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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
宫廷[gōng tíng, ㄍㄨㄥ ㄊㄧㄥˊ,   /  ] court (of king or emperor) #14,092 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
And I warn you, if I so much as read her name in anything but the court circular, [CN] 我警告你 要是我在《宫廷通告》之外的地方 读到了她的名字 Episode #2.5 (2011)
The same is true at court.[CN] 宫廷里也是如此. The same is true at court. Baelor (2011)
- We miss life at Court.[CN] -我们十分想念宫廷生活 A Royal Affair (2012)
Vice Minister Teizaburo Sekiya, a high palace official.[CN] 副首相关谷镇三郎,高层宫廷官员 Emperor (2012)
I'm going as a French court jester. I shall talk like this.[CN] 我要打扮成法国宫廷小丑 我要像这样说话 A Royal Affair (2012)
Are you afraid that I'm dancing around the court with my tits out?[CN] 你害怕我会袒胸露乳地在宫廷里招摇? Are you afraid that I'm dancing around the court with my tits out? Fire and Blood (2011)
"A second chance," I think to myself.[CN] 原为德国民间舞 17和18世纪发展成为法国宫廷舞 第二次机会 我在心里对自己说 A Late Quartet (2012)
I believe the ladies of the court could learn a great deal from a girl like you.[CN] 我相信宫廷中的仕女们 I believe the ladies of the court 能从象你这样的姑娘那里学到很多东西. could learn a great deal from a girl like you. Fire and Blood (2011)
It will happen at the Court ball.[CN] 事情安排在宫廷舞会时 A Royal Affair (2012)
I only hunted one.[CN] 我想见识见识宫廷生活 Isabel, la reina (2011)
Still, your aim is truer than my palace guards.[CN] 不过,你的目的是更真实 比我的宫廷侍卫。 The Scorpion King 3: Battle for Redemption (2012)
Inform Tywin Lannister that he has been summoned to court to answer for the crimes of his bannermen.[CN] 命泰温・兰尼斯特前来宫廷 对他的家臣所犯下的罪负责 A Golden Crown (2011)


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