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Japanese-Thai-English: Saikam Dictionary
成り立つ[なりたつ, naritatsu] TH: สรุปได้  EN: to conclude
成り立つ[なりたつ, naritatsu] TH: ประกอบด้วย  EN: to consist of
成り立つ[なりたつ, naritatsu] TH: ใช้การได้  EN: to be practical (logical, feasible)

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
成り立つ(P);成立つ[なりたつ, naritatsu] (v5t, vi, vt) (1) to consist of; to be made up of; to be composed of; (2) to be practical (logical, feasible, viable); to be concluded; to hold true; (P) #12,802 [Add to Longdo]
がなり立てる[がなりたてる, ganaritateru] (v1) (See がなる) to yell; to shout [Add to Longdo]
たけり立つ;猛り立つ;哮り立つ[たけりたつ, takeritatsu] (v5t, vi) (1) (esp. 猛り立つ) to rage; (2) (esp. 哮り立つ) to howl [Add to Longdo]
どなり立てる;怒鳴り立てる;呶鳴り立てる[どなりたてる, donaritateru] (v1) to stand and shout [Add to Longdo]
べき乗打切り待機法[べきのりうちきりたいきほう, bekinoriuchikiritaikihou] (n) { comp } truncated binary exponential back-off [Add to Longdo]
ぼりぼり食べる[ぼりぼりたべる, boriboritaberu] (exp, v1) to eat with a munching or crunching sound [Add to Longdo]
ペンキ塗り立て[ペンキぬりたて, penki nuritate] (n) wet paint [Add to Longdo]
一人旅;独り旅[ひとりたび, hitoritabi] (n) travelling alone; solitary journey [Add to Longdo]
殴り倒す;なぐり倒す;殴りたおす[なぐりたおす, naguritaosu] (v5s) to knock down; to knock out [Add to Longdo]
下り立つ;降り立つ;おり立つ;下立つ;降立つ[おりたつ, oritatsu] (v5t, vi) (1) to go down and stand; (2) to alight; to get down [Add to Longdo]
仮宅[かりたく, karitaku] (n) temporary dwelling [Add to Longdo]
割り鏨[わりたがね, waritagane] (n) ripping chisel [Add to Longdo]
刈り田;刈田[かりた, karita] (n) harvested rice field [Add to Longdo]
刈り立て[かりたて, karitate] (exp) new mown; newly cut (hair) [Add to Longdo]
冠大会[かんむりたいかい, kanmuritaikai] (n) sports competition sponsored by a business enterprise [Add to Longdo]
管理体制[かんりたいせい, kanritaisei] (n) { comp } management system [Add to Longdo]
管理対象[かんりたいしょう, kanritaishou] (n) { comp } Managed object [Add to Longdo]
基本論理対象体[きほんろんりたいしょうたい, kihonronritaishoutai] (n) { comp } basic logical object [Add to Longdo]
寄り倒し[よりたおし, yoritaoshi] (n) (sumo) knock an opponent over while holding his belt [Add to Longdo]
駆り立てる;駆立てる;狩り立てる;駆りたてる[かりたてる, karitateru] (v1, vt) (1) to flush out (game, etc.); to drive (animals); to beat; to hunt down; (2) (駆り立てる, 駆立てる only) to urge; to spur on; to push on; to impel [Add to Longdo]
穴があったら入りた[あながあったらはいりたい, anagaattarahairitai] (exp) to (be ashamed enough) to wish you could just disappear [Add to Longdo]
穴にでも入り度い[あなにでもはいりたい, ananidemohairitai] (exp) (id) I wish I could sink through the floor [Add to Longdo]
誇り高い[ほこりたかい, hokoritakai] (adj-i) proud; lordly [Add to Longdo]
誇り高き[ほこりたかき, hokoritakaki] (adj-f) (See 誇り高い) proud [Add to Longdo]
互恵的利他主義[ごけいてきりたしゅぎ, gokeitekiritashugi] (n) reciprocal altruism [Add to Longdo]
光立ち下がり時間[ひかりたちさがりじかん, hikaritachisagarijikan] (n) { comp } optical fall time [Add to Longdo]
光立ち上がり時間[ひかりたちあがりじかん, hikaritachiagarijikan] (n) { comp } optical rise time [Add to Longdo]
坑内掘り炭鉱;坑内掘炭鉱[こうないぼりたんこう, kounaiboritankou] (n) underground coal mine [Add to Longdo]
香り高い[かおりたかい, kaoritakai] (adj-i) fragrant; aromatic [Add to Longdo]
作り茸[つくりたけ;ツクリタケ, tsukuritake ; tsukuritake] (n) (uk) (See マッシュルーム) common mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) [Add to Longdo]
作り立てる[つくりたてる, tsukuritateru] (v1, vt) to adorn; to decorate; to dress up; to build up [Add to Longdo]
刷り立て[すりたて, suritate] (exp) just off the press [Add to Longdo]
借り宅[かりたく, karitaku] (n) rented house [Add to Longdo]
借り倒す[かりたおす, karitaosu] (v5s, vt) to evade payment [Add to Longdo]
