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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: -reuss-, *reuss*, reus
(เนื่องจากผลลัพธ์จากการค้นหา reuss มีน้อย ระบบได้ทดลองค้นหาใหม่โดยใส่ดอกจันทน์ (wild-card) ให้โดยอัตโนมัติ: *reus*)
Dictionaries languages

English Phonetic Symbols

Chinese Phonetic Symbols

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
reuse(vt) นำกลับมาใช้ใหม่, Syn. recycle
reuse(n) การนำกลับมาใช้ใหม่, Syn. recycle
reusable(adj) ซึ่งนำมาใช้ใหม่

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
cereus(เซอ'เรซ) n. พระแม่เกษตรกรรม
reuse(รียูซ') vt. เอาไปใช้อีก, ใช้อีก, ใช้สอยอีก n. การนำไปใช้ใหม่

อังกฤษ-ไทย: ศัพท์บัญญัติราชบัณฑิตยสถาน [เชื่อมโยงจาก orst.go.th แบบอัตโนมัติและผ่านการปรับแก้]
actus reus (L.)การกระทำอันจะเป็นความผิดอาญา [นิติศาสตร์ ๑๑ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
frequency reuseการใช้ความถี่ซ้ำ [เทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศ ๑๑ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]

อังกฤษ-ไทย: คลังศัพท์ไทย โดย สวทช.
reuseใช้ซ้ำ [วิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยี]
Hylocereusแก้วมังกร [TU Subject Heading]
Monascus purpureusเชื้อราข้าวแดง [TU Subject Heading]
Water reuseการนำน้ำกลับมาใช้ใหม่ [TU Subject Heading]
Reuseการใช้, การใช้ใหม่, การใช้ซ้ำ, การใช้อีกครั้ง, Example: การใช้ของเสียโดยตรง โดยไม่มีการแยกหรือการบำบัด เช่น ใช้น้ำล้างจานมาล้างจานสกปรก การใช้ผลิตภัณฑ์ซ้ำ หรือการนำกลับมาใช้ อีกครั้ง ได้แก่ ภาชนะบรรจุต่าง ๆ เช่น การนำขวดน้ำหวานมาบรรจุน้ำดื่ม [สิ่งแวดล้อม]
Cascade Reuseการใช้ใหม่ตามสภาพ, Example: การนำสิ่งของมาใช้อีกครั้งตามระดับความสามารถ ที่จะนำมาใช้ได้ [สิ่งแวดล้อม]
Reuseการใช้อีกครั้ง [สิ่งแวดล้อม]
Direct Reuseการใช้อีกครั้งโดยตรง, Example: การนำของที่ใช้แล้วมาใช้อีกครั้งโดยไม่มีการ แปรสภาพ [สิ่งแวดล้อม]
Bacillus Cereusบาซิลลัสเซรีอัส, แบคทีเรีย;บาซิลลัสซีรีอุส [การแพทย์]
Chartreuseสีบรั่นดี [การแพทย์]
reuseใช้ซ้ำ, นำสิ่งของที่ใช้แล้วกลับมาใช้ใหม่ โดยอาจใช้งานในรูปแบบเดิม หรือดัดแปลงเพื่อใช้งานในรูปแบบอื่น เช่น การนำขวดน้ำพลาสติกที่ดื่มน้ำจนหมดแล้วกลับมาบรรจุน้ำดื่มใหม่ หรือนำไปดัดแปลงใช้เป็นกระถางต้นไม้ หรือกล่องใส่ดินสอ [พจนานุกรมศัพท์ สสวท.]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I can screw 30 guys and I'm still faithful.Ich bin die Allertreuste. Princesas (2005)
You pretty excited about Jake being back?Freust du dich, dass Jake wieder da ist? Undercover (2014)
What are you more excited about, the wedding or the honeymoon?Worauf freust du dich mehr, die Hochzeit oder die Flitterwochen? For Better or Worse (2014)
I know that you regret what happened.Ich weiß, dass du es bereust. The Darkness (2014)
Are you happy to be here?Freust du dich, hier zu sein? La vie à l'envers (2014)
You're moving to Toronto next weekend! You must be over the fucking moon!Du freust dich sicher. Mommy (2014)
Try the banana chocolate chip... amazing.Probiert die mit Banane und Schokostreuseln... Unglaublich. Death Benefit (2014)
Who are you looking forward to seeing, huh?Auf wen freust du dich? Unicorn (2014)
Happy to be home?Freust du dich, wieder hier zu sein? A Lovebirds' Divorce (2014)
Get help before you do something else you regret.- Hol dir Hilfe. Ehe du noch irgendwas tust, das du bereust. Struggle (2014)
Well, what are you so happy about?Über was freust du dich so? Yesterday's Gone (2014)
- You sound pleased.- Freust du dich? Belinda et moi (2014)
You don't regret it though?Du bereust es doch nicht, oder? Belinda et moi (2014)
But I hope you'll be happy for me? If it is Tony in the end.Aber ich hoffe, du freust dich für mich, wenn es am Ende Tony sein sollte. Episode #5.2 (2014)
What are you doing... here, in New York, right now?Was machst du hier in New York? - Freust du dich nicht? Cold Case (2014)
I want that streusel coffee cake.Möchten wir uns ein Stück Streuselkuchen teilen? Field Trip (2014)
