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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
殖民地[zhí mín dì, ㄓˊ ㄇㄧㄣˊ ㄉㄧˋ,   ] colony #16,930 [Add to Longdo]
半殖民地[bàn zhí mín dì, ㄅㄢˋ ㄓˊ ㄇㄧㄣˊ ㄉㄧˋ,    ] semi-colonial #33,904 [Add to Longdo]
半封建半殖民地[bàn fēng jiàn bàn zhí mín dì, ㄅㄢˋ ㄈㄥ ㄐㄧㄢˋ ㄅㄢˋ ㄓˊ ㄇㄧㄣˊ ㄉㄧˋ,       ] semi-feudal and semi-colonial (the official Marxist description of China in the late Qing and under the Guomindang [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
植民地(P);殖民地[しょくみんち, shokuminchi] (n) (1) colony; (adj-no) (2) colonial; (P) [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Operation Torch - codename for the Anglo-American landings in the French North African colonies of Morocco and Algeria.[CN] 火炬行动... 英美在法属北非殖民地 摩洛哥和阿尔及利亚登陆行动的代号 Tough Old Gut: Italy - November 1942-June 1944 (1974)
- What colony?[CN] - 哪個殖民地? Tess (1979)
Why not be concerned with water, instead of the colonies?[CN] 为什么不关心水利 而是关心殖民地? Till Marriage Do Us Part (1974)
It depends which colonies you are speaking of.[CN] 这完全取决于您在说哪个殖民地 The Draughtsman's Contract (1982)
---was the most significant act in colonial affairs since the Declaration of Independence.[CN] -甘地烧毁通行证的行为 是英国殖民地自美国独立以来 最具意义的行动 Gandhi (1982)
In 1773, an official of this bank unwisely loaned a large sum of money to finance a shipment of tea to the American colonies.[CN] 在1773年 这家银行的一位职员 愚蠢地将一大笔钱借给 往北美殖民地海运茶叶的贸易 Mary Poppins (1964)
If the majority of my forefathers were conscientious objectors it would include the people from England too and in that case they would have been acting justly towards the people in the colonies...[CN] 如果我祖輩那一代 大部分人拒絕服兵役 包括英格蘭人民在內 他們會公平地對待 殖民地的人民 Punishment Park (1971)
New settlements, California.[CN] 加州新的殖民地 She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949)
And these others are the cigars of a peculiar sort which is imported by the Dutch from the East Indian colonies.[CN] 而其它的这些雪茄牌子很特别 是荷兰从东印度殖民地 进口来的 The Resident Patient (1985)
But I don't think he understands... that the colonies are only for sisters perfected in the religious life.[CN] 不過,我不認為他了解海外殖民地... 只會分派給在信仰生活方面 完美無暇的修女 The Nun's Story (1959)
He's all I brought back from the colonies. Him and malaria.[CN] 他是我从殖民地带来的 唯一的东西. Quai des Orfèvres (1947)
I was told that by a colonial administrator".[CN] 從殖民地的官員那裏聽說的 The Mother and the Whore (1973)
when this became a Roman colony and the start of the Emilian Way.[CN] 当这里成为罗马的殖民地 和艾米利亚大道的起点之时 Amarcord (1973)
"The Penal Colony by Franz Kafka."[CN] 」受刑的殖民地,法兰克. 卡夫卡着」 Parenthood (1989)
My mind still lives in the colonial past.[CN] 而且,仍旧是一个 { \cH00FFFF }{ \3cH000000 }My mind still lives 彻头彻尾殖民地的人 { \cH00FFFF }{ \3cH000000 }in the colonial past. Boat People (1982)
I'm going to take you down there to that mission, this afternoon.[CN] 我要带你到那个殖民地 这个下午去 Vertigo (1958)
My name is Katherine Wells, and I'm from the British colony of Gibraltar.[CN] 我的名字是凯瑟琳水井,我 从直布罗陀的英国殖民地。 Heavy Metal (1981)
Some of England's oldest colonies have heirs in plenty.[CN] 一些英国老牌殖民地有许多后裔 The Draughtsman's Contract (1982)
A new life awaits you in the Off-world colonies.[CN] 在外世界殖民地,新生活正等待你 Blade Runner (1982)
Sicily is no longer a land of conquest, but a free part of a free state.[CN] 西西里不再是殖民地 而是自由国家的一名自由成员 The Leopard (1963)
Portugal is England's enemy... and if the English ships were not in the port of Queimada... the Portuguese would already have returned.[CN] 葡萄牙是它的敌人 英国船只无法停泊在 葡萄牙殖民地 葡萄牙已经准备好独占 Burn! (1969)
A wife or one of these mulatto girls?[CN] 一个妻子还是这些殖民地的 一个女孩 Burn! (1969)
A standard item for military clubs in the outer colonies.[CN] 她的基本职务是在其他 殖民地的军事俱乐部工作 Blade Runner (1982)