取り立て(P);取立て[とりたて, toritate] (n) (1) collection (of a debt); (2) patronage; promotion; (adj-no) (3) fresh (e.g. freshly picked); (P) [Add to Longdo]
取り立てて;取立てて[とりたてて, toritatete] (exp) in particular; worth mentioning [Add to Longdo]
取り立てる;取立てる;取りたてる[とりたてる, toritateru] (v1, vt) (1) to collect (debts); to dun; to exact; to extort; (2) to appoint; to promote; to give patronage; (3) (See 取り立てて) to emphasize; to focus on; to call attention to [Add to Longdo]
取り立て金;取立て金;取立金[とりたてきん, toritatekin] (n) money collected [Add to Longdo]
守り立てる[もりたてる, moritateru] (v1, vt) to bring up; to support; to rally [Add to Longdo]
周波数分割多元接続[しゅうはすうぶんわりたげんせつぞく, shuuhasuubunwaritagensetsuzoku] (n) { comp } Frequency Division Multiple Access; FDMA [Add to Longdo]
処理対象[しょりたいしょう, shoritaishou] (n) { comp } processing object [Add to Longdo]
飾り立てる[かざりたてる, kazaritateru] (v1, vt) to decorate gaudily; to deck out [Add to Longdo]
尻叩き;尻たたき[しりたたき, shiritataki] (n, vs) (1) spanking; (n) (2) (arch) ritual spanking of a new bride to encourage fertility [Add to Longdo]
振り立てる[ふりたてる, furitateru] (v1, vt) to toss (i.e. one's head); to wave (i.e. a flag); to stand up energetically; to raise one's voice [Add to Longdo]
成り立ち;成立ち[なりたち, naritachi] (n) (1) the way in which something came about; origin; (2) structure; organization; the way something is constructed [Add to Longdo]
成丈;成り丈[なりたけ, naritake] (adv) (uk) (See なるたけ, できるだけ, なるべく) as much as one can; as much as possible [Add to Longdo]
成田離婚[なりたりこん, naritarikon] (n) Narita divorce; divorce case of a newlywed couple breaking up upon their return to Narita Airport from their honeymoon abroad [Add to Longdo]
切り倒す;斬り倒す;切倒す[きりたおす, kiritaosu] (v5s, vt) to cut down; to chop down; to fell [Add to Longdo]
切り立った[きりたった, kiritatta] (adj-f) steep; precipitous [Add to Longdo]
切り立つ;切りた[きりたつ, kiritatsu] (v5t) to rise perpendicularly [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
He said his father was an architect and that he wanted to be one too.「私の父は建築家です。そして私も建築家になりたいと思います」と彼は言った。
"What's going on in the cave? I'm curious." "I have no idea."「洞穴の中で何が起こっているんだろう?すごく知りたいなあ」「見当もつかないよ」
I want to catch the 11:45.11時45分のに乗りたいんです。
If he could pass for eighteen years old, he'd join the army.18歳だとごまかしても通るのなら彼は軍隊にはいりたいのだが。
I want to rent an apartment with two rooms.2部屋あるアパートを借りたいのですが。
I got out of the car at 40th Street.40丁目で車を降りた
She rented a four-room flat.4室から成るアパートを彼女は借りた
I wanted to be a bus driver when I was five.5歳の時は、バスの運転手になりたかった。
I'd like to get home by five.5時までには家に帰りたいのですが。
In about the fifth year I decided cutting the grass was something I didn't want to do any more of.5年目頃に芝刈りはもう自分でやりたくない、と思った。
I'd like to get off at fifth avenue.5番街で降りたいのですが。
I want to catch the six o'clock train to New York.6時発のニューヨーク行きの列車に乗りたいのです。
I'd like to take a 9:30 flight.9時30分発の便に乗りたいです。
What is it that you really want to say?あなたがおっしゃりたいことは、いったい何ですか。
I'd like to join your group.あなたがたのグループにはいりたいんですが。
I want to know what you did this summer.あなたが今年の夏何をしたか知りたい。
What's the name of the man whose car you borrowed?あなたが車を借りた人の名前は何と言いますか。
I would like to be your pen pal.あなたのペンパルになりたいのです。
I want to be a good player like you.あなたのように上手になりたい。
I want to know more about your school life.あなたの学校生活についてもっと色々知りたい。
I want to be in on your plan.あなたの計画に一枚加わりたい。
What does your son want to be when he grows up?あなたの息子さんは大人になったら何になりたいと思っているのですか。
Which group do you want to join?あなたはどちらのグループに加わりたいですか。
Which club do you want to join?あなたはどのクラブに入りたいですか。
What do you want to be?あなたは何になりたいの?