I bet you're glad to be back.Ich wette, du freust dich, zurück zu sein. Episode #2.3 (2014)
You don't regret it... we both know that you'd do it again.Du bereust es nicht, und du würdest es wieder tun. Long Live the King (2014)
You're projecting your own incompetence onto me.Wieso lässt du deine Freust an mir raus? Coming Soon (2014)
Are you happy to get a little brother?Freust du dich auf deinen kleinen Bruder? Refugiado (2014)
So, we've established the actus reus.Wir haben nun also den "Actus Reus" festgelegt. Pilot (2014)
"Actus reus" means "guilty act"..."Actus Reus" bedeutet "strafbare Handlung". Pilot (2014)
You actually mean that? That you're happy he's with someone else?Du freust dich, wenn er bei einer andern ist?
I just, I thought you would be happy.Tut mir leid, ich... - Ich dachte, du freust dich. Ring of Fire (2014)
I thought you'd be pleased.Ich dachte, du freust dich. No Exit (2014)
You excited for your nuptials?Freust du dich auf deine Hochzeit? There's No Place Like Home (2014)
Please say you're thrilled.Bitte sag mir, dass du dich freust. Scream for Me (2014)
Want me to kill you with one word?Ein Wort, und du bereust es. La forêt (2014)
Are you happy for me?Freust du dich für mich? Fear Her (2014)
I wouldn't want you to give away something of your mom's that you might regret later on.Ich möchte nicht, dass du etwas von deiner Mom weggibst und es dann später bereust. Thrown from the Ride (2014)
- You mean you are.- Du freust dich. Episode #5.7 (2014)
One clay, you'll be glad to think of the times you spent together.Eines Tages freust du dich über die gemeinsam verbrachte Zeit. Episode #5.8 (2014)
Be here soon. You excited for the baseball game?Freust du dich auf das Baseballspiel? Risky Business (2014)
It's road salt.Das ist Streusalz. Bad Santa (2014)
I sing to you from here... because you are my delight.Ich singe hier für dich, weil du mein Herz erfreust Sand Dollars (2014)
Are you happy?Freust du dich? Sand Dollars (2014)
I sing to you from here... because you are my delight.Ich singe hier für dich, weil du mein Herz erfreust Sand Dollars (2014)
- You must be looking forward to seeing her again.- Du freust dich sicher auf sie. A Moorland Holiday (2014)
- Are you looking forward to going home? - Why, particularly?- Freust du dich, nach Hause zu gehen? A Moorland Holiday (2014)
- Either pay or regret it.- Zahlst du nicht, bereust du es. Episode #1.2 (2014)
It was a moment and you regret it.Es war ein Moment und du bereust es. The Climb (2014)
Do you ever regret it?Bereust du es nie? Dragon noir (2014)
And... this chocolate frosting and these candy sprinkles and go upstairs and turn yourself into an X-rated birthday cake.Und... diesen Schokoguss, diese Zuckerstreusel... geh nach oben... und verwandle dich dort in eine Geburtstagstorte für Erwachsene. Charlie and the Revenge of the Hot Nerd (2014)
Charlie, I just noticed this frosting is made in a factory that has peanuts.Charlie, bei diesen Zuckerstreuseln habe ich gerade be- merkt, dass sie in einer Fabrik hergestellt sind, in der Erdnüsse verarbeitet werden. Charlie and the Revenge of the Hot Nerd (2014)
Keep your focus, or it'll cost you.Behalte den Fokus, sonst bereust du's. Revenge (2014)
(Ingrid): excited about you even when you're around again?(Ingrid): Freust dich schon, wenn du wieder rund bist? Streif: One Hell of a Ride (2014)
If you regret that outing with me, that's cool.Wenn du die Zeit mit mir bereust, kein Problem. Action-réaction (2014)
- So you do regret it.- Du bereust es also? Action-réaction (2014)
- So you regret it?- Du bereust es? Quand le silence s'installe (2014)
- Bag of salt.- Streusalz. Goosebumps (2015)

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
reusBaseline design and flight capability predictions for reusable winged hybrid rocket system.

