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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
扩散[kuò sàn, ㄎㄨㄛˋ ㄙㄢˋ,   /  ] spread; proliferation; diffusion #4,243 [Add to Longdo]
扩散[hé kuò sàn, ㄏㄜˊ ㄎㄨㄛˋ ㄙㄢˋ,    /   ] nuclear proliferation #51,505 [Add to Longdo]
扩散核武器条约[bù kuò sàn hé wǔ qì tiáo yuē, ㄅㄨˋ ㄎㄨㄛˋ ㄙㄢˋ ㄏㄜˊ ㄨˇ ㄑㄧˋ ㄊㄧㄠˊ ㄩㄝ,         /        ] Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty [Add to Longdo]
核不扩散[hé bù kuò sàn, ㄏㄜˊ ㄅㄨˋ ㄎㄨㄛˋ ㄙㄢˋ,     /    ] nuclear nonproliferation [Add to Longdo]
气体扩散[qì tǐ kuò sàn, ㄑㄧˋ ㄊㄧˇ ㄎㄨㄛˋ ㄙㄢˋ,     /    ] gaseous diffusion [Add to Longdo]
激活扩散网络[jī huó kuò sàn wǎng luò, ㄐㄧ ㄏㄨㄛˊ ㄎㄨㄛˋ ㄙㄢˋ ㄨㄤˇ ㄌㄨㄛˋ,       /      ] spread activation model [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Engineering heavily contaminated, radiation moving forward.[CN] 轮机舱严重污染 辐射继续扩散 Engineering is heavily contaminated, and radiation's moving forward. The Hunt for Red October (1990)
You better stay outside. We don't want to start an epidemic.[CN] 你最好呆在外面 我们不想传染扩散 Romance on the High Seas (1948)
It spreads from the factory waste pipes... into the lakes, into the reservoirs-[CN] 它从工厂废水管道... 扩散到湖里 进入蓄水池- Pretty Poison (1968)
It spreads by aerogenic droplets.[CN] 病菌大概是通过吐沫在空气中扩散 The Cassandra Crossing (1976)
Stand in the dining car and make sure nobody goes through either way.[CN] 不让两边的人进出 这样可能防止这病扩散到二等车 The Cassandra Crossing (1976)
- Good news[CN] - ~ 扩散全国 ~ James and the Giant Peach (1996)
Good news is spreading' all around[CN] ~ 好消息四处扩散 ~ James and the Giant Peach (1996)
- It will spread![CN] -火势会扩散的! Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
They can spread the virus again.[CN] 他们可以再一次扩散病毒 Krrish 3 (2013)
L'll grant you that. My job was to contain this disease.[CN] 我防止了病菌扩散 The Cassandra Crossing (1976)
I don't![CN] 接着莫里亚蒂会把总统用作棋子 搅乱联合国大会 对一个核不扩散条约的投票 The Six Thatchers (2017)
Within seconds, the disease takes over the whole system.[CN] 几秒钟内 病扩散到全身 The Satanic Rites of Dracula (1973)
What began locally... has now broken out into a global epidemic.[CN] 由最初的局部 已经扩散成全球性的疫情 In the Mouth of Madness (1994)
Rot is spreading through my brain.[CN] 腐烂在我的大脑里扩散 The Grapes of Death (1978)
- Dispersal of contents.[CN] 扩散内里的物质 Supernova (2000)
American and Soviet negotiators are said to be quite close now to an agreement... pulling the world back from the brink of nuclear annihilation... and ending the long Cold War.[CN] 来自美国和苏联的谈判代表表示... 他们将在控制全球核扩散和... 结束长久以来的冷战的问题上取得共识. The Package (1989)
The infection has spread.[CN] 感染已经扩散 La settima donna (1978)
The area has been completely surrounded.[CN] 超高浓度的灵子云正在向附近扩散 Bleach: Fade to Black, I Call Your Name (2008)
It's spreading rapidly![CN] 一直在继续扩散 Patlabor: The Movie (1989)
PANIC SPREADS: EVERBODY SEES THE KILLER.[CN] 恐慌扩散 人人声称看见杀手 So Sweet, So Dead (1972)
If he applied it to your department, the contagion would spread![CN] 试想一旦你们部门实施 很快就会在政府扩散 Lfhe applied it to your department, the contagion would spread! Doing the Honours (1981)
Spread it around.[CN] 快速扩散 电台广播 The Enforcer (1951)
It might go to his lungs, and...[CN] 可能会扩散到肺部 Episode #1.4 (2014)
hugecloudrises, through the troposphere, andfinallydispersesand stabilizes at an altitude of 23, 000 meters, fullyinthelayer the stratosphere.[CN] 巨大的蘑菇云冲向大气层 在70000 -80000英尺(20多公里)的高空 慢慢地扩散并稳定下来 Trinity and Beyond: The Atomic Bomb Movie (1995)
