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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
干果[gān guǒ, ㄍㄢ ㄍㄨㄛˇ,   /  ] dried fruit; dry fruits (nuts etc) #35,757 [Add to Longdo]

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I never liked that fruitcake.[CN] 我一直都讨厌那个干果糕饼 Pathology (2008)
There's nothing to straighten out.[CN] 你拿了些干果巧克力 Grandpa Steals (2003)
You're not allowed to sample the trail mix.[CN] 干果巧克力不可以试吃的 (trail mix由水果干、谷物、坚果和巧克力混合而成) Grandpa Steals (2003)
No. I just want to straighten out a little misunderstanding about the trail mix there.[CN] 不 我只是想澄清 干果巧克力引起的小误会 Grandpa Steals (2003)
Lumpy oatmeal with fruitcake mashed in, flambé, of course.[CN] 粗麥片混這搗碎的干果松糕 用火燒 當然 Waitress (2007)
He was sampling the trail mix.[CN] 他吃了些干果巧克力 Grandpa Steals (2003)
Nothing. I just took a little of the snacking mix out of the thing.[CN] 没什么 我只是拿了些干果巧克力 Grandpa Steals (2003)
Pass the nuts. Charming.[CN] 干果馅饼 Mindhunters (2004)
Bring my nuts on a silver platter.[CN] 给我干果 用银盘子装 Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa (2008)
Phil, we have enough nuts stored up to feed an army.[CN] 费尔,我们储存了足够多的干果,够一个军队吃了 Welcome to the Jungle (2013)
Choices are powdered eggs, dried fruit and yogurt.[CN] 你的选择是蛋,干果和优格 The Island (2005)
It's this jiggling little fruitcake, isn't it?[CN] 是掺有干果的饼干,啊? Corky Romano (2001)


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