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
โศก(adj) chartreuse, See also: yellow-green color, Syn. สีโศก, Example: ฉันจำได้ว่า ผู้หญิงที่ใส่ชุดสีโศกคนนั้นเคยเป็นดารามาก่อน, Thai Definition: สีเขียวอ่อนอย่างสีใบอโศกอ่อน
ตะบองเพชร(n) cactus, See also: Cereus hexagonus, Syn. กระบองเพชร, ต้นตะบองเพชร, Example: ตะบองเพชรขึ้นอยู่ตามทะเลทราย, Thai Definition: ชื่อไม้พุ่มในวงศ์ Cactaceae ลำต้นสูง 3 - 5 เมตร ลำต้นและกิ่งกลม หยักเป็นร่องโดยรอบ มีหนามละเอียด ดอกใหญ่ สีขาว กลิ่นหอม บานกลางคืน มักปลูกเป็นรั้วบ้าน
กระบองเพชร(n) cactus, See also: Cereus hexagonus Mill., Syn. ตะบองเพชร, Example: ในสวนมีต้นมะลิออกดอกสีขาวโพลนเลยทีเดียว ถัดไปอีกหน่อยก็คือกระบองเพชรหนามเข็มดอกของมันเป็นสีเหลือง, Count Unit: ต้น
มังกร(n) muraenesox cinereus, Syn. ปลามังกร, ปลาไหลยอดจาก, Example: พ่อเลี้ยงปลามังกรโดยการให้กินจิ้งจก, Count Unit: ตัว, Thai Definition: ชื่อปลาไหลทะเลในสกุล Muraenesox วงศ์ Muraenesocidae ลำตัวยาวทรงกระบอก ส่วนหางแบนข้าง ไม่มีเกล็ด ปากกว้าง จะงอยปากบนยาวล้ำกรามล่าง ฟันคม แข็งแรง ครีบอกใหญ่ พื้นลำตัวและครีบสีน้ำตาลอ่อนปนเหลืองหรือคล้ำ ด้านท้องสีขาว ขอบครีบหลัง ครีบก้น และครีบหางสีดำ

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
บรรลุ[banlu] (v) EN: reach ; attain ; achieve ; accomplish ; get ; obtain ; acquire ; fulfill  FR: obtenir ; réussir ; atteindre ; accomplir ; parvenir à ; conclure ; acquérir
บรรลุเป้าหมาย[banlu paomāi] (v, exp) EN: achieve ; succeed ; accomplish ; attain ; fulfill  FR: réussir ; atteindre un objectif
บรรลุผล[banluphon] (v, exp) EN: meet with success ; succeed ; accomplish ; achieve ; be successful  FR: réussir
เบ้า[bao] (n) EN: cast ; crucible  FR: creuset [ m ]
เฉียบขาด[chīepkhāt] (adv) EN: resolutely ; decisively ; absolutely ; unequivocally ; sharply  FR: résolument ; rigoureusement
ได้ดี[dāi dī] (v) EN: be successful ; attain prominence ; meet the success  FR: réussir
เด็ดขาด[detkhāt] (adv) EN: absolutely ; resolutely ; firmly ; decisively ; perfectly ; strictly ; definitely ; positively  FR: absolument ; résolument ; fermement ; strictement ; formellement ; rigoureusement
แฟน[faēn] (n) EN: boyfriend ; girlfriend ; sweetheart ; lover ; one's beloved ; darling ; dear ; sweetie ; suitor ; beau  FR: petit ami [ m ] ; petite amie [ f ] ; flirt [ m ] ; amoureux [ m ] ; amoureuse [ f ] ; soupirant [ m ] ; prétendant [ m ]
ห้ามเด็ดขาด[hām detkhāt] (adj) EN: absolutely forbidden  FR: strictement interdit ; formellement interdit ; rigoureusement interdit
เหี้ยมหาญ[hīemhān] (adv) EN: dauntlessly ; boldly ; bravely ; valiantly ; valorously  FR: bravement ; valeureusement
อิฐกลวง[it klūang] (n, exp) EN: hollow brick  FR: brique creuse [ f ]
เจาะรู[jǿ rū] (v, exp) EN: make a hole ; perforate  FR: trouer ; perforer ; faire un trou ; creuser un trou ; percer un trou
การใช้ซ้ำ[kān chai sam] (n, exp) EN: reuse  FR: réutilisation [ f ]
การสารภาพรัก[kān sāraphāp rak] (n, exp) FR: confession amoureuse [ f ]
คนขี้ขลาด[khon khīkhlāt] (n, exp) EN: coward  FR: peureux [ m ] ; peureuse [ f ] ; poltron [ m ] ; poltronne [ f ] ; lâche [ m ] ; froussard [ m ] (fam.) ; froussarde [ f ] (fam.) ; trouillard [ m ] (fam.) ; trouillarde [ f ] (fam.) ; dégonflé [ m ] ; couard [ m ] (litt.) ; couarde [ f ] (litt.) ; pétochard [ m ] (fam.) ; pétocha
คนขลาด[khon khlāt] (n, exp) EN: coward  FR: peureux [ m ] ; peureuse [ f ] ; poltron [ m ] ; poltronne [ f ] ; lâche [ m ] ; froussard [ m ] (fam.) ; froussarde [ f ] (fam.) ; trouillard [ m ] (fam.) ; trouillarde [ f ] (fam.) ; dégonflé [ m ] ; couard [ m ] (litt.) ; couarde [ f ] (litt.) ; pétochard [ m ] (fam.) ; pétocha
ค้นคว้า[khonkhwā] (v) EN: search ; research ; do research ; ransack ; frisk ; dig into ; study intensively ; investigate ; find out  FR: faire des recherches ; creuser (fig.)