The rash keeps spreading.[CN] 皮疹在扩散 The Grapes of Death (1978)
and the contagion spreads by touch like wildfire.[CN] 接触传染像野火一样扩散 The Satanic Rites of Dracula (1973)
I was en route with some Hokkaido pineapples for Akane...[CN] 然后,在口中不断扩散的忌廉浓甜中 Chûgoku kara kita aitsu! Chotto hen!! (1989)
Have I arrived in Natanz?[CN] 它有能力自行传染扩散 Zero Days (2016)
to keep it contained.[CN] 来防止植物扩散 The Ruins (2008)
If my heart stops, then the virus is released, and everybody in the world dies.[CN] 如果我心脏停了 病毒就会扩散 大家全死光光 Spawn (1997)
With the second expansion project of Osaka International Airport... and major construction projects in other cities... the spread of Labors away from Tokyo has accelerated.[CN] 另一方面,大阪国际机场 第二次扩张计划等等 随着这些地方工程的动工 出现了LABOR扩散的倾向 Patlabor 2: The Movie (1993)
Opens up on impact.[CN] 一旦命中,会马上扩散 Manhunter (1986)
Hadn't spread yet.[CN] 还没有扩散 Admission (2013)
Their product has turned up all over the country.[CN] 他们的假币已经扩散到全国了 T-Men (1947)
His pupils are fixed and dilated.[CN] 瞳孔开始扩散 E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
I'm going to project myself into the main frame computer.[CN] 我将要扩散我的自我进入计算机主机 The Lawnmower Man (1992)
But the sickness is in its last stages... It took both lungs.[CN] 但病情已经是晚期了 并且扩散至两个肺 Europe '51 (1952)
We'd better get a biomath mapping of its new growth potential and spread.[CN] 我们最好搞一张 它生长趋势和扩散的生物图 The Andromeda Strain (1971)
If those things got loose, humanity never stood a chance.[CN] 如果那种东西扩散了 人类毫无还手之力 Episode #3.8 (2009)
Once the population, including the military, has been immobilised my task force, which Mr Strap and his people smuggled across the Rio Grande from Mexico, will approach Fort Knox in motorised equipment along Bullion Boulevard, which runs past the depository here[CN] 一旦扩散整个车队所有人全昏迷! 我的攻击部队,由史先生将他们从墨西哥偷渡来此... 会乘坐机动车辆经过通到金库前... Goldfinger (1964)
It spreads through the blood stream most intensively when the body is over nicotinized...[CN] 它会在血液里迅速扩散 尤其是在抽烟过度... Kidnapping, Caucasian Style (1967)
Infection spread.[CN] 传染扩散. The Andromeda Strain (1971)
Protests promoted by students, intellectuals and professionals, under violent repression, led the way to radicalization.[CN] 抗议活动被学生,知识分子和专业人士扩散, Protests promoted by students, 在暴力镇压下, intellectuals and professionals, under violent repression, 引出了激进主义。 Jango (1984)
If you postpone the surgery, pancreatic cancer cells will spread.[CN] 延后开刀的话 这之间贲门癌细胞会不断地扩散 The Great White Tower (1966)
- An invisible nerve gas which disperses 1 5 minutes after inducing complete... unconsciousness for 24 hours.[CN] 发射后15分钟扩散 能让人昏迷24小时 Goldfinger (1964)
The hoof-and-mouth disease filterable virus will spread through the blood stream most intensively...[CN] 口蹄疫滤过性病毒 会在血液里迅速扩散... Kidnapping, Caucasian Style (1967)
Prettier than a tumour spreading in the cranial sack.[CN] 扩散了的脑瘤好一些 Clear and Present Danger (1994)
We're going to destroy them before this curse spreads.[CN] 我们要在这诅咒扩散前毁灭她们 Lips of Blood (1975)
Then we started getting cortical propagation![CN] 然后开始皮质扩散 Nomads (1986)
We don't want infection to spread.[CN] 我们不想细菌扩散 Conan the Destroyer (1984)


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