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Damask weavingการทอยกดอก [TU Subject Heading]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
You were the finest engine builder in Damascus, no?Ihr wart der beste Ingenieur in Damaskus? The Heavenly and Primal (2014)
I've been to Damascus. To Beirut. To Paris.Ich war in Damaskus, in Beirut, in Paris. Queen of the Desert (2015)
The bodies of the air crew were found less than 24 hours after they landed in Damascus.Die Leichen der Besatzung wurden... keine 24 Stunden nach ihrer Landung in Damaskus gefunden. Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (2015)
We altered protocol after what happened in Damascus.Wir änderten die Regeln, nach dem, was in Damaskus passierte. AKA Sin Bin (2015)
Paul and the road to Damascus is nothing.Der heilige Paulus in Damaskus ist nichts gegen Sie. Meurtres à la Rochelle (2015)
My government will actively oppose any plans for regime change in Damascus.Meine Regierung wird jedweden Plan für einen Regimewechsel in Damaskus bekämpfen. Why Is This Night Different? (2015)
When Damascus falls, every Alawi in the country, including you and your family, will be slaughtered.Wenn Damaskus fällt, wird jeder Alawit im Land, Sie und Ihre Familie inbegriffen, abgeschlachtet. Why Is This Night Different? (2015)
My government will actively oppose any plans for regime change in Damascus.Meine Regierung wird jedweden Plan für einen Regimewechsel in Damaskus bekämpfen. Super Powers (2015)
If the Mukhabarat had even a whiff of this, that plane never would've gotten off the ground in Damascus.Hätte der Muchabarat davon gewusst, wäre das Flugzeug in Damaskus gar nicht erst abgehoben. Better Call Saul (2015)
The night before you were giving me an earful about regime change in Damascus.Am Abend davor hast du mir ein Ohr über Regimewechsel in Damaskus abgekaut. Better Call Saul (2015)
A blade that could carve through Damascus steel.Eine Klinge, die auch Damaskusstahl durchtrennt. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Sword of Destiny (2016)
Well, before we discuss any military options, I'd like to put a call in to Damascus and see what they'll allow.Bevor wir militärische Optionen erwägen, möchte ich Damaskus anrufen... und schauen, was die erlauben. Chapter 49 (2016)
She's on her own journey. - You know, her own road to Damascus, if you will. - Mmm.Sie schlägt ihren eigenen Weg ein, sozusagen ihre eigene Reise nach Damaskus. Church (2016)
Oh. A little "Road to Damascus" moment there, eh Hector?Ein kleiner "Die Straße nach Damaskus" Moment, was Hector? A New Mission (2016)
Near Damascus.Bei Damaskus. #PicsOrItDidntHappen (2017)
Recorded this morning EET in the Yarmouk neighborhood of Damascus.Aufgenommen heute Morgen, OEZ, im Jarmuk-Viertel von Damaskus. Chapter 59 (2017)
Ahmed Al Ahmadi didn't travel all the way from his compound to Damascus to buy a candy bar.Ahmed al Ahmadi ist nicht für Schokolade nach Damaskus gereist. Chapter 59 (2017)
ICO wants to see Ahmadi walking out of Damascus in one piece.ICO will, dass Ahmadi heil aus Damaskus rauskommt. Chapter 59 (2017)
Ahmadi is in Damascus. And a number of parties were racing to capture him, including, of course, the United States.Ahmadi ist in Damaskus... und verschiedene Gruppen wollten ihn festnehmen... darunter natürlich auch die USA. Chapter 59 (2017)
We lost Ahmadi a short time ago and believe he is no longer in Damascus.Wir haben Ahmadi verloren und glauben, er ist nicht mehr in Damaskus. Chapter 59 (2017)
To protect the oil lines, to keep Petrov from getting into Damascus. And, of course, to protect the people.Um die Ölleitungen zu beschützen, um Petrov aus Damaskus fernzuhalten... und natürlich, um Menschen zu beschützen. Chapter 62 (2017)
This is Damascus!Das hier ist Damaskus! Damascus, NE (2005)
- The good ship behind the eight ball.- Mit der weißen Fracht nach Damaskus. The Man Who Came to Dinner (1942)
One would be enough. You thought that beggar in Damascus was a barrister.In Damaskus dachtest du, der Bettler sei ein Richter. The Lady Vanishes (1938)
In no time, you'll have the population of Damascus against the walls, and you've ended all resistance.In kürzester Zeit hätten Sie ganz Damaskus... exekutiert und jeglichen Widerstand gebrochen. Sirocco (1951)
He'd been operating a gambling house in Damascus.Er führte einen Spielsalon in Damaskus. Sirocco (1951)
An American in Damascus.Ein Amerikaner in Damaskus. Sirocco (1951)
I shouldn't have come to Damascus.Ich hätte nicht nach Damaskus kommen sollen. Sirocco (1951)
Here in Damascus is opportunity.Hier in Damaskus winkt das Geschäft. Sirocco (1951)
If you're not out of Damascus in 12 hours, you'll be shot.Sie müssen Damaskus binnen zwölf Stunden verlassen, sonst sind Sie tot. Sirocco (1951)
- Get back to Damascus, Abidor.- Geh nach Damaskus zurück, Abidor. The Robe (1953)
- Damascus.In Damaskus. The Road to Damascus (2005)
I've been to Damascus.Ich war in Damaskus. The Road to Damascus (2005)
Want to know what's in Damascus?Willst du wissen, was es in Damaskus gibt? The Road to Damascus (2005)
Viekää pää Damaskoseen.เอาหัวของมันไปดามัสคัส. Kingdom of Heaven (2005)
My cage has many rooms, damask and dark.กรงของฉันมีหลายห้อง, ม่านบดบังมืดมน Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007)
Now if we're going with the Damask for the settee, then I strongly suggest that we do the couch in the chenille.ถ้าเราใช้ผ้าดามาสก์สำหรับเก้าอี้เท้าแขน ฉันขอแนะนำว่าให้หุ้มเก้าอี้ยาวด้วยชีไนล์ Marry Me a Little (2009)
It was blue crushed damask then, But fashions change. Anyways, would you please hold our bagsจากนั้นก็จะเป็นกางเกงสีฟ้าที่นำมาใช้ การเปลี่ยนแปลงแฟชั่น San Andreas Quake (2015)
Fine Damascus silk.Feinste Damaskus-Seide! Ben-Hur (1959)
Fine Damascus silk.Feinste Damaskus-Seide! Ben-Hur (1959)
I had the honor to shake his hand in Damascus.Ich hatte in Damaskus einmal die Ehre, ihm die Hand zu drücken. Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
I think it is far from Damascus.Ich denke, es ist weit von Damaskus. Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
We'll have you in Damascus, sir.Wir bringen Sie schon nach Damaskus, Sir. Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
Have you been in Damascus, Mr. Lawrence?Waren Sie schon mal in Damaskus, Mr. Lawrence? Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
Dreaming won't get you to Damascus, but discipline will.Träume bringen Sie nie nach Damaskus, sondern eiserne Disziplin. Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
Look, I'm making my big push on Damascus the 16th of next month and you are part of it.Ich mache am 1 6ten des nächsten Monats meinen großen Vorstoß auf Damaskus und dabei sind Sie eingeplant. Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
They'll be coming for Damascus.Sie werden wegen Damaskus kommen. Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
But I'm going to give them Damascus.Aber ich werde ihnen Damaskus geben. Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
- Damascus, sherif.- Nach Damaskus, Sherif. Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
Damascus!Damaskus! Lawrence of Arabia (1962)