คนเป็นโรคเรื้อน[khon pen rōk reūoen] (n, exp) FR: lépreux [ m ] ; lépreuse [ f ]
เครื่องบันทึกเงินสด[khreūang bantheuk ngoen sot] (n, exp) EN: cash register  FR: caisse enregistreuse [ f ]
เคราะห์ไม่ดี[khrǿ mai dī] (adv) FR: malheureusement ; par malheur
ครอบครัวอบอุ่น[khrøpkhrūa ǿp un] (n, exp) FR: famille heureuse [ f ]
คุ้ย[khui] (v) EN: turn up ; dig ; delve ; rummage  FR: fouir ; creuser
ขุด[khut] (v) EN: dig ; dig up ; excavate ; unearth ; resurrect  FR: creuser ; excaver
ขุดบ่อ[khut bø] (v, exp) EN: dig a well  FR: creuser un puits
กรอฟัน[krø fan] (v, exp) EN: drill a tooth ; grind a tooth down  FR: creuser une dent
หลายคน[lāi khon] (n, exp) EN: many people  FR: de nombreuses personnes ; beaucoup de personnes ; beaucoup de gens
ไม่มีโอกาสสำเร็จ[mai mī ōkāt samret] (xp) EN: not have a dog's chance  FR: ne pas avoir la moindre chance de réussite
ไม่สำเร็จ[mai samret] (adj) FR: sans résultat ; inabouti ; pas réussi ; inachévé
มือขึ้น[meūkheun] (v) EN: be in luck ; hold a good hand ; gain advantage from every side ; be lucky in gambling ; have a run of luck  FR: avoir la main heureuse ; être chanceux
หมอดู[mødū] (n) EN: fortune teller ; astrologer ; forecaster  FR: devin [ m ] ; voyant [ m ] ; voyante [ f ] ; astrologue [ m ] ; diseur de bonne aventure [ m ] ; diseuse de bonne aventure [ f ] ; tireuse de cartes [ f ]
ม้วน[mūan] (n) EN: [ classifier : rolls of things that are wound (audio tapes, photographic films, video tapes, toilet paper, rolls of cash register or calculator paper) ]  FR: [ classificateur : matériaux enroulés (bandes audio et vidéo, films photographiques, papier hygiénique, rouleaux de caisse enregistreuse ou de calculatrice) ]
นักธุรกิจที่สร้างเนื้อสร้างตัว[nakthurakit thī sāng neūa sāng tūa] (n, exp) EN: self-made businessman  FR: homme d'affaires qui s'est fait tout seul [ m ] ; homme d'affaires qui est l'artisan de sa propre réussite [ m ] ; self-made man [ m ]
นำกลับมาใช้ได้อีก[nam klap mā chai dāi īk] (adj) EN: reusable ; recyclable  FR: réutilisable
นำกลับมาใช้ใหม่[nam klap mā chai mai] (v, exp) EN: recycle ; reuse  FR: recycler
เป็นการ[penkān] (v) EN: succeed ; accomplish ; complete  FR: réaliser ; réussir ; accomplir
เป็นผล[pen phon] (v) EN: succeed ; work ; be successfu ; be fruitful ; result  FR: réussir
ผ่าน[phān] (v, exp) FR: passer dans la classe supérieure ; réussir une année d'études
พนักงานเดินตั๋ว[phanakngān doēn tūa] (n, exp) EN: usherette  FR: ouvreuse (de cinéma) [ f ]
ผล[phon] (n) EN: result ; effect ; consequence ; fruit ; success ; achievement  FR: produit [ m ] ; résultat [ m ] ; effet [ m ] ; conséquence [ f ] ; fruit [ m ] ; succès [ m ] ; réussite [ f ]
ผลสำเร็จ[phonsamret] (n) EN: success ; accomplishment ; achievement ; attainment  FR: succès [ m ] ; réussite [ f ]
เรื่องชู้สาว[reūang chūsāo] (n, exp) EN: illicit romantic liaison  FR: liaison (amoureuse) [ f ]
สามารถนำกลับมาใช้ใหม่ได้[sāmāt nam klap mā chai mai dāi] (adj) EN: recyclable ; reusable ; renewable
สำเร็จ[samret] (v) EN: succeed ; be successful ; meet with success ; be crowned with success  FR: réussir
สำเร็จ[samret] (x) EN: finished ; prepared ; ready-made ; completed ; done ; accomplished  FR: achevé ; accompli ; fini ; réussi
สร้างตัว[sāng tūa] (adj) EN: self-made  FR: self-made ; qui a réussi tout seul ; qui est l'artisan de sa propre réussite
