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审美观[shěn měi guān, ㄕㄣˇ ㄇㄟˇ ㄍㄨㄢ,    /   ] esthetic conception; esthetic point of view; standard #32,682 [Add to Longdo]

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All the noise surrounding what happened to Veronika was manufactured to alter people's image of beauty.[CN] Veronika所发生的,她身边的讨论, 都是被蓄意制造的,一切都是为了更改人们的审美观。 Branded (2012)
The media made it un-sexy to be hairy, have you noticed that?[CN] 媒体可以引导了多毛就不性感的审美观 你们发觉了没有? Russell Peters: Red, White and Brown (2008)
Contrasting the degenerate taste of the loud-mouths of culture.[CN] 一反自吹自擂的文人 那种崎形的虚假的审美观 这儿有发达的突出的肌肉 Mephisto (1981)
But it was an affront to his aesthetic desire to be a perfect sommelier.[CN] 但这却违背他向来强调完美的审美观 Detective Conan: The Fourteenth Target (1998)
Yes.[CN] 我们的审美观大相径庭 但还是会继续合作 Sorezore no michi (2015)
- Maybe it's a qustion of taste.[CN] - 大概是审美观不同 Rabbit Without Ears (2007)
It's all about aesthetics and it's fuck-all to do with morality.[CN] 这纯粹是审美观问题,和道德屁都扯不上 Trainspotting (1996)
Don't you have any standards?[CN] 你有没有审美观的? My Tutor Friend 2 (2007)
Look at your fashion sense.[CN] 瞧你那个审美观 Episode #1.8 (2011)
Well, if my cathedral of cutting-edge taste holds no interest for your tragically Canadian sensibilities, then I shall be forced to grant you a swift exit from the premises.[CN] 如果你悲剧的加拿大审美观 对我这个大教堂式的先锋风格不感兴趣的话 那我只有无奈地让你离开了这里了 Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)
You said, it takes a special kind of taste to enjoy Vito's Log Cabin![CN] 你说要享受Vito小木屋得有与众不同的审美观! Revolutionary Road (2008)
It's that whole male, 36-24-36 image of beauty. Women are oppressed. It's just a fact.[CN] 男人审美观,36、24、36,女人被奴役 Disclosure (1994)
From an aesthetic point of view your position is perfect.[CN] 从审美观点妳的位置相当完美 The Laughing Woman (1969)
The unintelligent humans's taste is painful to comprehend piyo.[CN] 要理解低能的地球人的审美观真是太难了比哟 Doraemon: Nobita and the New Steel Troops: ~Winged Angels~ (2011)
Really, I'm no pederast, but... aesthetically speaking... nothing compares to the ass of a 12-year-old boy...[CN] 但从审美观.点上说 12岁男孩的屁股是无以伦比的 The Decline of the American Empire (1986)
You really need to stop shoving your psychotic idea of '50s womanhood down my throat.[CN] 不要再把你那种50年代的过时审美观 强加到我身上了 Whip It (2009)
- She doesn't understand.[CN] 曲子是要挑战人们的审美观 Copying Beethoven (2006)
The Cardinal would never be influenced in his aesthetic judgments... by a woman.[CN] 永远不会因为一个女人 影响到主教的审美观的... Artemisia (1997)


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