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
damask(n) a table linen made from linen with a damask pattern
damask(n) a fabric of linen or cotton or silk or wool with a reversible pattern woven into it
damask(adj) having a woven pattern

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

a. 1. Pertaining to, or originating at, the city of Damascus; resembling the products or manufactures of Damascus. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Having the color of the damask rose. [ 1913 Webster ]

But let concealment, like a worm i' the bud,
Feed on her damask cheek. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

Damask color, a deep rose-color like that of the damask rose. --
Damask plum, a small dark-colored plum, generally called damson. --
Damask rose (Bot.), a large, pink, hardy, and very fragrant variety of rose (Rosa damascena) from Damascus. “Damask roses have not been known in England above one hundred years.” Bacon. --
Damask steel, or
Damascus steel
, steel of the kind originally made at Damascus, famous for its hardness, and its beautiful texture, ornamented with waving lines; especially, that which is inlaid with damaskeening; -- formerly much valued for sword blades, from its great flexibility and tenacity.
[ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. [ imp. & p. p. Damasked p. pr. & vb. n. Damasking. ] To decorate in a way peculiar to Damascus or attributed to Damascus; particularly: (a) with flowers and rich designs, as silk; (b) with inlaid lines of gold, etc., or with a peculiar marking or “water, ” as metal. See Damaskeen. [ 1913 Webster ]

Mingled metal damasked o'er with gold. Dryde&unr_;. [ 1913 Webster ]

On the soft, downy bank, damasked with flowers. Milton.


n. [ From the city Damascus, L. Damascus, Gr. Damasko`s, Heb. Dammesq, Ar. Daemeshq; cf. Heb. d'meseq damask; cf. It. damasco, Sp. damasco, F. damas. Cf. Damascene, Damassé. ] 1. Damask silk; silk woven with an elaborate pattern of flowers and the like. “A bed of ancient damask.” W. Irving. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Linen so woven that a pattern in produced by the different directions of the thread, without contrast of color. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. A heavy woolen or worsted stuff with a pattern woven in the same way as the linen damask; -- made for furniture covering and hangings. [ 1913 Webster ]

4. Damask or Damascus steel; also, the peculiar markings or “water” of such steel. [ 1913 Webster ]

5. A deep pink or rose color. Fairfax. [ 1913 Webster ]


{ } v. t. [ F. damaschinare. See Damascene, v. ] To decorate, as iron, steel, etc., with a peculiar marking or “water” produced in the process of manufacture, or with designs produced by inlaying or incrusting with another metal, as silver or gold, or by etching, etc., to damask. [ 1913 Webster ]

Damaskeening is is partly mosaic work, partly engraving, and partly carving. Ure. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Damaskeen

n. [ Cf. F. damasquin, adj., It. damaschino, Sp. damasquino. See Damaskeen. ] A sword of Damask steel. [ 1913 Webster ]

No old Toledo blades or damaskins. Howell (1641). [ 1913 Webster ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[líng, ㄌㄧㄥˊ, / ] damask; thin silk #22,466 [Add to Longdo]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Damast { m }damask [Add to Longdo]
Dimashq; Damaskus (Hauptstadt von Syrien)Dimashq; Damascus (capital of Syria) [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
ダマスク[damasuku] (n) damask [Add to Longdo]
絢緞子[あやどんす, ayadonsu] (n) damask [Add to Longdo]
綾錦[あやにしき, ayanishiki] (n) twill damask and brocade [Add to Longdo]
綾布[あやぬの, ayanuno] (n) twill damask and brocade [Add to Longdo]
金襴緞子[きんらんどんす, kinrandonsu] (n) gold-brocaded satin damask [Add to Longdo]
緞子;鈍子[どんす, donsu] (n) silk damask; satin damask [Add to Longdo]


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