สว่าน[sawān] (n) EN: drill ; auger ; gimlet ; wimble  FR: perceuse [ f ] ; foreuse [ f ] ; tarière [ f ] ; vrille [ f ] ; foret [ m ] ; mèche [ f ]
สีโศก[sī sōk] (adj) EN: chartreuse ; greenish yellow ; yellow green  FR: vert-jaune
โศก[sōk] (adj) EN: chartreuse ; yellow-green colour  FR: gris cendré
สอบได้[søp dai] (v, exp) EN: pass an exam  FR: réussir un examen
สอบไล่ได้[søplai dai] (v, exp) EN: pass a final examination  FR: réussir un examen

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
Acanthocereus(n) mostly trailing cacti having nocturnal white flowers; tropical America and Caribbean region, Syn. genus Acanthocereus
Astreus(n) a genus of fungi belonging to the family Geastraceae, Syn. genus Astreus
Atreus(n) (Greek mythology) the king of Mycenae and father of Agamemnon and of Menelaus
Cereus(n) genus of much-branched treelike or shrubby cacti with pronounced ribs and rounded needlelike spines and nocturnal flowers usually white, Syn. genus Cereus
Chartreuse(n) aromatic green or yellow liqueur flavored with orange peel and hyssop and peppermint oils; made at monastery near Grenoble, France
chartreuse(adj) of something having the yellowish green color of Chartreuse liqueur
Echinocereus(n) large genus of low-growing shrubby ribbed cacti of Mexico and southwestern United States, Syn. genus Echinocereus
Hylocereus(n) genus of climbing or epiphytic tropical American cacti with angular stems and mostly white very fragrant flowers, Syn. genus Hylocereus
Lemaireocereus(n) tropical American cacti usually tall and branching with stout spines and funnel-shaped flowers and globular or ovoid often edible fruit, Syn. genus Lemaireocereus
Nereus(n) (Greek mythology) a sea god son of Pontus and Gaea; lived in the depths of the sea with his wife Doris and their daughters the Nereids
Perisoreus(n) Canada jays, Syn. genus Perisoreus
Selenicereus(n) mostly epiphytic climbing cacti that bloom at night, Syn. genus Selenicereus
streusel(n) pastry with a topping of streusel
streusel(n) a crumbly topping for a pastry
chichipe(n) tall treelike Mexican cactus with edible red fruit, Syn. Lemaireocereus chichipe
jackal(n) Old World nocturnal canine mammal closely related to the dog; smaller than a wolf; sometimes hunts in a pack but usually singly or as a member of a pair, Syn. Canis aureus
koala(n) sluggish tailless Australian arboreal marsupial with grey furry ears and coat; feeds on eucalyptus leaves and bark, Syn. koala bear, native bear, kangaroo bear, Phascolarctos cinereus
mung(n) erect bushy annual widely cultivated in warm regions of India and Indonesia and United States for forage and especially its edible seeds; chief source of bean sprouts used in Chinese cookery; sometimes placed in genus Phaseolus, Syn. golden gram, green gram, Vigna radiata, mung bean, Phaseolus aureus
Prussia(n) a former kingdom in north-central Europe including present-day northern Germany and northern Poland, Syn. Preussen
reclaimable(adj) capable of being used again, Syn. recyclable, reusable
recycle(v) use again after processing, Syn. reuse, reprocess
wahoo(n) deciduous shrub having purple capsules enclosing scarlet seeds, Syn. burning bush, Euonymus atropurpureus
wrongdoing(n) activity that transgresses moral or civil law, Syn. wrongful conduct, misconduct, actus reus

