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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
何用[なによう, naniyou] (exp) what kind of business; what sort of matter [Add to Longdo]
何用[なにようで, naniyoude] (exp) on what business [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Now, what is money to men like us?[CN] 錢財對我們何用 Shakespeare in Love (1998)
You know how to use that thing?[CN] 你知道如何用那玩意吗? Jason X (2001)
What follows is an account of their calamitous adventures... and how a kind and steady heart... can mend a sorry world.[CN] 农庄含物产 抵押出售 接下来就是这段患难冒险的经过 以及如何用一颗善良、稳定的心 治疗这个悲惨的世界 Babe: Pig in the City (1998)
What do you want?[JP] 何用 The Old Gods and the New (2012)
What brings you to the land of the gatekeepers?[JP] おまえさんはこの島の門番に何用かね? Sintel (2010)
But he won't know what to make of your blinker signal that says you're about to turn right.[CN] 但是他肯定想不透 你为何用信号灯告诉他 你要向右拐 Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998)
A tuxedo. A tuxedo for what?[JP] 何用の? The Man in the Killer Suit (2014)
That's why I am named after him, Otto.[CN] 那是我为何用他名字的道理 奥托 Lovers of the Arctic Circle (1998)
grunting why do they make these things out of metal? uh, i think it's twisted.[CN] 这为何用金属造? Lucky Numbers (2000)
Your Grace.[JP] - 陛下. - 何用 The Ghost of Harrenhal (2012)
Oh, yeah. And with friends like you, who needs friends?[CN] 是啊, 要是有你这种朋友 朋友又有何用 Rushmore (1998)
Someone out back asking for you. Something about an old boyfriend.[JP] 誰か裏口に来てるぞ 何用かな 昔の彼氏か? Deadpool (2016)


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