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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
咆哮[páo xiāo, ㄆㄠˊ ㄒㄧㄠ,  ] growl; roar #14,872 [Add to Longdo]
咆哮[páo xiào, ㄆㄠˊ ㄒㄧㄠˋ,  ] sound of waves crashing #14,872 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
咆哮;咆吼[ほうこう, houkou] (n, vs) yell; roar; howl [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
What Alice, waiting for a reply, was faced with was a sudden howl. It was a resounding noise, sharp as to burst her ear drums, loud as to reach unto the heavens.返事を待つアリスに向けられたのは突然の咆哮。それは耳を貫かんばかりに鋭く、天に届かんばかりに大きく響くものでした。
His voice was drowned out by the wraith's sudden howl.彼の声は悪霊の突然の咆哮にかき消される。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Your growl echoes like the roar of a lion[CN] 你的吼声犹如狮子咆哮 Chandni Chowk to China (2009)
(Yahia roared in Arabic)[CN] (叶海亚用阿拉伯语咆哮) The Assault (2010)
GROWLS[CN] (咆哮声) Fire (2010)
I could hear the roar and bellow.[JP] 私は、轟音と咆哮を聞いたわ Forbidden Planet (1956)
Beezus, did you hear that growling?[CN] 碧祖丝 你听到那声咆哮吗 Ramona and Beezus (2010)
I know we're not together, but if we were I wouldn't want to share your growler with anyone.[CN] 我知道我们不能在一起, 不过,如果我们不希望我 与任何人分享您的咆哮。 The 41-Year-Old Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall and Felt Superbad About It (2010)
[ Rattling, Growling ][CN] [ 霍霍,咆哮 ] Silent Venom (2009)
People raving right now?[CN] 人们现在都去咆哮吗? The Change-Up (2011)
So, yes, i yell very loud.[CN] 所以是的 我就要大聲咆哮 Suicide Is Painless (2010)
Tigers don't growl or roar, they chuff.[CN] 老虎不會怒吼或者咆哮 它們發出呼呼聲 We Bought a Zoo (2011)
WHALE BELLOWS The males bellow threats to one another, creating huge plumes of bubbles.[CN] 公鲸鱼发出咆哮,彼此威吓 冒出一阵又一阵的气泡 Mammals (2009)
The wolves would howl through the night, and by morning, we'd return home.[CN] 狼人在夜間咆哮 白天我們回到村裡 Ordinary People (2011)
The roar of the engine. It just, tickles me.[CN] 引擎的咆哮声让我浑身兴奋 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)
- WELL, WE'RE NOT BACKING DOWN.[JP] ライオン大咆哮だ! Origins Part 2 (2011)
And I went to wailing on that nigger's head![CN] 然后我就咆哮着砸向那个黑鬼的头 The Sunset Limited (2011)
When startled, the Thunderdrum produces a concussive sound that can kill a man at close range.[CN] 一旦被惊扰 雷鼓龙就会发出惊天动地的咆哮 杀死可见范围内的所有人 How to Train Your Dragon (2010)
(water roaring)[CN] (水咆哮) Repeaters (2010)
[ Growling ][CN] [ 咆哮 ] Silent Venom (2009)
(GROWLING) But for my reasons.[CN] (咆哮),但我的理由。 The Scorpion King 3: Battle for Redemption (2012)
Yeah, well, i have to hold a retractor for shadow shepherd[CN] 顯然你咆哮得夠大聲 Suicide Is Painless (2010)
I always liked this one.[CN] 发出可怕的咆哮声 The Blind Side (2009)
She was just, you know, ranting, basically.[CN] 她基本上就是 你知道 咆哮 Red Menace (2009)
- I said don't yell at me![CN] - 不要冲我咆哮! Julia's Eyes (2010)
- He can yell. He will yell.[CN] 他可以咆哮 他會咆哮的 Slow Night, So Long (2010)
And you growl and you snap, but you are in...[CN] 你咆哮、你怒吼,可你... Leap Year (2010)
I just sat there and screamed.[CN] 就坐在那平台上大声咆哮! Saw 3D: The Final Chapter (2010)
And he replied, "I am a voice crying in the wilderness."[CN] 他回答道 我是在荒漠中咆哮的声音 Even the Rain (2010)
I thought they would roar like Solomon the Lion.[CN] 我以為它們會像獅子所羅門一樣咆哮的 We Bought a Zoo (2011)
ROAR...[CN] 咆哮... Arthur Christmas (2011)
(engine roaring to life) (laughing)[CN] (发动机咆哮的生活) (笑) Repeaters (2010)
and when the wind blew the driller sends a noise, that was like the howling of demons...[CN] 要是有风的话 钻机的声音就像是魔鬼在咆哮一样 Nine Miles Down (2009)
It's a poem called Joe. "Black anger roars inside him."[CN] 黑色的怒火在他心中咆哮 Gently Upside Down (2011)
[ Hissing, Growling ][CN] [ 嘶嘶声,咆哮 ] Silent Venom (2009)
Let's rave![CN] 我们去咆哮! The Change-Up (2011)
{ \cHFFFFFF }WIND WHISTLES[CN] (风咆哮声) United (2011)
Mr. Coble was in my office ranting and raving about you owing him a herd of cattle.[CN] 柯博先生刚在我办公室咆哮 说你欠了他一群牛 Bloodworth (2010)
(Roared in Arabic)[CN] (用阿拉伯语咆哮) The Assault (2010)
The SEC continues to roar like a mouse and bite like a flea.[CN] 证交会继续 咆哮像老鼠 咬像跳蚤。 Chasing Madoff (2010)
The wolf is growling and the man with the shotgun says to Illya Kuryakin, [CN] 狼在咆哮 拿枪的男人对伊利亚・库亚金说 Temple Grandin (2010)
No, it growled.[CN] 不,它只是咆哮 Red Riding Hood (2011)
When's he going to stop?[CN] - 他还要咆哮多久? Mr. and Mrs. Incredible (2011)
Now growl. Moan.[CN] 现在开始咆哮 呻吟 The Runaways (2010)
Their energy creates unbelievably strong winds... howling down this vast canyon at five million miles an hour.[CN] 他们的能量创造出不可思议的雄伟云团 以时速五百万英哩沿着这条巨大的峡谷咆哮 Hubble (2010)
Green Mountain, 368 Roaring Power Punch[CN] 篙山派,咆哮三百六十八响神拳 Mr. and Mrs. Incredible (2011)
The troop is always ready I yell "Geronimo"[CN] *队伍时刻准备着* *我咆哮着"冲啊"* Hot Tub Time Machine (2010)
Natsu?[JP] 火竜の咆哮! ! Fairy Tail (2009)
You wouldn't believe How we wow shit out[CN] *你不会相信,我们在如何咆哮* Hot Tub Time Machine (2010)
roaring inside you.[CN] 在你心中咆哮 Gently Upside Down (2011)
MOLE RAT SQUEAKS, WOLF GROWLS[CN] -(鼹鼠惨叫声) -(狼的咆哮声) Fire (2010)
- You're a raving lunatic![CN] - 你是个咆哮的疯子 Midnight in Paris (2011)


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