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

‖n. [ L., a wax candle, fr. cera wax. So named from the resemblance of one species to the columnar shape of a wax candle. ] (Bot.) A genus of plants of the Cactus family. They are natives of America, from California to Chili. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ Although several species flower in the night, the name Night-blooming cereus is specially applied to the Cereus grandiflorus, which is cultivated for its beautiful, shortlived flowers. The Cereus giganteus, whose columnar trunk is sometimes sixty feet in height, is a striking feature of the scenery of New Mexico, Texas, etc. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ F. ] 1. A Carthusian monastery; esp. La Grande Chartreuse, mother house of the order, in the mountains near Grenoble, France. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. An alcoholic cordial, distilled from aromatic herbs; -- made at La Grande Chartreuse. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖/mhw>, n. [ L. choreus, Gr. &unr_;, prop. an adj. meaning belonging to a chorus; cf. F. chorée. ] (Anc. Pros.) (a) a trochee. (b) A tribrach. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Choreus

n. A genus of tropical American cacti, usually tall and branching with stout spines and funnel-shaped flowers and globular or ovoid often edible fruit.
Syn. -- genus Lemaireocereus. [ WordNet 1.5 ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
气管炎[qì guǎn yán, ㄑㄧˋ ㄍㄨㄢˇ ㄧㄢˊ,    /   ] bacterial tracheitis (inflammation of the windpipe, often caused by Staphylococcus aureus); henpecked (a pun on 妻子管得严 used in comic theater) #39,261 [Add to Longdo]
拆用[chāi yòng, ㄔㄞ ㄩㄥˋ,  ] to tear down and reuse; to cannibalize #320,120 [Add to Longdo]
再使用[zài shǐ yòng, ㄗㄞˋ ㄕˇ ㄩㄥˋ,  使 ] to reuse [Add to Longdo]
再利用[zài lì yòng, ㄗㄞˋ ㄌㄧˋ ㄩㄥˋ,   ] to reuse [Add to Longdo]
尼厄丽德[Ní è lì dé, ㄋㄧˊ ㄜˋ ㄌㄧˋ ㄉㄜˊ,     /    ] Nereids (Greek sea nymphs, fifty daughters of Nereus and Doris); Nereid, moon of Neptune [Add to Longdo]
抗耐甲氧西林金葡菌[kàng nài jiǎ yǎng xī lín jīn pú jūn, ㄎㄤˋ ㄋㄞˋ ㄐㄧㄚˇ ㄧㄤˇ ㄒㄧ ㄌㄧㄣˊ ㄐㄧㄣ ㄆㄨˊ ㄐㄩㄣ,     西    ] methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) [Add to Longdo]
柠檬浮霉状菌[níng méng fú méi zhuàng jūn, ㄋㄧㄥˊ ㄇㄥˊ ㄈㄨˊ ㄇㄟˊ ㄓㄨㄤˋ ㄐㄩㄣ,       /      ] Planctomyces citreus [Add to Longdo]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Chartreuse { f }chartreuse [Add to Longdo]
Kies { m }; Streusand { m }; Schotter { m }; Split { m }grit [Add to Longdo]
Kreuz { n } | Kreuze { pl } | Rotes Kreuscross | crosses | Red Cross [Add to Longdo]
Mehrwegverpackung { f }reuseable packaging [Add to Longdo]
Reuse { f } | Reusen { pl }weir | weirs [Add to Longdo]
Schokoladenstreusel { pl } [ cook. ]chocolate sprinkles [Add to Longdo]
Streuspeicherverfahren { n } [ comp. ]hashing [Add to Longdo]
Streustrahlung { f } [ techn. ]scatter [Add to Longdo]
Wehr { n }; Stauwehr { n }; Fischwehr { n } | Wehre { pl }; Stauwehre { pl }; Fischwehre { pl }; Reusen { pl }weir | weirs [Add to Longdo]
Wiederverwendbarkeit { f }reusability [Add to Longdo]
Wiederverwendung { f }reuse [Add to Longdo]
