堂で 行われようとした儀式を 少し誇張して再現してみた Sherlock Holmes (2009)
If the cathedral collapses the sacrifice of the few will save the majority.[JP] 大聖堂を崩壊させれば 少数の犠牲が 多くを救う もし私がなにもしなければ The Church (1989)
After you have killed all the Jedi in the temple... go to the Mustafar system.[JP] 聖堂のジェダイを皆殺しの後 ムスタファに行け Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Gothic cathedrals are part of a cosmic design that we ignore.[JP] 神よ この大聖堂の建築家 でもその目的は 人知を超えたもの The Church (1989)
Not again. And now, kids, we're going to see the architect's tomb.[JP] 大聖堂の建築を 見に行きましょう The Church (1989)
Even a thousand years from now if the contagion should reappear.[JP] 悪魔を封じ込めるための 装置をもつ大聖堂 The Church (1989)
We build cathedrals[JP] 大聖堂を建てて 8 Women (2002)
You just need to touch it and the entire structure will collapse.[JP] 大聖堂を破壊するものだ The Church (1989)
The secret of this cathedral must never be revealed.[JP] 大聖堂の秘密は 守られなければならない The Church (1989)
I stood at the back of a cathedral waiting, in celibacy, for you with 300 friends and relatives in attendance.[JP] 大聖堂のホールを借り切って 一人であなたを待ってたのよ 友人と親戚を300人招待した The Blues Brothers (1980)
We're passing National Cathedral.[JP] 「ワシントン大聖堂を通過中」 Representative Brody (2011)
Imagine the roof of your mouth is a cathedral.[JP] 口の中の天井が、大聖堂だと想像して。 Imagine Me & You (2005)
You know this is the only cathedral that doesn't have a king buried in it. Or even a bishop.[JP] ここは王が埋葬されていない 唯一の大聖堂だ The Church (1989)
There are over 100 highly trained... alpha Special Forces soldiers in this cathedral.[JP] この大聖堂には 訓練された特集部隊が 100人以上いる Hitman (2007)
Perhaps before. Joffrey tells me you stopped your carriage at Flea Bottom on your way back from the sept this morning.[JP] 今朝 聖堂からの帰り途中 〈ノミの底〉で乗り物を止めたそうね Valar Dohaeris (2013)
Well, if my cathedral of cutting-edge taste holds no interest for your tragically Canadian sensibilities, then I shall be forced to grant you a swift exit from the premises.[JP] この大聖堂の― 最先端の作風も分からない カナダ人は悲劇だ... 君に講堂の出口 を即座に与えよう Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)
It was Master Plo Koon who found me, and brought me to the temple where I belonged.[JP] マスター・プロが私を 見つけていただいて、 ジェダイ聖堂へ連れていただいた。 Rising Malevolence (2008)
I saw thousands of troops attack the Jedi temple.[JP] 数千の部隊が 聖堂を襲うのを見た Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)
What ruins? There's a secret point in the cathedral.[JP] 大聖堂の隠された場所に 装置がある The Church (1989)
Have we had any contact from the temple?[JP] 聖堂からの連絡は ありました? Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Tables that were once kept in the Ark.[JP] 大聖堂の地下に隠されていると The Church (1989)
However, by comparison, your work in the crypt looks more like a finger painting.[JP] だが地下聖堂の絵は 指で描いたように見える Sherlock Holmes (2009)
It requests all Jedi to return to the temple.[JP] 全てのジェダイは 聖堂に帰還しろと Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
聖堂[せいどう, seidou] konfuzianischer_Tempel, Kirche [Add to Longdo]


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