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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
毕其功于一役[bì qí gōng yú yī yì, ㄅㄧˋ ㄑㄧˊ ㄍㄨㄥ ㄩˊ ㄧ ㄧˋ,       /      ] accomplish the whole task at one stroke #76,289 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
一役[ひとやく, hitoyaku] (n) an office; an important office [Add to Longdo]
一役[ひとやく, hitoyaku] (n) role (which someone or something plays in a given situation); part; contribution (to a given situation) [Add to Longdo]
一役買う[ひとやくかう, hitoyakukau] (v5u) to take on a role; to take part [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
He seems to be involved in that matter.彼はその件に一役かっているらしい。
Manjiro played a part in making the two countries friends with each other.万次郎はこの二国をお互いに親しくするために一役果たしました。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Since Lord Shingen fell ill with a high fever after the battle of Mikata, it seemed prudent to pull back.[CN] 自三方原一役... 信玄将军就发着高热 退兵乃谨慎之计 Kagemusha (1980)
Maybe you'll get lucky, and you won't have to carry me on your back anymore.[JP] あなたは嬉しいでしょ もう二人一役しなくてすむ Cover (2015)
With over a million casualties from the Battle of Verdun alone, the death toll continues to climb.[CN] 仅凡尔登一役伤亡人数已经超过100万 死亡的总人数还在不断攀升 Flyboys (2006)
My thracian will take his fancy, [CN] 色雷斯一役已经让他刮目相看 Episode #1.1 (2010)
What if I help your memory?[JP] 私が君の記憶に一役買うとしたら? Wingman (2014)
This is the Doctor's final battle.[CN] 这是博士的最后一役 The End of Time: Part One (2009)
Well, Turkey's about to capitulate and Robert says Vittorio Veneto will finish Austria, so it's only a matter of weeks, even days, before it's over.[CN] -土耳其就要投降了 而且罗伯特说维托里奥・维内托一役会了结奥地利 此次战役标志着意大利一战的结束 Episode #2.6 (2011)
Like an idiot, I neglected the one thing I need.[JP] わしは唯一役に立った筈の事を 忘れた Siegfried (1980)
This is humanity's last stand.[CN] 这是人类最后一役 Resident Evil: Retribution (2012)
He must have found it hard to write, for it seems the Major has been killed in the Battle of Vittorio Veneto.[CN] 他写这封信一定很不容易 因为少校在维托里奥・维内托一役中牺牲了 Episode #2.6 (2011)
At the Battle of Nakdong River I killed 3 enemy soldiers[CN] 在西洛东江一役我击毙了3个敌军士兵 Address Unknown (2001)
Defeat at the castle seems to have utterly disheartened King Arthur.[CN] 城堡一役的失敗 似乎使亞瑟王完全失去了信心 Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
Guadalcanal may be the turning point in the war.[CN] 窝达康拉尔岛一役能决定胜负 The Thin Red Line (1998)
That's from the last bullet of the last battle of the last war.[CN] 那就是死于最后一场战争,最后一役的最后一发枪弹 Patton (1970)
But Comrade Fiedler, on whose ambitions the British so accurately counted, accepted the evidence as true, and thus became party to a monstrous plot to destroy, to murder, in fact.[JP] 同志フィードラーは 敵の卑劣な計画に 一役買うことになりました 我々を壊滅させようとする The Spy Who Came In from the Cold (1965)
that but this blow might be the be-all and end-all here.[CN] 如果这一击能够让事情在这里大功告成并毕其功于一役 Macbeth (2015)
Well she was pushing a lot of anti-gang legislation, so any of the organized crime outfits would be pretty happy to see her go.[JP] 対ギャング法を作り 組織犯罪チームが 一役かってるが Second Chances (2013)
Do you know how it was like for me here, working for both of us, worrying all the time?[JP] 二人一役で神経をすり減らすのは どういう気持だと思う? Kill (2015)
It has to be.[CN] 一定是他 海峡监狱一役后 It has to be. Batman: Gotham Knight (2008)
In battle of Boma, Guan Yu slain general Yan Liang[CN] 白马一役关羽杀了大将颜良 The Lost Bladesman (2011)
Not to mention the stress of you two trying to pass as one person.[JP] あなた達には 二人一役のストレスもある Kill (2015)