sich freuen | sich freuend | gefreut | du freust dich | er/sie freut sich | ich/er/sie freute mich/sich | wir freuten uns | er/sie hat/hatte sich gefreut | sich über etw. freuen | sich für jdn. freuento be glad; to be pleased | being glad; being pleased | been glad; been pleased | you are glad; <ou are pleased | he/she is glad; he/she is pleased | I/he/she was glad; I/he/she was pleased | we were glad; we were pleased | he/she has/had been glad; he/she has/had been pleased | to be pleased with sth. | to be pleased for sb.; to be glad for sb.'s sake [Add to Longdo]
mehrfach aufrufbarreusable [Add to Longdo]
treu sorgend; treusorgend [ alt ] { adj }devoted [Add to Longdo]
wiederbenutzento reuse [Add to Longdo]
wortgetreu { adj } | wortgetreuer | am wortgetreustenliteral | more literal | most literal [Add to Longdo]
vitreus; gläsern { adj } [ med. ]vitreous [Add to Longdo]
Eismöwe { f } [ ornith. ]Glaucous Gull (Larus hyperboreus) [Add to Longdo]
Rauhfußkauz { m } [ ornith. ]Tengmalm's Owl (Aegolius funereus) [Add to Longdo]
Terekwasserläufer { m } [ ornith. ]Terek Sandpiper (Xenus cinereus) [Add to Longdo]
Rotschläfenschwalbe { f } [ ornith. ]Preuss'Cliff Swallow [Add to Longdo]
Preussnektarvogel { m } [ ornith. ]Northern Double-collared Sunbird [Add to Longdo]
Preussweber { m } [ ornith. ]Western Golden-backed Weaver [Add to Longdo]
Goldener Riffbarsch { m } (Amblyglyphidodon aureus) [ zool. ]yellow damsel [Add to Longdo]
Purpur-Torpedobarsch { m } (Hoplolatilus purpureus) [ zool. ]purple tilefish [Add to Longdo]
Bakkalaureus { m } der PhilosophieBA : Bachelor of Arts [Add to Longdo]
Bakkalaureus { m } der TheologieBD : Bachelor of Divinity [Add to Longdo]
Bakkalaureus { m } der IngenieurwissenschaftenBEng : Bachelor of Engineering [Add to Longdo]
Bakkalaureus { m } des RechtsBL : Bachelor of Law [Add to Longdo]
Bakkalaureus { m } der Literatur(wissenschaft)BLit : Bachelor of Literature [Add to Longdo]
Bakkalaureus { m } der LiteraturwissenschaftBLitt : Bachelor of Letters [Add to Longdo]
Bakkalaureus { m } der MedizinBM : Bachelor of Medicine [Add to Longdo]
Bakkalaureus { m } der NaturwissenschaftenBS : Bachelor of Science [ Am. ] [Add to Longdo]
Bakkalaureus { m } der NaturwissenschaftenBSc : Bachelor of Science [ Br. ] [Add to Longdo]
Bakkalaureus { m } der ChirurgieBS : Bachelor of Surgery [ Br. ] [Add to Longdo]
Bakkalaureus { m } der WirtschaftswissenschaftenBScEcon : Bachelor of Economic Science [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
MRSA[エムアールエスエー, emua-ruesue-] (n) (See メチシリン耐性黄色ブドウ球菌) methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus; MRSA [Add to Longdo]
イレウス[ireusu] (n) (See 腸閉塞) ileus [Add to Longdo]
ウォールアイ[uo-ruai] (n) walleye (Sander vitreus) [Add to Longdo]
コリウス;コレウス[koriusu ; koreusu] (n) coleus (esp. species Solenostemon scutellarioides) (lat [Add to Longdo]
ゴールデングレゴリー[go-rudenguregori-] (n) golden gregory (Stegastes aureus) [Add to Longdo]
シャルトルーズ;シャトルーズ[sharutoru-zu ; shatoru-zu] (n) chartreuse (fre [Add to Longdo]
ジャッカル[jakkaru] (n) jackal (carnivores, Canis aureus ssp., C. adustus, C. mesomelas) [Add to Longdo]
ヘミガレウス科[ヘミガレウスか, hemigareusu ka] (n) (See ヒレトガリザメ科) Hemigaleidae (family of weasel sharks containing 8 known species in 4 genera found from the eastern Atlantic to the continental Indo-Pacific) [Add to Longdo]
マイバッグ[maibaggu] (n) reusable shopping bag (wasei [Add to Longdo]
