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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
解码[jiě mǎ, ㄐㄧㄝˇ ㄇㄚˇ,   /  ] to decode; to decipher #19,732 [Add to Longdo]
解码[jiě mǎ qì, ㄐㄧㄝˇ ㄇㄚˇ ㄑㄧˋ,    /   ] decoder [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
If we use an incremental encoder here we should have a photo-sensor.[CN] 用递增法解码 那要装影像感测器啦 Robo Jî (2012)
If you hypothetically wanted to record an eternal message that could be decoded by a creature that had eventually evolved enough intelligence to decode it, the place to put that message would not be on some monument or in some text, [CN] 要在一种生命进化到 足够智慧的时候才能将其解码 放置这些信息的地方不是什么纪念碑 The Visitors (2010)
An algorithmic tool for sending and interpreting messages.[CN] 发送并解码信息的工具 Leviathan (2013)
It's a language decoder.[CN] 这是个语言解码 G-Force (2009)
Because, like an apostle, your task is not to interpret, but to deliver.[CN] 因为你身负重任 你的任务不是解码 而是执行 Wanted (2008)
I've just got pixslexia, okay?[CN] 只是有点解码障碍,好吗? Wreck-It Ralph (2012)
Who'll decipher the question, who'll come up empty and fold and who'll crack under pressure?[CN] 谁会把问题解码出来 谁会一败涂地 谁又会在重压下崩溃 Exam (2009)
I need to hack the phone's lock code.[CN] 我需要黑掉手机的解码 Dead Reckoning (2013)
Like his secret decoder ring? No.[CN] 比如秘密解码环吗 没有 Dead Drop (2012)
I'm like the kid who hotwired the cable box in the basement to get the adult channels.[CN] 我就像是那些为了看成人频道 在地下室焊接电视解码器的孩子 Betrayals (2011)
- It's the key. - How does it work?[CN] 解码怎么用? CAT. 8 (2013)
For a reporter to decode who user number 4417749 was.[CN] 对于记者解码 谁的用户数为4417749。 Terms and Conditions May Apply (2013)
- What's the problem?[CN] -他们的DNA很难解码 Chapter Twenty 'Five Years Gone' (2007)
- They need to redesign the code. - Right. For that is the walker.[CN] 通过解码器对 答案就在机器人里 War of the Worlds 2: The Next Wave (2008)
We were cracking that code, that was the first time that we were on the same page.[CN] 当我们一起解码时 是我们首度和平共处超过5分钟 Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (2012)
That's okay. I decoded it all, sir. It's ANADYR.[CN] 没关系,我已经解码了,是ANADYR My Girlfriend Is an Agent (2009)
Did Jack get you that SRAS key?[CN] 杰克有给你解码吗? CAT. 8 (2013)
She gave us the key card.[CN] 她给了我们解码 CAT. 8 (2013)
Try and decode this one.[CN] 常试解码这个 Computer Chess (2013)
I don't carry my cipher in my first-aid kit.[CN] 我的急救箱里可没有解码 Company of Heroes (2013)
So she can't use him to decode the box, right?[CN] 这样她就不能用他解码黑盒 对吗 The Life We've Chosen (2013)
I haven't been able to unmask the hacker's IP.[CN] 我还没办法解码黑客的IP地址 Root Cause (2012)
See if he can decode that.[CN] 看他是否可以解码的。 Third Person (2013)
There must be some kind of code key. Just have to get it right ...[CN] 这里一定有某种解码的关键 要摆对位置 Ragnarok (2013)
And this one is 15. But what's the code?[CN] 这个是个15 但是怎样解码呢? The Blind Banker (2010)
Look at this.[CN] 发现了一个解码器看好了 War of the Worlds 2: The Next Wave (2008)
Hang on. There's an encrypted message attached. Decrypting now.[CN] 等等还收到一份加密信息 正在解码 Tin Man Is Down (2013)
Okay, enough with the decoder talk.[CN] 好了 解码对话到此为止 As Time Goes By (2013)
Simon, what does the bible decode?[CN] Simon 圣经的解码是什么? Hard Times (2010)
I still want to know what the bible decodes and who's after it.[CN] 我还是想知道圣经的解码 以及想抢它的人 Hard Times (2010)
Some people suggest that decoding our DNA entirely will unlock startling information about our origins.[CN] 有的人猜测 完全解码我们的DNA 会揭开我们起源的惊人信息 The Visitors (2010)
No more TV if we don't install Digital receiver[CN] 他说不装高清解码器就看不到电视 Girl$ (2010)
Decode it and put an APB on Dr. Roh and Lee Jae-joon.[CN] 将其解码,全境通缉卢博士和李才俊 My Girlfriend Is an Agent (2009)
An algorithmic tool for performing encryption-- they're used for sending and interpreting messages.[CN] 密码盒就是用于加密的一种算法工具 是用于发送并解码信息的 Two of a Kind (2013)
Decoding cues of Interest and recoding Similar ones.[CN] 解码感兴趣的线索 重新编写相似线索 52 Pickup (2008)
No way this codec is ever gonna fit the satellite bandwidth.[CN] 这个解码器根本没办法匹配卫星宽带 Dark Matter (2010)
That's why Shawn has to get back to California to get his cap on and start decoding again.[CN] 要做到这一点作为 尽快。 这就是为什么肖恩得到 回到加州 得到他的上限,并开始 再次解码 Downloaded (2013)
They can't decrypt it without the guardian's blood, which is why the Box isn't an issue.[CN] 没有守护者的血 他们没办法解码 所以黑盒子现在不是麻烦 Guardians (2011)
Well, did you decoded it yet?[CN] 好了,你有没有解码了吗? The Wrong Road (2013)
Requires a 12-character decryption key to unlock the data.[CN] 需要一个十二字符的密钥解码 Day 8: 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. (2010)
Er, we hoped Soo Lin could decipher it for us.[CN] 我们希望素琳能帮我们解码 The Blind Banker (2010)
He probably had trouble encoding visual stimuli.[CN] 他被人跟踪 你知道的 极可能在解码视觉刺激上有所障碍 The Mystery in the Meat (2013)
I just decoded the message.[CN] 我刚刚把讯息解码 Company of Heroes (2013)
Yeah, I think so, it's just, last time this happened it took, like, a whole day to debug, so...[CN] - 我相信是这样 最后一次发生时采取了整整一天解码 Voodoo Possession (2014)
No, you can't just pull some guy out of a magazine like he's a decoder ring.[CN] 不,你不能只是拉一些家伙 出一本杂志一样,他是一个解码器环。 Gangster Squad (2013)
I'll head into the office now and sign out an access key.[CN] 我这就赶去办公室 找出访问解码 CAT. 8 (2013)
Which Cryptography Department believes means she was freaking the fuck out, sir.[CN] 解码部门认为是在说是她快要崩溃鸟 This Means War (2012)
I've since found out that Monkford worked in ciphers during the war.[CN] 我发现Monkford曾在战争中当过解码 Girl (2013)
Message is decoded but, i'm afraid its all about cryptic.[CN] 消息被解码 但是,恐怕它的所有关于神秘。 The Wrong Road (2013)


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