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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
老茧[lǎo jiǎn, ㄌㄠˇ ㄐㄧㄢˇ,   /  ] callus (patch or hardened skin); corns (on feet); also 老趼 #53,931 [Add to Longdo]

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I always do carry-on. I have calluses.[CN] 我总是随身携带行李 我有老茧 Greenberg (2010)
I've bowed so much, I've got a callus on my bellybutton.[CN] 我鞠了那么多躬 肚脐眼上都磨出老茧了 Pocketful of Miracles (1961)
So I don' t get callous skin on my knees.[CN] 这样子我的膝盖才不会长老茧 Wetlands (2013)
- It seemed a bit crude to me.[CN] 对我来说如同老茧 Under the Sheets (1976)
Yeah. Bit nails, not too callused.[CN] 没错 咬指甲 没什么老茧 Like a Redheaded Stepchild (2011)
Covered with callouses[CN] 都磨出老茧来了 Gui lin rong ji (1998)
Probably some horny-handed son of toil from the local coal mine.[CN] 也许是本地煤矿里某个劳工的儿子,一手老茧。 Gently with Class (2012)
I like that you have calluses on the palms of your hands.[CN] 我喜欢你有老茧 在你的手掌。 Goodbye to All That (2014)
Yeah, yourcalluses.[CN] 是啊,你的老茧。 Goodbye to All That (2014)
I mean left, sorry. And you've got calluses. This is the proof![CN] 对不起,是左边,你手上还有老茧,就是证明 你们俩想来个三重奏吗? 想先看一下吗? Room in Rome (2010)
What fun is there in blisters, calluses or creases in your trousers? Here.[CN] 长水泡,起老茧,裤子皱巴巴何乐之有? Barbie in the Pink Shoes (2013)
My father was a prosperous builder who said, "My son must never have calluses on his hands, nor brick dust in his hair.[CN] 我的父亲是 一个繁荣的 建设者 谁 说 , 我的 儿子一定 不会有 老茧 的 双手 , 也没有 砖灰 在他的头发 。 Jesus of Nazareth (1977)
I suffered in silence as your female companion filled our apartment with her off-key country music caterwauling, the unappetizing spectacle of her grinding a pumice stone against her calloused feet in our living room, and night after night of uninformative TV documentaries[CN] 我默默承受着你的女性伴侣 在公寓里发出猫叫般走调的乡村乐 在我们的客厅抓起一块磨脚石 磨她那长满老茧的双脚的倒胃景象 以及夜夜不断的无聊的 "泽西海岸"电视纪录片 The Zazzy Substitution (2010)
Okay, I've heard this speech before.[CN] 算了吧 我耳朵都听出老茧了 Extracurricular Activities (2012)
The huge, pale growths on the head and the lower jaw, called callosities, are home to whale lice that tint them with white, pink, yellow or orange.[CN] 这些巨大、苍白长在头部和下颌 所谓的老茧,是鲸虱的家 它们的色调有白色、粉红色 黄色或橙色 Dolphins and Whales 3D: Tribes of the Ocean (2008)
Cutting and polishing of the toenails of course, removal of calluses and corns, creamy foot massage.[CN] 不,不,包括剪和修指甲 去老茧,除鸡眼,还有足部涂霜按摩 Finsterworld (2013)
Two. That's a callous.[CN] 两个啦 那是个老茧 Eat Pray Love (2010)
Don't you think it's incredibly gross to scrape calluses off strangers' feet?[CN] 把陌生人脚上的老茧刮掉难道不恶心吗? Finsterworld (2013)
"Nice to meet you, Mr. Congressman. Why do you have raw beef hands?"[CN] "议员先生,见到你真高兴 为什么你的手满是老茧?" Evan Almighty (2007)
And andhavemyrough havemycalluses...[CN] 而且.. 而且有我的粗略. 有我的老茧.. Goodbye to All That (2014)
Calluses on hands are proof the man is a soldier.[CN] 手上有老茧就能证明此人是军人 Nanking (2007)
Those calluses.[CN] 那些老茧。 The Great Dictator (1940)
Let the old man get calluses digging ditches.[CN] 让老爸去挖水沟生老茧吧 Cry of the City (1948)


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