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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: 愉悦, -愉悦-
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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
愉悦[yú yuè, ㄩˊ ㄩㄝˋ,   /  ] joyful; cheerful; delighted #10,268 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
愉悦[ゆえつ, yuetsu] (n, vs) joy [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
But it gave you pleasure.[CN] 但它能给你带来愉悦 Temple Grandin (2010)
When he was dying, he was always cheerful, he was lovely, except when he thought no-one could see.[CN] 他死前那段日子 总是很开心 心情愉悦 可他以为没人看到他时就不是这样了 The Reichenbach Fall (2012)
What a delight![CN] 多么令人愉悦的消息! Casa de mi Padre (2012)
It was... inexplicably pleasurable.[CN] 这真是 难以言喻的愉悦 Blood Moon Rising (2012)
A simple, joyous life was not what was left to him.[CN] 但等待着他的并不是简单愉悦的生活 Seven Psychopaths (2012)
You make a great cup of tea that gives you real pleasure[CN] 你泡杯好茶,为此愉悦 Third Star (2010)
And all of the pleasures below...[CN] 以及那下体的愉悦 Legends (2010)
You know, first we're friends for many years, and then briefly we are friends with benefits, extremely excellent benefits.[CN] 开始我们做了多年好友 然后短暂地做了炮友 异常愉悦的经历 Muse of Fire (2012)
They want to entertain you.[CN] 他们希望你能获得愉悦 Indie Game: The Movie (2012)
No, for real, I have low blood sugar, and if my endorphins drop too low, [CN] 不 真的 我有低血糖 No, for real, I have low blood sugar, 如果我体内内啡肽过低(内啡肽引发愉悦和快乐的感觉) and if my endorphins drop too low, This Is the End (2013)
And the pleasure of it is all yours, God.[CN] 而从中获得愉悦的 将是上帝您 Goltzius and the Pelican Company (2012)
And for that, I'm both grateful and happy.[CN] 为此 我心怀感激且满心愉悦 The American (2010)
"Singing lightens the heart, my little sky."[CN] "愉悦的歌唱 我心内小小的天空" From Prada to Nada (2011)
Pray for enlightenment.[CN] 为了愉悦玩耍 The Extra Man (2010)
- It turns out she really knows how to help a guy loosen up and have a good time.[CN] 事实证明 她的确懂得 Well, it turns out she really knows 怎样帮助男人放松和愉悦 how to help a guy loosen up and have a good time. The Pulled Groin Extrapolation (2011)
She said this gave rise to the most blissful feelings.[CN] 她说这样能给她带来极度的愉悦和快感 A Dangerous Method (2011)
And I could relax around it and be in it.[CN] 我徜徉其中,身心愉悦 Submarine (2010)
* Sometimes I'm up Sometimes I'm down *[CN] * 有时愉悦 * * 有时忧愁 * The Fairy Godparents Job (2009)
and three, try to give pleasure with every sentence.[CN] 三,使每句话都令人愉悦 Escape from the Dungeon! (2010)
Don't think it gives me any pleasure.[CN] 不要以为这会给我带来愉悦 The Ides of March (2011)
As one of our happiness and in your case very happy.[CN] 如果那对我们只是愉悦的话 对你来说就是无上快乐的事了 Goal! III (2009)
Notice her relaxed body language, The general sense of emotional satisfaction?[CN] 注意她的肢体语言 非常放松 能够看出她心情十分愉悦 Bloodshot (2009)
The gods have decided to withhold the joy of children.[CN] 神明决定要抑制住这孩子的愉悦. Shadow Games (2010)
Problem is the subject, there's no pleasant way to treat it.[CN] 问题在于主题 没有一种愉悦的方式去阐释它 Nine (2009)
