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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
禁运[jìn yùn, ㄐㄧㄣˋ ㄩㄣˋ,   /  ] embargo; export ban (e.g. on weapons) #29,976 [Add to Longdo]

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Because of the embargo?[CN] 贸易禁运? Priceless (2006)
Today, Bosnians are still denied the right to defend themselves by an imposed UN weapon embargo although, at this very moment, war continues without any signs of pacification.[CN] 时至今日, 波斯尼亚仍然拒绝承认 联合国的武器禁运令 虽然如此, 战争还是没有任何结束的迹象 No Man's Land (2001)
Balem ordered a blockade. Nothing is getting on or off this planet.[CN] Balem下令禁运 , 任何一个入口和出口, Jupiter Ascending (2015)
Because of embargos.[CN] 因为他们国家禁运 Because of embargos. Charades (2015)
But sanctions destroyed the economy.[CN] 禁运令经济崩溃 Fair Game (2010)
And what I'd like to know is, if we keep embargoing them on energy then someday soon, are we gonna have a nice, secular pro-Western, pro-business government?[CN] 我想知道的是, 如果我们仍旧对他们实行能源禁运 那么不久的某天, 我们是否能有一个美丽的,安全的 亲西方世界商业利益的政府呢 Syriana (2005)
Few men have the guts to trade conflict diamonds since the U.N. embargo.[CN] 联合国禁运后 很少人有胆交易叛军钻石 Die Another Day (2002)
Lift your embargo on our weapons imports.[CN] 取消设在我们的武器进口上的禁运 No Nukes Is Good Nukes (2006)
The expansion of the rubber forests began in the '50s when China, under a world rubber embargo, had to become self-sufficient in this vital product.[CN] 中国的橡胶林种植面积在五十年代时急速扩张 美国侵略朝鲜期间对当时的中国 实行了全面的经济封锁和橡胶禁运 中国对这种战略原料的需求 必须自给自足 Shangri-La (2008)
Without operations like mine, it would be impossible for certain countries to conduct a respectable war.[CN] 没有像我这样的操作,这将是某些国家 不可能进行一个可敬的战争。 我能来浏览周围 那些不方便的小武器禁运 Lord of War (2005)
Raoul, the angel king will arrive tomorrow. Hallelujah to you, too. All right.[CN] 好的。 一点是,如果我做我的工作权利,武器禁运应该是几乎 无法执行。 Lord of War (2005)
Mr. Speaker?[CN] 撤消武器禁运,议长先生? No Nukes Is Good Nukes (2006)


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