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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
生怕[shēng pà, ㄕㄥ ㄆㄚˋ,  ] to fear; afraid; extremely nervous; for fear that; to avoid; so as not to #12,461 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
It's like I get really panic stricken and I feel like I might explode or something.[CN] 内心纠结紧张 生怕自己的感情会突然爆发 A Single Man (2009)
That entire family is fascinated by what time it is and whether people know it.[CN] 他们一家子都像着了魔似的 关注时间生怕别人不知道 The Monopolar Expedition (2009)
Being so terrified of your brother wanting—[CN] 生怕自己的兄弟得到 -- Ballast (2008)
You timid deserter.[CN] 生怕死的逃兵 Little Big Soldier (2010)
At a hearing, you don't speak. You're scared.[CN] 生怕都怕死了,哪能辩护? The Class (2008)
Constantly alert, checking she didn't betray herself, covering her tracks.[CN] 时刻警惕 , 生怕暴露自己的身份 全力掩饰过去的经历 Somewhere They Can't Find Me (2010)
Now, you see Dan, Generally, pretty much everyone wants to live[CN] 你看到了吧,丹,一般而言 幾乎所有的人... 都貪生怕 3:10 to Yuma (2007)
Mr. Wayne didn't want you to think he was deliberately wasting your time.[CN] 韦恩先生怕您说他 存心浪费您的时间 The Dark Knight (2008)
I Li Dazui is not the person who are afraid of death[CN] 我李大嘴不是个贪生怕死的人 My Own Swordsman (2010)
I live in fear, dreading what awaits in the alleyways.[CN] 我終日惶惶不安 生怕暗街小巷裡潛伏什麼危險 Youth Without Youth (2007)
Recently I started to check back a lot if anyone's following me.[CN] 我现在 在街上走着也会不停地往回看 生怕有人追着我 I Saw the Devil (2010)
You were so terrified of him having something out of life, wanting something different... you was willing to destroy his whole damn family ![CN] 生怕你自己的兄弟 找到他除你以外的其它生活 你生怕他想要和你不一样的其它生活... 于是你就非常乐意的毁掉他 的全家! Ballast (2008)


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