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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
土库曼[Tǔ kù màn, ㄊㄨˇ ㄎㄨˋ ㄇㄢˋ,    /   ] Turkmenistan; Republic of Turkmenistan, former Soviet republic adjoining Iran #72,992 [Add to Longdo]
土库曼斯坦[Tǔ kù màn sī tǎn, ㄊㄨˇ ㄎㄨˋ ㄇㄢˋ ㄙ ㄊㄢˇ,      /     ] Turkmenistan #37,628 [Add to Longdo]
土库曼[Tǔ kù màn rén, ㄊㄨˇ ㄎㄨˋ ㄇㄢˋ ㄖㄣˊ,     /    ] Turkmen (person) [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
And my search for the Aryans now led into the secret world of Turkmenistan.[CN] 我的寻找亚利安人之旅进入了土库曼尼斯坦的神秘世界 Beginnings (2007)
Do you think the President of Turkmenistan... will be more upset that[CN] 你认为土库曼斯坦的总统 The Fifth Estate (2013)
Tajiks Turkmen, Uzbeks[CN] 塔吉克斯坦、土库曼、乌兹别克斯坦 9th Company (2005)
Well, it may just be that here in the deserts of Turkmenistan, for the first time we can pin these people down on their migration.[CN] 答案可能就在土库曼斯坦的沙漠 在他们的迁徙路线上,我们第一次 能够确定这些人的落脚点 Beginnings (2007)
The pilot involved Harlamov in the liquidation of the bands basmachi in South Turkestan.[CN] 哈诺拉莫夫参与了在土库曼斯坦南部 对巴斯玛奇匪帮的扫荡。 (巴斯玛奇运动系突厥人 对苏联在中亚进行统治而发动的起义) First on the Moon (2005)
This thing, I had to bring over piece by sodding' piece from Turkmenistan.[CN] 这东西我可是拆成零件 一件件从土库曼斯坦的运来的 The Ice Man Job (2009)
This is Merv in Turkmenistan in Central Asia.[CN] 这是中亚土库曼尼斯坦的木鹿 Spice Routes & Silk Roads (2007)
Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and so on and so forth.[CN] 土库曼斯坦 阿富汗 以及诸如此类的国家 Countdown to Zero (2010)
So the real story begins with a brutal war of aggression.[CN] 答案可能就在土库曼斯坦的沙漠 The Power of Ideas (2007)
Iraqi President al-Sadr was on hand to commemorate the occasion and praised Sunni, Shiah, Kurd and Turkoman...[CN] 伊拉克总统萨达也出席庆典 赞扬逊尼、什叶及土库曼派... The Invasion (2007)
They say he stood there renouncing his whole kingdom, everything.[CN] 我的寻找亚利安人之旅进入了土库曼尼斯坦的神秘世界 The Power of Ideas (2007)
I guess that Turkmenistan comment didn't go over too well with the Secretary, did it?[CN] 我想土库曼斯坦 对国务卿的言论不太满意,对吧? The Fifth Estate (2013)


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