What do you want to be when you grow up?あなたは大きくなったら、何になりたいですか。
Do you remember borrowing his book?あなたは彼の本を借りたことを覚えていますか。
I want to take a better look at that painting. I want to stand closer.あの絵をもっとよく見るために近くに寄りたいな。
The young girl wanted to be a star of the silver screen.あの女の子は映画スターになりたかったんだ。
Everyone is anxious to know what has become of the former champion.あの前チャンピオンが今どうなっているのかみんな知りたがっている。
Did you rent an apartment?アパートを借りたかい。
I don't want to go out on a limb.あぶない橋は渡りたくない。
He is apt to get angry if you ask a lot of questions.あまりたくさん質問すると、彼は腹を立てる傾向がある。
Alice slid down the long slide.アリスは長い滑り台を滑り降りた
If you are to know a nation, you must learn its history.ある国を知りたければ.その国の歴史を学ばねばならない。
If you want to know how a certain word is used, look it up in this dictionary.ある単語の使われ方を知りたければ、この辞書で調べてみなさい。
Anyway, if you want to know more about my country, I'll send you a letter when I get home.いずれにしても、もし私の国についてもっと知りたいのでしたら、帰国してからお手紙を送りましょう。
Would you tell me when to get off?いつ降りたらいいのか教えていただけますか。
Would you please tell me when to get off?いつ降りたらよいか教えて下さい。
I imagine that you are wondering when your new PC will arrive.いつ新しいコンピューターが届くかお知りになりたくないのですか。
I'd like to know when you can send it out.いつ発送してもらえるのか知りたいのです。
Well, my family's away and I can't afford to do much.いやあ、家族は留守だし、あんまりたいしたことは出来ないのさ。
I'm so sorry about what I did. I wish I could just crawl into a hole and die.いやあ面目ない。穴があったら入りたい心境だよ。
She wanted to return home, but she got lost.うちへ帰りたいと思っていたが、道に迷った。
Well, I get up early, so I want to sleep there.ええと、僕は早く起きるから、そこで眠りたいな。 [ M ]
Emmy folded the napkin in half.エミーはナプキンを半分に折りたたんだ。
The old lady got down from the bus.おばあさんはバスから降りた
If you need some money, why don't you borrow some from your mother?お金がいるんだったら、おかあさんから借りたらどうですか。
You had better take this medicine if you want to get well.お前は病気が直りたいのならこの薬を飲んだ方がいいよ。
He wanted to be on equal footing with his mother.お母さんと対等になりたかった。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Honto no kanashimi ga shiritai dake I only want to know what true sadness is.[CN] 100)\1aH50\K140 }本当の悲しみが知りたいだけ Mushroom Samba (1999)
Honto no kanashimi ga shiritai dake I only want to know what true sadness is.[CN] 100)\1aH50\K140 }本当の悲しみが知りたいだけ Cowboy Funk (1999)
You idiot![JP] -風呂に入りたくない! Four Flies on Grey Velvet (1971)
I'd like to go back.[JP] りたいわ。 Live for Life (1967)
I... I wish I was that age again.[JP] 私もその年に戻りたいよ The Graduate (1967)
I really want to...[JP] 本当にやりたい... Taxi Driver (1976)
Everyone's off the ship.[JP] 皆、船から降りたぞ! What's Up, Tiger Lily? (1966)
He wanted to know where she was.[JP] 居所を知りたがってた Chinatown (1974)
Honto no kanashimi ga shiritai dake I only want to know what true sadness is.[CN] 100)\1aH50\K140 }本当の悲しみが知りたいだけ Pierrot le Fou (1999)
I want to go back to Paris, back to my paints.[JP] パリに戻りたい、私の絵の具に La Grande Vadrouille (1966)
Honto no kanashimi ga shiritai dake I only want to know what true sadness is.[CN] 100)\1aH50\K140 }本当の悲しみが知りたいだけ Black Dog Serenade (1999)