There was an escape from the Off-world colonies two weeks ago.[CN] 他们是两周前从外世界殖民地逃出的 Blade Runner (1982)
He is important to the colony.[CN] 他是殖民地重要的人 The Nun's Story (1959)
I only did it in the colonies, during my national service, but I miss it.[CN] 我只在我服役的时候在殖民地做过 但我很想念 Education of the Baroness (1977)
The colonies perhaps.[CN] 也許在殖民地那 Tess (1979)
And that no longer wants to be a Portuguese colony.[CN] 再也不做葡萄牙的殖民地 Burn! (1969)
Colonial Trading, Southwest Electric, Omega Films...[CN] 殖民地贸易, 西南电力, 欧米加电影... Quai des Orfèvres (1947)
But they won't let any good policemen exist in a colonial region.[CN] 但是在一个腐败的殖民地政府里 是不容许一个好警察存在的 Project A 2 (1987)
Queen of United Kingdom and Ireland, powerful sovereign of British colonies around globe of human world.[CN] 及世上所有英国殖民地的君主... 维多利亚女皇陛下 The King and I (1956)
This trajectory won't take them anywhere near Proxima Colony.[JP] この軌道では、プロキシマ殖民地へは 向かっていない Affliction (2005)
"No one knew whether to wake those people or not.[CN] 那是战时,在殖民地 Death by Hanging (1968)
"I sail the sun with a south wind, dreaming Duilio colonies."[CN] "南风艳阳我扬帆梦想殖民地" Till Marriage Do Us Part (1974)
And will I let her remain in the colony?[CN] And will I let her remain in the colony? 问我能否让她留在殖民地? Strange Cargo (1940)
The colonies are much, much roomier.[CN] 殖民地更宽敞些 Quai des Orfèvres (1947)
Perhaps, Julie, if you were to go back to the colony you might be very happy if it could be arranged, and I think it can.[CN] Perhaps, Julie, if you were to go back to the colony you might be very happy 或许,朱莉,你回到殖民地会很快乐 if it could be arranged, and I think it can. 我能安排妥当 Strange Cargo (1940)
Manchukuo is not a colony. Manchukuo is Manchuria.[CN] 满洲国不是殖民地, 满洲国就是满洲 The Last Emperor (1987)
I was told that by a colonial administrator".[CN] 這是在殖民地官員的話 The Mother and the Whore (1973)
Transported for life to the colonies, and for what?[CN] 终身流放殖民地,为了什么? Nasty (1984)
As the ship lay in Boston Harbour, a party of the colonists, dressed as Red Indians, boarded the vessel, behaved very rudely, and threw all the tea overboard.[CN] 当船停泊在波士顿港的时候 一群殖民地居民打扮成印第安人 登上了船 举止非常粗鲁 Mary Poppins (1964)
Madeleine, a hundred miles south of San Francisco, there's an old Spanish mission, [CN] 麦德琳,在旧金山南方 160公里远处 有个旧西班牙殖民地 Vertigo (1958)
They can raise colonies but not heirs to the throne.[CN] 他们是殖民地的后裔 不是皇室的后裔 The Draughtsman's Contract (1982)
Smile, Sir Malcolm, as the cameras catch the dying moments of a British colony.[CN] 不用做牢了 笑一笑,爵士 摄影机的拍摄一个 垂死的英国殖民地 Water (1985)
You've got 12 hours to leave the colony.[CN] You've got 12 hours to leave the colony. 限你在12小时内离开殖民地 Strange Cargo (1940)
Göring inspected what was now the German colony of Ukraine, intended to be a serf region of agriculture.[CN] 戈林视察了现在成为德国殖民地的乌克兰, (这里)将被规划为一个农业的农奴地区 Inside the Reich: Germany - 1940-1944 (1974)
We change from a primarily agricultural country to an industrial one and within time, the colonies fall into our hands.[CN] 我们从农耕过度到工业国 开始拥有殖民地 The Hidden Room (1949)
Yes, that was our invariable practice with the colonies.[CN] 没错 那是我们一贯的殖民地独立政策 Yes, that was our invariable practice with the colonies. A Victory for Democracy (1986)
Women are not allowed to associate with convicts, on the penalty of expulsion from the colony.[CN] Women are not allowed to associate 这条法规同样适用于妇女 不允许妇女和罪犯交往 with convicts, on the penalty of expulsion from the colony. 违者将被驱逐出殖民地 Strange Cargo (1940)
According to their flight plan, they were headed for Proxima Colony.[JP] 航行計画書によれば、 プロキシマ殖民地に向かっています Affliction (2005)


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