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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
变革[biàn gé, ㄅㄧㄢˋ ㄍㄜˊ,   /  ] transform; change #5,893 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Almost immediately, he instituted a series of radical religious changes, including a ban on references to multiple gods.[CN] 之后他立马制定了一系列的宗教变革 包括禁止信仰多神 The Visitors (2010)
And I won't call it a success... because it was a revolution.[CN] 我取得了成功 因为这是个变革 This Must Be the Place (2011)
I don't want to change that.[CN] 我不愿变革 Machete (2010)
Gods deliberately bred with humans so that they could produce, they could get a race that they could trust and control a little bit better.[CN] 进行了一番伟大的变革 天神故意和人类结合 他们可以繁衍 并可以得到一个 The Mission (2010)
This is the dawn of new leadership in Iraq, and let the world take note, change is coming to the Middle East at last.[CN] 伊拉克的新领导时代即将到来 我们告诉全世界 中东终于发生变革 Green Zone (2010)
The discovery of dark matter has revolutionized our picture of the Milky Way.[CN] 暗物质的发现 已经变革了我们对银河的看法. Inside the Milky Way (2010)
We're undergoing something of a revolution.[CN] 我们正在经历一项变革 Inside the Milky Way (2010)
You're forever pestering me about change and you're afraid to eat a little bowl of spaghetti circles.[CN] 你永远缠着我 变革... ...而你不敢吃了一碗小 意粉圆。 来吧。 Arthur (2011)
I say why change?[CN] 我说 为什么要变革? Machete (2010)
But already the seeds of change are being sown.[CN] 但是变革的种子已经播种下了. Inside the Milky Way (2010)
And if so, what sort of technology would be needed to effect such a widespread change?[CN] 或是入侵? 如果成立 需要什么样的科技 来达到如此规模的变革? The Mission (2010)
Everywhere I go in this glorious state, people are talking about change.[CN] 我每到一处 都听到人们谈论变革 Machete (2010)


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