メチシリン耐性黄色ブドウ球菌;メチシリン耐性黄色葡萄球菌[メチシリンたいせいおうしょくブドウきゅうきん(メチシリン耐性黄色ブドウ球菌);メチシリンたいせいおうしょくぶどうきゅうきん(メチシリン耐性黄色葡萄球菌), mechishirin taiseioushoku budou kyuukin ( mechishirin taisei kiiro budou kyuukin );] (n) methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus; MRSA [Add to Longdo]
リユース[riyu-su] (n) reuse [Add to Longdo]
尉鶲[じょうびたき;ジョウビタキ, joubitaki ; joubitaki] (n) (uk) Daurian redstart (species of passerine bird, Phoenicurus auroreus) [Add to Longdo]
金色ジャッカル[きんいろジャッカル, kin'iro jakkaru] (n) golden jackal (carnivore, Canis aureus ssp.); Asiatic jackal [Add to Longdo]
金目梟[きんめふくろう;キンメフクロウ, kinmefukurou ; kinmefukurou] (n) (uk) Tengmalm's owl (Aegolius funereus); boreal owl [Add to Longdo]
栗鼠猿[りすざる;リスザル, risuzaru ; risuzaru] (n) (uk) squirrel monkey (esp. the common squirrel monkey, Saimiri sciureus) [Add to Longdo]
月下美人[げっかびじん, gekkabijin] (n) Dutchman's pipe cactus (Epiphyllum oxypetalum); night-blooming cereus; queen of the night [Add to Longdo]
構成要件[こうせいようけん, kouseiyouken] (n) (See 故意) actus reus (constituent external element of a crime, as opposed to mental state) [Add to Longdo]
再使用[さいしよう, saishiyou] (n) reuse [Add to Longdo]
再使用型[さいしようがた, saishiyougata] (adj-f) reusable [Add to Longdo]
再利用[さいりよう, sairiyou] (n, vs) reuse; recycling [Add to Longdo]
再利用率[さいりようりつ, sairiyouritsu] (n) { comp } reuse factor [Add to Longdo]
紫猿子[むらさきましこ;ムラサキマシコ, murasakimashiko ; murasakimashiko] (n) (uk) purple finch (Carpodacus purpureus) [Add to Longdo]
持ち駒[もちごま, mochigoma] (n) a captured piece than can be reused (shogi); a person or object held in reserve; available means [Add to Longdo]
若草色[わかくさいろ, wakakusairo] (n) bright green; chartreuse green [Add to Longdo]
手長水天狗[てながみずてんぐ;テナガミズテング, tenagamizutengu ; tenagamizutengu] (n) (uk) Bombay duck (Harpadon nehereus); bummalo [Add to Longdo]
森青蛙[もりあおがえる;モリアオガエル, moriaogaeru ; moriaogaeru] (n) (uk) forest green tree frog (Rhacophorus arboreus) [Add to Longdo]
真河豚[まふぐ;マフグ, mafugu ; mafugu] (n) (uk) purple puffer (species of pufferfish, Takifugu porphyreus) [Add to Longdo]
石笛鯛[いしふえだい;イシフエダイ, ishifuedai ; ishifuedai] (n) (uk) small-toothed jobfish (Aphareus furca) [Add to Longdo]
袋熊[ふくろぐま;フクログマ, fukuroguma ; fukuroguma] (n) (uk) (See コアラ) koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) [Add to Longdo]
通箱;通い箱;通函[かよいばこ, kayoibako] (n) reusable shipping carton [Add to Longdo]
藤豆;鵲豆[ふじまめ;フジマメ, fujimame ; fujimame] (n) (uk) hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus) [Add to Longdo]
反嘴鷸[そりはししぎ;ソリハシシギ, sorihashishigi ; sorihashishigi] (n) (uk) Terek sandpiper (Xenus cinereus) [Add to Longdo]
野生犬[やせいいぬ, yaseiinu] (n) (1) wild dog; Asiatic jackal (Canis aureus ssp.); golden jackal; (2) side-striped jackal (carnivore, Canis adustus) [Add to Longdo]
留め湯;留湯[とめゆ, tomeyu] (n) (1) (See 留風呂) one's own bath; (2) (reusing) yesterday's bath water; (3) monthly pass for a public bath [Add to Longdo]
[はも;はむ;ハモ, hamo ; hamu ; hamo] (n) (1) (uk) daggertooth pike conger (Muraenesox cinereus); (2) (See 穴子) (in Northern Japan) conger eel; garden eel [Add to Longdo]
鳧;計里[けり;ケリ, keri ; keri] (n) (uk) gray-headed lapwing (Microsarcops cinereus); grey-headed lapwing [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: COMPDICT Dictionary
再使用[さいしよう, saishiyou] reuse [Add to Longdo]
再利用[さいりよう, sairiyou] reusable [Add to Longdo]
再利用率[さいりようりつ, sairiyouritsu] reuse factor [Add to Longdo]


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