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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
板擦[bǎn cā, ㄅㄢˇ ㄘㄚ,  ] blackboard eraser #74,650 [Add to Longdo]
板擦儿[bǎn cā r, ㄅㄢˇ ㄘㄚ ㄦ˙,    /   ] blackboard eraser [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I'm trying to get these floors clean.[CN] 我要把地板擦干净 A Cinderella Story (2004)
And I wanna see my smiling face on that floor.[CN] 我要你们把地板擦得可以照见我微笑的脸 Gattaca (1997)
- Yeah, it says here he's looking for players for the Santos Football Club.[CN] 迪科 现在我要晾衣服去 你能把地板擦完吗 Pelé: Birth of a Legend (2016)
Wipe down the ring floor[CN] 哎,去把台板擦一下 Unbeatable (2013)
- Give me the eraser.[CN] - 板擦给我 - 不给 The Pirate Solution (2009)
Don't get worked up again, Plankton, I just mopped the floors.[CN] 不要埋怨了,皮老板 我才刚把地板擦干 The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (2004)
Rubber bands, desk blotters, board erasers and paper clips are expected next week.[CN] 橡胶带, 记事本, 黑板擦和回形针预计要下周到 Up the Down Staircase (1967)
And now you can wipe and take out seat.[CN] { \fn华文仿宋\fs16\1cHD1D1D1 }现在你可以把黑板擦了,回座 Vesna na Zarechnoy ulitse (1956)
Scrub the floor.[CN] 把地板擦乾淨. How to Steal a Million (1966)
And every time Summergrad would go to the board and try to erase he'd get that fatty streak of chalk?[CN] 结果桑默贵德拿板擦擦黑板时 就会弄出一条粉笔痕迹 超爆笑的 Wieners (2008)
"Please allow me to wipe the slate clean.[CN] "请允许我将石板擦拭干净 Love in the Time of Cholera (2007)
Swab the deck, kid.[CN] 甲板擦干净,细路 In the Heart of the Sea (2015)
Polishing the parquet with slippers.[CN] 把地板擦得奇亮无比 Amélie (2001)
- Where the rag?[CN] - 是我 - 黑板擦在哪? Vesna na Zarechnoy ulitse (1956)
Like a duster wipes the words of a blackboard... the disease has slowly wiped out all his memories.[CN] 就像黑板上的字被板擦擦掉一样... 疾病正在慢慢消除他的记忆 Black (2005)
Jin-hee cleans the blackboard every recess[CN] 小真她 会在上课前把黑板擦拍干净 Happiness for Sale (2013)
A place where the slate is wiped clean.[CN] 一个石板擦得干干净净的地方 Argentina (2012)
My entire class volunteered to stay after school and pound erasers or something.[CN] 我班上所有学生在放学后 都自愿留下来,好砸碎黑板擦或别的什么 Blackboard Jungle (1955)
Markers, eraser -- good job. I first saw Ed[CN] 得一览无余 记号笔,板擦都有,干得好 Ghostfacers (2008)
Send you outside to clap the erasers?[CN] 讓你出去拍拍黑板擦? Phoenix (2009)
Remember when Ian Rosenbluth would wedge the chalk into the eraser in Doc Summergrad's class?[CN] 你们还记得伊恩罗森布罗吗 他总是在桑默贵德教授课堂上 把粉笔弄成板擦的形状 Wieners (2008)
No, I broke in and thought I'd scrub the kitchen floor clean! Bugger off![CN] 不,我自己破门而入,觉得我得把 厨房地板擦干净! Toast (2010)


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