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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
大聖堂[たいせいどう;だいせいどう, taiseidou ; daiseidou] (n) cathedral [Add to Longdo]

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Gothic cathedrals are part of a cosmic design that we ignore.[JP] 神よ この大聖堂の建築家 でもその目的は 人知を超えたもの The Church (1989)
What ruins? There's a secret point in the cathedral.[JP] 大聖堂の隠された場所に 装置がある The Church (1989)
Not again. And now, kids, we're going to see the architect's tomb.[JP] 大聖堂の建築を 見に行きましょう The Church (1989)
Do you realise what could be hidden under these cathedrals?[JP] 魅力的な話ね 大聖堂の下には なにが隠されているかも The Church (1989)
- There's no choice. Be possessed or die under the ruins of the cathedral.[JP] 選択の余地はない 大聖堂と運命を共にするのみ The Church (1989)
Miss Bruckner, I read that the builders of gothic cathedrals... built them in such a way that they would collapse... if you pressed a precise point that they kept secret.[JP] 大聖堂の建設について 本を読んだんですが 大聖堂には 隠された仕掛けがあって 一瞬で崩壊させることができると The Church (1989)
Tables that were once kept in the Ark.[JP] 大聖堂の地下に隠されていると The Church (1989)
I stood at the back of a cathedral waiting, in celibacy, for you with 300 friends and relatives in attendance.[JP] 大聖堂のホールを借り切って 一人であなたを待ってたのよ 友人と親戚を300人招待した The Blues Brothers (1980)
It says in the book that since medieval times... the original mono portal structure has remained unaltered.[JP] 先生 本に書かれてました この大聖堂のつくりは 出入り口はひとつだと The Church (1989)
You know this is the only cathedral that doesn't have a king buried in it. Or even a bishop.[JP] ここは王が埋葬されていない 唯一の大聖堂 The Church (1989)
The Church[JP] -大聖堂 - デモンズ3 The Church (1989)
That's when the first huge gothic cathedrals sprang up all over Europe.[JP] ちょうどあの時期に 多くの大聖堂が建てられた The Church (1989)


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