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Japanese-Thai: Longdo Dictionary
スキル[すきる, sukiru] (n) ทักษะ

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
スキル[sukiru] (n) skill #5,807 [Add to Longdo]
アンダースキル[anda-sukiru] (n) underskill [Add to Longdo]
オーバースキル[o-ba-sukiru] (n) overskill [Add to Longdo]
スキルアップ[sukiruappu] (n) reskilling (wasei [Add to Longdo]
スキルインベントリーシステム[sukiruinbentori-shisutemu] (n) skills inventory system [Add to Longdo]
スキルス癌[スキルスがん, sukirusu gan] (n) scirrhous carcinoma [Add to Longdo]
スキルフル[sukirufuru] (n) skillful [Add to Longdo]
ソーシャルスキル[so-sharusukiru] (n) social skill [Add to Longdo]
ソーシャルスキルズトレーニング[so-sharusukiruzutore-ningu] (n) social skills training [Add to Longdo]
ソフトスキル[sofutosukiru] (n) good customer skills (wasei [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Someone with the skills to intervene.[JP] それは介入するスキルを持つ人だ Root Cause (2012)
It's a good skill you have.[JP] あなたは素晴らしい スキルを持ってるわね Her (2013)
The skills required to market diamonds are the same as those needed to make a woman fall in love, yes.[JP] 確かにダイヤモンドを売るのに必要なスキルは 女性を恋させるのと同じだね How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003)
They certainly have the basic skills.[JP] 彼らは確かに基本的なスキルを持っている。 Pom Poko (1994)
someone with the skills to intervene.[JP] 対処できる スキルを持った者が No Good Deed (2012)
I have a very specific skill set.[JP] 殺しのスキルもね The Avengers (2012)
Dream skills.[JP] ドリームのスキル A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
Averse to groups, averse to authority, averse to constraints, a medical specialist's license and her self-honed skill are her only weapons.[JP] 〈群れを嫌い 権威を嫌い 束縛を嫌い→ 専門医のライセンスと たたき上げのスキルだけが→ 彼女の武器だ〉 Episode #1.6 (2012)
Averse to crowds, averse to authority, averse to constraints, a medical specialist's license and her self-honed skill are her only weapons.[JP] ♪♪〜 〈群れを嫌い 権威を嫌い 束縛を嫌い→ 専門医のライセンスと たたき上げのスキルだけが→ Episode #1.3 (2012)
He wants, like, an enemy against him and he wants to kill him through skill, nothing more.[JP] 敵と対峙すると スキルのみで倒したがる Free to Play (2014)
The bunch of teams we have here, there's a few teams that have individual skill that's unbelievable.[JP] チームの種類は2つ 壮絶なスキルを持つ個人が 集まったチーム これは少数派 Free to Play (2014)
One girl in all the world, a chosen one, one born with the strength...[JP] 一人の女 選ばれた者 力とスキル Welcome to the Hellmouth (1997)
They competed with each other to use their transformation skills... in this new guerrilla war.[JP] 彼らはお互いに競っ その変換スキルを使用するには... この新しいゲリラ戦争。 Pom Poko (1994)
Hey, can I ask, what part of the intern's job will they need to be able to do drunk? You're right.[JP] 酒に強いのも 研修生のスキル The Social Network (2010)
But his transforming skills were rusty, and he fell asleep.[JP] しかし、彼の変換スキル 錆びたようで、彼は眠りに落ちた。 Pom Poko (1994)
I do not need your sympathy or your admiration. All I need is your compliance and your fighting skills.[JP] 私にとって必要なのは 意欲と戦闘スキル Pacific Rim (2013)
Everything we expose them to their programs, their cartoons, books, the games they play are designed to manage aggression and reinforce simple social skills.[JP] すべては我々がそれらを公開... ...自分のプログラム、その漫画、 書籍、彼らが遊ぶゲーム... ... _侵略を管理し、簡単な社会的スキルを強化するために設計されています。 The Island (2005)
Averse to groups, averse to authority, averse to constraints, a medical specialist's license and her self-honed skill are her only weapons.[JP] 〈群れを嫌い 権威を嫌い 束縛を嫌い→ 専門医のライセンスと たたき上げのスキルだけが→ 彼女の武器だ〉 Episode #1.8 (2012)
[ Voice breaking ] that's why I learned to crack systems, [JP] これの為に、私は、 一流のスキル(システム)を学び、 Girl in the Flower Dress (2013)
