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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
宗教教育;宗教々育[しゅうきょうきょういく, shuukyoukyouiku] (n) religious education [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
Religious education is prohibited at a public school.公立学校では宗教教育が禁止されている。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
But my real strength comes from my family... and my strong religious upbringing.[CN] 但我真正的力量来自我的家庭 以及我有力的宗教教育 Amazon Women on the Moon (1987)
- I can see you wouldn't need it. No, of course not. Absolutely.[CN] 是的,我们有"宗教教育" 在学校里,因为... Root of All Evil? (2006)
It is also forbidden by the Jules Ferry laws.[CN] 在《儒勒・费希法》里也是禁止的 (法国1881 -1882年制定的有关 废除强制宗教教育和教育自由的法令) The Living World (2003)
Till I started going to these religious education classes.[CN] 我怕他会给我上宗教教育课 真的? The Infidel (2010)
Brush your teeth. Wash your face. You're goin' to Sunday school.[CN] 你要去主日学校 (星期日对儿童进行宗教教育的学校) The Man in the Moon (1991)
It was an evangelical initiative to provide religious education as an alternative to public schooling in rural communities.[CN] 是一次福音教会的活动 他们在农村的公立学校 It was an evangelical initiative to provide religious education 提供宗教教育 作为另一种教育 as an alternative to public schooling in rural communities. Haunted Houses (2014)


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