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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: -nymph-, *nymph*
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English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
nymph(n) นางไม้ (ซึ่งสิงสถิตย์อยู่ตามริมแม่น้ำ ต้นไม้ ภูเขา ในเทพนิยายโบราณ), Syn. nature goddess, sprite
nymphomaniac(adj) กล้าเกินหญิง, Syn. flirtatious, flirty

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
paranymph(แพ'ระนิมฟ) n. เพื่อนเจ้าบ่าว, เพื่อนเจ้าวสาว
wood nymphn. เทพารักษ์

English-Thai: Nontri Dictionary
nymph(n) นางไม้

English-Thai: Longdo Dictionary (UNAPPROVED version -- use with care )  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Nymph(n) นิมฟ์ (เทพปกรณัมกรีก)

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
The water nymphs in the Wayless Wood.พรายน้ำในป่าไร้ทาง Inkheart (2008)
Water nymph.พรายน้ำ The Creepy Candy Coating Corollary (2009)
Here they come, here they come. Here come my nymphs.เจอแล้ว นี่ไงนางไม้ของฉัน Piranha 3D (2010)
Beat it, nymphs.ตีมันสิ นางไม้ Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2010)
Water nymph.นางไม้น้ำ The Engagement Reaction (2011)
Look, nymph, you just think you hate me.ฟังนะ นิมฟ์ คุณแค่เกลียดผม Mirror, Mirror (2011)
Not many people know that my mother was a Wood Nymph.ไม่กี่คนหรอกที่รู้ว่าแม่ฉันเป็นนิมฟ์ป่า Truth and Consequences (2012)
Shelley was brought to us having been given the preposterous diagnosis by a psychiatrist comparing her to a wood nymph.แชลลี่ถูกส่งมาหาเรา จิตแพทย์วินิจฉัยว่าเธอมีความผิดปกติ เทียบได้กับนางไม้ในป่า Welcome to Briarcliff (2012)
The one who touches the Staff of Righteousness shall take up the noble cause, accept the sacred mantle of Ruler of Forest Nymphs and Wood Sprites, and fight for truth and justice throughout the land to the end of their natural days.ผู้ที่แตะต้อง คทาแห่งความเที่ยงธรรม ต้องรับหน้าที่ที่ยิ่งใหญ่ น้อมรับดินแดนศักดิ์สิทธิ์แห่งป่านิมฟ์ Confaegion (2013)

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
nymph(n) (classical mythology) a minor nature goddess usually depicted as a beautiful maiden
nymph(n) a larva of an insect with incomplete metamorphosis (as the dragonfly or mayfly)
nymph(n) a voluptuously beautiful young woman, Syn. houri
Nymphaea(n) the type genus of the family Nymphaeaceae; any of a variety of water lilies, Syn. genus Nymphaea
Nymphaeaceae(n) dicot aquatic plants, Syn. water-lily family, family Nymphaeaceae
nymphalid(n) medium to large butterflies found worldwide typically having brightly colored wings and much-reduced nonfunctional forelegs carried folded on the breast, Syn. brush-footed butterfly, nymphalid butterfly, four-footed butterfly
Nymphalidae(n) large beautifully colored butterflies, Syn. family Nymphalidae
Nymphalis(n) type genus of the Nymphalidae: mourning cloak butterflies, Syn. genus Nymphalis
nymphet(n) a sexually attractive young woman
Nymphicus(n) a genus of Psittacidae, Syn. genus Nymphicus

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

n. [ L. nympha nymph, bride, young woman, Gr. ny`mfh: cf. F. nymphe. Cf. Nuptial. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

1. (Class. Myth.) A goddess of the mountains, forests, meadows, or waters. [ 1913 Webster ]

Where were ye, nymphs, when the remorseless deep
Closed o'er the head of your loved Lycidas? Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Hence: A lovely young girl; a maiden; a damsel. [ 1913 Webster ]

Nymph, in thy orisons
Be all my sins remembered. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. (Zool.) The pupa of an insect; a chrysalis. [ 1913 Webster ]