I won all of them in the war of Chengyang[CN] 五十六场全胜 城阳一役 White Vengeance (2011)
Hick thinks I should get at least a month of columns out of this weekend.[CN] 希嘉说这周末一役够我写一个月专栏 Hyde Park on Hudson (2012)
I'm grateful that the only person I have to match now is me.[JP] 二人一役から解放されて ホッとしてる Over (2015)
When he returns to rome.[CN] 因为他在罗马与色雷斯一役 Episode #1.1 (2010)
This is where they fought the Battle of Gettysburg.[CN] 著名的盖茨堡一役 Remember the Titans (2000)
Military personnel or civilians, officers or simple soldiers, all of them are "liquidators", a term invented for the Battle of Chernobyl.[CN] 不管是军人或百姓 军官或士兵 他们都是"清理人" 这是切尔诺贝利一役发明的名词 The Battle of Chernobyl (2006)
And you want me to buy a table at your next fundraiser.[JP] 資金調達に 一役買えと? After the Sunset (2004)
And victor of the battle of the corinth straits.[CN] 科林斯海峡一役的英雄 Episode #1.1 (2010)
Let this night be forever remembered... as the hour upon which... we took back our kingdom![CN] 讓這一役名留青史... 此時此刻... 我們將奪回我們的王國 The Legend of Hercules (2014)
It's bad enough that I have to play you... now I have to play someone else, too.[JP] 二人一役でも 辛いのにー さらに別の人を 演じるなんて... Found (2015)
More than our share. 17 of them at Normandy alone.[CN] 比應該的還多得多 其中17個 都是死在 諾曼地一役 The Majestic (2001)
Mr President.[CN] 经此一役,我决定保持中立 Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991)
Actually, the Nogi army... suffered great losses in Port Arthur.[CN] 鼓舞了军心,士气非常高昂 事实上乃木军团在旅顺一役 Nichiro sensô shôri no hishi: Tekichû ôdan sanbyaku-ri (1957)
- no doubt. - Yes, ma'am. - With enthusiasm.[CN] 是美国内战中最著名的一役. Heart and Souls (1993)
I want to clear the air after that clusterfuck with Franklin at the motel.[CN] 汽车旅馆一役之后 我觉得我们有必要把话说清楚 Good Night (2013)
"We were involved in one of the most important operations of the war."[CN] "我们曾参与本战的重要一役" Saving Private Ryan (1998)
My sister and I can't continue to keep this operation a secret.[JP] もう二人一役を 隠しておけません Go (2015)
Failure's dogging you since you let that informant escape to America, [CN] 自那次美国一役后 你似乎一阙不振 Vexille (2007)
Think about what we saw in Ireland. The people, the places. That was one Tsunami.[CN] 你回顾爱尔兰一役的人物与地方 那只是一次海啸 Futureshock: Comet (2007)
He has become sure of himself since Takatenjin.[CN] 高天神一役让他志得意满 Kagemusha (1980)
Let our final stand, be recorded to the histories.[CN] 让我们的最后一役 被记入青史中 300: Rise of an Empire (2014)
I wouldn't say that that's the case, sir.[CN] 教育法案一役之后 你感觉到什么 消极情绪的副作用了吗 Chapter 10 (2013)
Remember always, that after the battle of Actium with Octavian dead and Antony dead you saw the victor sail away on her golden barge.[CN] 永远记得爱克提安一役... 屋大维、安东尼双双战死 胜利者却驾着金船逃之夭夭 Cleopatra (1963)
Now, what befell Jane is very troubling to all of us, and we would like to help you to set it right.[JP] ジェーンはオレたちには トラブル メーカーだ 粛正に一役買っても良い Jane Got a Gun (2015)
600 pages of a report to the Central Committee written while the Battle of Chernobyl was still raging.[CN] 那是中央委员会的600页报告 撰述时间是在 抢救切尔诺贝利一役仍在进行的时候 The Battle of Chernobyl (2006)
And I am the sole white survivor of the Battle of Little Big Horn... uh... uh... popularly known as Custer's Last Stand.[CN] 而我是小大角战役中 唯一的白人幸存者 众所周知为卡士达将军的最后一役 Little Big Man (1970)
After the round in the balcony, we want to see who dares to risk his life.[CN] 经过上一回天台一役之后 我想看看谁有胆量... 赌命 Oi dau dai (2008)
I planned and flew over 100 missions in the Gulf.[CN] 在古尔夫湾一役中出动过一百多次 Broken Arrow (1996)
I need you to work together as one.[JP] 二人一役で 働いてほしいの Kill (2015)


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