Honto no kanashimi ga shiritai dake I only want to know what true sadness is[CN] 100)\1aH50 }本当の悲しみが知りたいだけ Asteroid Blues (1998)
Fold.[JP] りた Rough Night in Jericho (1967)
I want to know more about you.[JP] もっと知りたいわ 貴方の事 Chinatown (1974)
Now, I can do anything I want.[JP] 私は今、成りたい者になれるの。 Live for Life (1967)
Come in.[JP] りたまえ The Wing or The Thigh? (1976)
I just want to go out and you know, really, really do something.[JP] ここを出て... ...ほんと 何か 何かやりたくて Taxi Driver (1976)
That's good enough for me.[JP] りたければ戻れ The Crazies (1973)
- "No Holds Barred", my friend.[JP] ー 「やりたい放題」だよ The Wing or The Thigh? (1976)
I'd like to go back to Paris.[JP] 私、パリへ戻りたいわ。 Live for Life (1967)
(SOBBING)[JP] -家に帰りた The Graduate (1967)
Honto no kanashimi ga shiritai dake I only want to know what true sadness is.[CN] 100)\1aH50\K140 }本当の悲しみが知りたいだけ Speak Like a Child (1998)
And I also well know that you want to drive it.[JP] それに君が走りたがってることも わかっている Grand Prix (1966)
Honto no kanashimi ga shiritai dake I only want to know what true sadness is.[CN] 100)\1aH50\K140 }本当の悲しみが知りたいだけ Brain Scratch (1999)
- Want to dance?[JP] - 踊りたいと思って... Live for Life (1967)
Honto no kanashimi ga shiritai dake I only want to know what true sadness is[CN] 100)\1aH50\K140 }本当の悲しみが知りたいだけ Sympathy for the Devil (1998)
You may remember asking if I'd like to do a guest appearance on your tv show, "No Holds Barred".[JP] 以前、私に出演を頼んでらっしゃいましたな あなたの番組「やりたい放題」に The Wing or The Thigh? (1976)
I just want to know. Tell me.[JP] りたいんだ 教えろよ Straw Dogs (1971)
I just didn't want to cheat on you.[JP] 君に誠実でありたいだけさ。 Live for Life (1967)
If there's anything I can do, I would be happy...[JP] あなたの力になりた War and Peace, Part II: Natasha Rostova (1966)
So this evening, no holds are barred...[JP] 今夜の「やりたい放題」は・・・ The Wing or The Thigh? (1976)
- Really, I wanna know.[JP] -知りたいんだよ The Graduate (1967)
To see if we can determine why you are losing.[JP] 君がなぜ負けているのか 理由を知りたいんだ Grand Prix (1966)
I could have been a tv star.[JP] 私もテレビスターになりたいと思っていたところだ The Wing or The Thigh? (1976)
Honto no kanashimi ga shiritai dake I only want to know what true sadness is.[CN] 100)\1aH50\K140 }本当の悲しみが知りたいだけ Hard Luck Woman (1999)
He just made lieutenant.[JP] 警部補になりたてで Chinatown (1974)
Honto no kanashimi ga shiritai dake I only want to know what true sadness is.[CN] 100)\1aH50\K140 }本当の悲しみが知りたいだけ Boogie-Woogie Feng-Shui (1999)
Honto no kanashimi ga shiritai dake I only want to know what true sadness is.[CN] 100)\1aH50\K140 }本当の悲しみが知りたいだけ My Funny Valentine (1998)
Honto no kanashimi ga shiritai dake I only want to know what true sadness is.[CN] 100)\1aH50\K140 }本当の悲しみが知りたいだけ The Real Folk Blues: Part 1 (1999)
Honto no kanashimi ga shiritai dake I only want to know what true sadness is[CN] 100)\1aH50\K140 }本当の悲しみが知りたいだけ Bohemian Rhapsody (1998)
I borrowed your husband's car.[JP] ご主人の車を借りた Chinatown (1974)
