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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
享用[xiǎng yòng, ㄒㄧㄤˇ ㄩㄥˋ,  ] to enjoy the use of; to take pleasure from #15,452 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
We'll have a special dinner.[CN] 讓我們享用一頓 特別的晚餐 Cremator (1969)
- Enjoy it.[CN] -慢慢享用吧! The Godfather: Part II (1974)
Ban appétit.[CN] 请享用。 The Suitor (1962)
For all contestants, everything is on the house except booze, betting and bawds.[CN] 所有的参赛者可免费享用屋子里所有的东西, 除了烈酒、赌博和妓女外。 Bite the Bullet (1975)
Pleasure in Tosa is drinking fine sakés and eating the flesh of this tasty fish.[CN] 您们的到来是土佐的光荣 请尽情品尝新鲜的鱼 尽情享用这上好的米酒 Onimasa (1982)
I want to enjoy your body first[CN] 我要先享用的你身体 Akutoku no sakae (1988)
You know you took her out, you wined and dined her, you had a good time.[CN] 你带她出去 享用美酒大餐, 开心一下 Raging Bull (1980)
All conquering heroes in the dining room for the dinner of your lifetime- steaks, shrimp... apple pie, Byron, and champagne from California.[CN] 南征北战的英雄们,请到餐厅就座 享用一顿丰盛大餐 牛排、海虾、苹果派,拜伦 Part VII (1988)
Champagne and refreshments for everyone.[CN] 各位都享用香槟和点心吧 Buffalo Bill and the Indians, or Sitting Bull's History Lesson (1976)
So of course he gets the first serving![CN] 所以当然他第一个享用! Waves of Lust (1975)
You might enjoy dining with us tonight.[CN] 跟我们一块享用晚餐 A Fistful of Dollars (1964)
Egypt's riches are not available for your own use much less to give away. Perhaps in a day or two...[CN] 埃及的财富你都无法享用 何况是赠与他人 Cleopatra (1963)
Now, enjoy yourself... that's what this place is for.[CN] 现在尽情享用吧 这就是这个地方所有的 This Sporting Life (1963)
You killed meso you could enjoy in peace all my land and my money.[CN] 你杀我 只是为了能享用我的钱和土地 The Canterbury Tales (1972)
We are foregathering in Sataf as arranged... for afternoon tea.[CN] 要的,且让我们相聚于在斯塔夫并享用... 一场下午茶 Appointment with Death (1988)
Janice just gave me the royal sendoff - steak and eggs for breakfast.[CN] 吃点儿 不了,谢谢,杰尼斯刚让我享用 了一次豪华告别宴 有肉排和煎蛋 Part III (1988)
Believe me, worlds celestial and infernal for one divinity were made.[CN] 请相信我吧 这一块东西仅仅是供一个神享用 它在永恒的光明里 Mephisto (1981)
Please, Countess...[CN] 288) }夫人們,請享用 Private Vices, Public Pleasures (1976)
Eat and drink.[CN] 288) }享用吧. The Deserter and the Nomads (1968)
We must have something to give Mr. Henry Baker to take the place of the one which your family will very soon be devouring.[CN] 我必须给亨利・贝克先生买一只鹅 来代替 你们全家要享用的那只 The Blue Carbuncle (1984)
Now, what will you take, Mr. Phelps, curried fowl, eggs, or will you help yourself?[CN] 你想吃哪样呢 菲尔普斯先生 是咖喱鸡 是火腿蛋 还是享用你自己面前那份? The Naval Treaty (1984)
I'll let the leaders enjoy them![CN] 就送给你们的头领享用吧 Long Road to Gallantry (1984)
He/she remains silent. All that I want is your body[CN] 不要动,让我慢慢享用你的身体吧 The State of Things (1982)
Have a good lunch, Buddy.[CN] 好好享用午餐 Wall Street (1987)
I want all of you to enjoy your cake.[CN] 希望大家好好享用蛋糕 所以... The Godfather: Part II (1974)
Enjoy your dinner, old man.[CN] 慢慢享用晚餐,兄弟 From Russia with Love (1963)
Londoners will drink it at their breakfasts tomorrow, won't they?[CN] 倫敦人在明天吃早餐時就會享用這些, 對嗎 Tess (1979)
Bombing six, that second one is your baby.[CN] 第六轰炸机中队 另一艘归你们享用了 Part III (1988)
Be blessed Thine field and let it yield good crops so those slaves of Thine could eat bread from it.[CN] 上帝保佑汝之田地, 愿其穀物豐登 這樣, 汝之奴隸 即可享用麵包 The White Bird Marked with Black (1971)
My God, what we could've done on that kingsize bed tonight![CN] 我的天 要是今晚能和你一起 享用那张大床就好了 Wild at Heart (1990)
Come to my woman's breasts, and take my milk for gall, you murdering ministers.[CN] 因为知觉麻木而沉迷不悟的人, 赶快感到你的威力吧! 从享用过度的人手里夺下一点来分给穷人, Great Performances (1971)
All right, go on in, young man.[CN] 请进,好好享用早餐,进去吧 Sea of Love (1989)
We made money for you and you spent it.[CN] 我们创造财富 确是你来享用 1900 (1976)
have been analyzed and proved to... come from the Royal Chicken which... only the Royal family can consume[CN] 經過雞毛專家分析後 證實是屬於一種叫皇氣貴妃雞 而這種雞只有皇室人員才有資格享用 Fei xia xiao bai long (1968)
Eat and drink, my folks.[CN] 288) }大家盡情的享用吧. The Deserter and the Nomads (1968)
Enjoyyour meal.[CN] 享用你的美味吧 Battle for the Planet of the Apes (1973)
I shall probably receive the Government s displeasure, and we'll be retired on an inadequate pension.[CN] 我们一辈子将享用荣华不断! 记得拿破仑的警句吗? 55 Days at Peking (1963)
Help yourself.[CN] - 好吧. 请享用. Darling (1965)
Well, now at least we can enjoy our dinner.[CN] 现在至少咱们可以享用晚餐了 Part IV (1988)
Now that that has been established, could we have some lunch, Mr Healey?[CN] 既然一切已准备妥当,我们该享用午餐了吧? Appointment with Death (1988)
And I've just eaten an enormous breakfast.[CN] 而且我剛剛享用了豐盛的早餐. How to Steal a Million (1966)
We're issuing you vouchers for lunch.[CN] 我们将为诸位开具凭证享用午餐 The V.I.P.s (1963)
Oh, lord of light, accept this sacrifice.[CN] 光明之主 请享用祭品 Oh, lord of light, accept this sacrifice. The City of the Dead (1960)
There's such a thing as enjoying beauty for its own sake.[CN] 真应该好好享用一下 The Man Who Would Be King (1975)
Mr. Foxley I think this might be an appropriate moment for an enjoyable lunch.[CN] 福克斯利先生 我觉得现在可以享用午餐了 Libel (1959)
I'll get you yet, and I'll enjoy every sou you leave me.[CN] 我会做到的 我会享用你留给我的每一分钱 The Man with the Golden Gun (1974)
- We can share.[CN] - 我们可以享用了 Slavnosti snezenek (1984)
Let every Indian claim it as his right.[CN] 所有的印度人都有权享用 Gandhi (1982)
Take it home, now, as is.[CN] 你想买下来 带回家立马享用的就是这个 The Burning (1981)
There is a treasure that can never be spent.[CN] 那可是人生享用不尽的宝藏。 The Whales of August (1987)


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