Skilled fighter.[JP] "スキルドファイター" Legacy (2012)
- Someone with the skills to intervene.[JP] 対処できる スキルを持った者が Many Happy Returns (2012)
We need to work on your negotiation skills.[JP] 我々には、お前の交渉スキルを鍛える必要があるな・・・ The Hub (2013)
I put up with the attitude 'cause you have skill.[JP] お前はスキルあるから、態度を無視する The Hidden Enemy (2009)
All the youngsters were eager to practice their new skill.[JP] すべての若者が切望していた 彼らの新しいスキルを練習する。 Pom Poko (1994)
You obviously have skills and you're not afraid of biters.[JP] 君のスキルは高い しかもバイターを恐れない Say the Word (2012)
But some of you have taken your skill set to a whole new level...[JP] でもある者は新たな次元の スキルを身につけたとか I'm No Angel (2013)
You asked for a specialist with language skills.[JP] 言語のスキルも要ると言うから Uh... Oh... Ah... (2013)
And they can't give me a raise.[JP] ぼくは... VALは自分の スキルを高めてはくれない The Lady on the List (2013)
I'd better teach you a special skill for emergencies.[JP] 私はより良いあなたに教えるでしょう 緊急事態のための特別なスキル Pom Poko (1994)
I didn't have the same skills as my father.[JP] 俺には父親のような スキルが無かった The Coat Hanger (2012)
My advice is... Don't ignore the survival skills.[JP] 生きる為のスキルを学んで The Hunger Games (2012)
- You're going in with no self-defense skills ...[JP] キミは自己防衛スキルも無しで潜入しようとしている・・・ The Asset (2013)
Averse to crowds, averse to authority, averse to constraints, a medical specialist's license and her self-honed skill are her only weapons.[JP] 〈群れを嫌い 権威を嫌い 束縛を嫌い... 〉 〈専門医のライセンスと 叩き上げのスキルだけが→ Episode #1.4 (2012)
My equipment.[JP] 僕のスキルを。 Pilot (2013)
Averse to groups, averse to authority, averse to constraints, a medical specialist's license and her self-honed skill are her only weapons.[JP] 〈群れを嫌い 権威を嫌い 束縛を嫌い→ 専門医のライセンスと たたき上げのスキルだけが→ 彼女の武器だ〉 Episode #1.3 (2012)
I'm building work skills.[JP] 今はスキルアップしか 考えてないもん Umizaru (2004)
Whose leadership skills put me there?[JP] 私をそこへ動かしたリーダシップのスキルを持つ人は誰ですか? Barbie in the Nutcracker (2001)
And it turned out we had a unique skill:[JP] 特殊なスキルを持ってた Pacific Rim (2013)
Someone with the skills to intervene.[JP] 対処できる スキルを持った者が Identity Crisis (2012)
With a pedigree like that, he would have the skills to design these sophisticated attacks.[JP] そのような血統なら 彼はスキルを持っているでしょう これらの高度な攻撃を設計した Nothing to Hide (2013)
Someone with the skills to intervene.[JP] 対処できる スキルを持った者が Firewall (2012)
Averse to crowds, averse to authority, averse to constraints, a medical specialist's license and her self-honed skill are her only weapons.[JP] 〈群れを嫌い 権威を嫌い 束縛を嫌い→ 専門医のライセンスと たたき上げのスキルだけが→ 彼女の武器だ〉 Episode #1.2 (2012)
Someone with the skills to intervene.[JP] 対処できる スキルを持った者が Matsya Nyaya (2012)
The defensive wounds and heavy smearing suggest our killers were still inexperienced.[JP] 切断面などで殺人者のスキルが 未熟だったことがわかる First Blood (2010)
He seemed like the kind of guy that would have the surgical skill to remove a woman's skin?[JP] 彼はある種の人と思われました 女性の皮を除去する外科手術の スキルを持っていますか? I Am Anne Frank: Part 1 (2012)
Different skill set than our hacker, so...[JP] ハッカーとは異なるスキルだな Root Cause (2012)
Averse to groups, averse to authority, averse to constraints, a medical specialist's license and her self-honed skill are her only weapons.[JP] 〈群れを嫌い 権威を嫌い 束縛を嫌い→ 専門医のライセンスと たたき上げのスキルだけが→ 彼女の武器だ〉 Episode #1.2 (2012)
Daisy: A place to hide. Kovac has been completely off the grid ever since he escaped from prison.[JP] 他にスキルを持った 立候補者がいないんだろう きっとそうだ Bones (2005)
Someone with the skills to intervene.[JP] 対処できる スキルを持った者が Flesh and Blood (2012)


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