- 'Cause I wanna be in here alone.[JP] - 一人で入りたいんだ Buffalo '66 (1998)
'I was torn between making myself walk 'and wanting to lie down on the bed.[JP] 俺はベッドに横に― なりたい誘惑と闘った Farewell, My Lovely (1975)
Honto no kanashimi ga shiritai dake I only want to know what true sadness is.[CN] 100)\1aH50\K140 }本当の悲しみが知りたいだけ Heavy Metal Queen (1998)
I'm trying to get an A in show and tell. Don't goof it for me.[JP] いい点を取りたいから ヘマはしないでよ You're Not Elected, Charlie Brown (1972)
I'd like to know where it happened.[JP] りたいんだよ The Graduate (1967)
I'd like to help her if I can.[JP] 力になりたい 分かりませんね Chinatown (1974)
No, I won't.[JP] りたくない Straw Dogs (1971)
- Don't you want to know?[JP] りたくないの? Rough Night in Jericho (1967)
There's something I want to protect[CN] りたいものがある One Piece: Episode of Alabaster - Sabaku no Ojou to Kaizoku Tachi (2007)

Japanese-English: COMPDICT Dictionary
べき乗打切り待機法[べきのりうちきりたいきほう, bekinoriuchikiritaikihou] truncated binary exponential back-off [Add to Longdo]
インタプリタ[いんたぷりた, intapurita] interpreter, interpretive program [Add to Longdo]
インヘリタンス[いんへりたんす, inheritansu] inheritance [Add to Longdo]
グリフ手続きインタプリタ[ぐりふてつづきいんたぷりた, gurifutetsudukiintapurita] glyph procedure interpreter [Add to Longdo]
コマンドインタープリタ[こまんどいんたーぷりた, komandointa-purita] command interpretor [Add to Longdo]
ソフトリターン[そふとりたーん, sofutorita-n] soft return [Add to Longdo]
メトロポリタンエリアネットワーク[めとろぽりたん'えりあねっとわーく, metoroporitan ' erianettowa-ku] Metropolitan Area Nework, MAN [Add to Longdo]
リターン[りたーん, rita-n] return [Add to Longdo]
リターンキー[りたーんきー, rita-nki-] RETURN key [Add to Longdo]
リターンパス[りたーんぱす, rita-npasu] return path [Add to Longdo]
管理体制[かんりたいせい, kanritaisei] management system [Add to Longdo]
管理対象[かんりたいしょう, kanritaishou] Managed object [Add to Longdo]
基本論理対象体[きほんろんりたいしょうたい, kihonronritaishoutai] basic logical object [Add to Longdo]
光立ち下がり時間[ひかりたちさがりじかん, hikaritachisagarijikan] optical fall time [Add to Longdo]
光立ち上がり時間[ひかりたちあがりじかん, hikaritachiagarijikan] optical rise time [Add to Longdo]
周波数分割多元接続[しゅうはすうぶんわりたげんせつぞく, shuuhasuubunwaritagensetsuzoku] Frequency Division Multiple Access, FDMA [Add to Longdo]
処理対象[しょりたいしょう, shoritaishou] processing object [Add to Longdo]
りたたみ連続紙[おりたたみれんぞくし, oritatamirenzokushi] fanfold paper, zig-zag fold paper, z-fold paper [Add to Longdo]
非シールドより対線[ひシールドよりたいせん, hi shi-rudo yoritaisen] Unshielded Twisted Pair, UTP [Add to Longdo]
複合論理対象体[ふくごうろんりたいしょうたい, fukugouronritaishoutai] composite logical object [Add to Longdo]
論理対象体[ろんりたいしょうたい, ronritaishoutai] logical object [Add to Longdo]
論理対象体クラス[ろんりたいしょうたいクラス, ronritaishoutai kurasu] logical object class [Add to Longdo]
キャリッジリターン[きゃりっじりたーん, kyarijjirita-n] carriage return [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
塗り立て[ぬりたて, nuritate] frisch_gestrichen [Add to Longdo]
走り高跳び[はしりたかとび, hashiritakatobi] Hochsprung [Add to Longdo]


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