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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
招亲[zhāo qīn, ㄓㄠ ㄑㄧㄣ,   /  ] to invite the groom (to live with the bride's family) #52,594 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
How can you let her do this?[CN] 你怎么可以让月娥比武招亲呢? Ngo ga yau yat chek hiu dung see (2002)
He-master I want to enter the fight[CN] 男主子 我要参加比武招亲 Ngo ga yau yat chek hiu dung see (2002)
We're supposed to fight or what?[CN] 我们不是来比武招亲吗? Ngo ga yau yat chek hiu dung see (2002)
Who she is going to marry[CN] 在大相国寺外设擂台比武招亲 Ngo ga yau yat chek hiu dung see (2002)
Have everything ready.[CN] 准备家伙,今晚上演穆桂英招亲 Peking Opera Blues (1986)
The organizers have decided to turn the event into a group fight[CN] 本大会决定由比武招亲 临时改为群殴招亲 Ngo ga yau yat chek hiu dung see (2002)
That is why I have decided to keep in service... those who are not as likely to have prospects of marrying a good match.[CN] 我决定将回归民间都难以招亲的男子 继续留在大奥为幕府朝廷尽一分力 The Lady Shogun and Her Men (2010)
However, you two got married in the battlefield.[CN] 却被你临阵招亲 Legendary Amazons (2011)


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