MRI scans have shown that the euphoric dopamine rush experienced by lovers[CN] 核磁共振成像扫瞄仪来显示 爱人们所经历的多巴胺愉悦的高峰期 The Lovers' Guide: Igniting Desire (2011)
I suppose a lady will know what pleases you better than a man.[CN] 我猜女人比男人更能使你愉悦 The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister (2010)
This is Roxanne Ritchi, cautiously optimistic, and pleasantly confused.[CN] 持审慎乐观态度 且处于愉悦的困扰中的 Roxanne Ritchi报道 Megamind (2010)
{ \pos(192, 225) }that connects to the pleasure centers, see?[CN] 这个跟愉悦中心连接在一起 看到没? Resonance (2009)
Voicing, rejoicing, the wine cups do bring[CN] 酒杯带来,愉悦与低语 Echoes of the Rainbow (2010)
We must teach our children that God has not placed them here just to pleasure themselves.[CN] 我们必须教导我们孩子 上帝并没有放在 他们在这里 只是 愉悦自己。 Girls Gone Dead (2012)
I scream, you scream we all scream for Flint Lockwood's latest tasty town-wide treat with flurries of frozen fun on what the mayor declared to be an ice cream snow day.[CN] 我尖叫来你尖叫 我们都在为佛林特・洛克伍德 最新一次全镇范围内的盛宴尖叫 伴随着阵阵凉爽的愉悦 市长宣布将这一天 Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (2009)
Today he's standing joyfully with Jesus at the right hand of God[CN] 今天,他愉悦地和 耶稣一起站在上帝面前 The Countess (2009)
Coming from England, this building is pleasingly familiar.[CN] 来自英国的人会对这些建筑 产生一种愉悦的熟悉感。 God in the Dock (2009)
Happy just to be with you in the sun[CN] 我心愉悦因有你 Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue (2010)
It really made for a happy home.[CN] 家庭愉悦 万事大吉 People Like Us (2012)
It felt so good I just wanted to keep smiling forever.[CN] 这种愉悦之感让我永远不愿停止微笑 The Cutie Mark Chronicles (2011)
Did you enjoy my victory?[CN] 我的胜利给你带来愉悦了吗 Legends (2010)
But it's... it's also kind of pleasant.[CN] 但它... 它也是一种愉悦 Wrong (2012)
I used to find this job eternally enlightening, even enjoyable.[CN] 我一直以为这工作能予人灵感 令人愉悦 What Went Wrong (2011)
This peace, this joy, can be attained, only through Jesus Christ.[CN] 安宁,愉悦靠耶稣才能达到 Seven Sins Forgiven (2011)
There is something called tenderness. Joy.[CN] 有种东西叫温柔 叫愉悦 Happy, Happy (2010)
"Delight our souls with talk of knightly deeds."[CN] "有圆桌骑士般的事迹愉悦我们的灵魂了" The Awakening (2011)
Professor Freud claims that the sexual drive arises from a simple urge towards pleasure.[CN] 弗洛伊德认为性冲动是由单纯的 想要获得愉悦的欲望引起的 A Dangerous Method (2011)
When we'd watch happy movies, like Elvis movies we'd leave the cinema smiling, dancing to the music.[CN] 就像猫王的电影那样,有些电影让人心情很愉悦 走出影院,我们唱着跳着,非常快乐 The Act of Killing (2012)
Yes, even with pressure.[CN] 是的,要很愉悦的舔 My Awkward Sexual Adventure (2012)
And I don't like myself around a lot of people.[CN] 与Will的关系 使她舒心愉悦 The Good Wife (2009)
This is mine. That's yours. Have a nice evening."[CN] 我手头的这些东西保管你整晚愉悦。" The Heavy (2009)
You do a couple of things, one, you increase the pleasure hormones, which is the same feeling to eat sugar.[CN] 要做到这一点 你可以增加 愉悦的荷尔蒙 这是同样的意义 吃甜食。 Hungry for Change (2012)
It always amazes me the way the senses work in connection to memory.[CN] 吃到记忆中的味道总会让我心情愉悦 Abiquiu (2010)
I want you to scream with pleasure.[CN] 我想要你愉悦的呻吟 Q (2011)


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