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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: -神化-, *神化*
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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
神化[shén huà, ㄕㄣˊ ㄏㄨㄚˋ,  ] to make divine; apotheosis #41,719 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
神化[しんか, shinka] (n, vs) apotheosis [Add to Longdo]

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The snow leopard is an almost mythical creature, an icon of the wilderness, an animal few humans have ever glimpsed for its world is one we seldom visit.[CN] 雪豹是一种几乎被神化了的动物 它们是荒野的标志 这种动物只有很少一部分人亲眼见过 Mountains (2006)
As you know, um, myths and fairy tales of tribal peoples are full of images... like magic doors and children disappearing... and people being so frightened their hair turns white overnight.[CN] 你知道, 呃, 关于氏族的传说和神化故事 都充溢着各种影像... 就像是有魔法的门 小孩就此神秘消失... 於是人们怕的要命,一夜白头 The Door in the Floor (2004)
-Uh, I teach mythology.[CN] 我教神化学. When Night Is Falling (1995)
Lookit, it's the Jews' destiny to be annihilated so they can be deified.[CN] 你看,犹太人的宿命就是要被灭绝 这样才能被神化. The Believer (2001)
I don't think anybody will deify Kennedy.[CN] 我认为并非人人都会神化肯尼迪 The Man from Earth (2007)
And Christmas is as good a day as any to believe in fairy tales.[CN] 圣诞节是个相信神化故事的好日子 A Love Song for Bobby Long (2004)
-Transformations are a basic staple of mythology.[CN] 神化的主要架构就是转型. When Night Is Falling (1995)
- Let's go, leave her alone. - What are you doing?[CN] 行啦,唔好理个神化嘢 做咩呀? Huo wu feng yun (1988)
Please don't idolize me[CN] 不敢当不敢当 , 别把我神化 Love in Disguise (2010)
- You went with Thor?[CN] 你要扮北欧神化中的雷神? The Middle Earth Paradigm (2007)
It's making us all on fucking edge.[CN] 某种该死的精神化学药物什么的 The Belko Experiment (2016)
You've really deified yourself haven't you?[CN] 现在你在脑袋里把自己神化了? Kamikaze Girls (2004)


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