4. (Zool.) Any one of a subfamily (Najades) of butterflies including the purples, the fritillaries, the peacock butterfly, etc.; -- called also naiad. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n.; pl. Nymphae [ L. See Nymph a goddess. ] 1. (Zool.) Same as Nymph, 3. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. pl. (Anat.) Two folds of mucous membrane, within the labia, at the opening of the vulva. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖prop. n. [ L., the water lily, Gr. &unr_;. ] (Bot.) A genus of aquatic plants having showy flowers (white, blue, pink, or yellow, often fragrant), including the white water lily and the Egyptia lotus. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ Recent critics have endeavored to show that this genus should be called Castalia, and the name Nymphaea transferred to what is now known as Nuphar. [ 1913 Webster ]


prop. n. A natural family of dicot aquatic plants.
Syn. -- family Nymphaeaceae, water-lily family. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


a. Of or pertaining to a nymph or nymphs; nymphean. [ 1913 Webster ]


prop. n. pl. [ NL. ] (Zool.) Same as Nymphalidae, an extensive family of butterflies including the nymphs, the satyrs, the monarchs, the heliconias, and others; -- called also brush-footed butterflies. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. Any butterfly of the family Nymphalidae, consisting of medium to large butterflies found worldwide, typically having brightly colored wings and much-reduced nonfunctional forelegs carried folded on the breast.
Syn. -- nymphalid butterfly, brush-footed butterfly, four-footed butterfly. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


prop. n. A natural family of large beautifully colored butterflies, called also the brush-footed butterflies; formerly called Nymphales.
Syn. -- family Nymphalidae. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


prop. n. The type genus of the Nymphalidae, including the mourning cloak butterfly (Nymphalis antiopa).
Syn. -- genus Nymphalis. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


a. [ Gr. &unr_;. See Nymph. ] Of, pertaining to, or appropriate to, nymphs; inhabited by nymphs; as, a nymphean cave. [ 1913 Webster ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[jǐ, ㄐㄧˇ, / ] nymph of louse #48,171 [Add to Longdo]
[xìng, ㄒㄧㄥˋ, ] Nymphoides peltatum #727,384 [Add to Longdo]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Nymphomanin { f }nymphomaniac [Add to Longdo]
Nymphensittich { m } [ ornith. ]Cockatiel; Cockateel [Add to Longdo]
Nymphenralle { f } [ ornith. ]Forbes' Chestnut Rail [Add to Longdo]
Nymphenliest [ ornith. ]Pink-breasted Paradise Kingfisher [Add to Longdo]
Nymphenpitta [ ornith. ]Fairy Pitta [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
[せい, sei] (n) (1) spirit; sprite; nymph; (2) energy; vigor (vigour); strength; (3) fine details; (4) semen; (P) #6,734 [Add to Longdo]
ナイアス;ナーイアス[naiasu ; na-iasu] (n) (See ナイアード) Naiad (water nymph) (gre [Add to Longdo]
ニンフ;ナンフ[ninfu ; nanfu] (n) nymph [Add to Longdo]
ニンフェット[ninfetto] (n) nymphet [Add to Longdo]
ニンフォマニア[ninfomania] (n) nymphomania [Add to Longdo]
阿亀鸚哥[おかめいんこ;オカメインコ, okameinko ; okameinko] (n) (uk) cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus) [Add to Longdo]
好き者[すきもの, sukimono] (n) (vulg) dilettante; lecher; nymphomaniac [Add to Longdo]
若虫[わかむし, wakamushi] (n, adj-no) (See ニンフ) nymph (immature form of an insect) [Add to Longdo]
水蠆[やご;やまめ;ヤゴ;ヤマメ, yago ; yamame ; yago ; yamame] (n) (uk) dragonfly naiad (nymph) [Add to Longdo]
睡蓮[すいれん;スイレン, suiren ; suiren] (n) (1) (uk) water lily (any plant of genus Nymphaea); (2) (See 未草) pygmy waterlily (Nymphaea tetragona) [Add to Longdo]


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