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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
欢笑[huān xiào, ㄏㄨㄢ ㄒㄧㄠˋ,   /  ] to laugh happily; a belly-laugh #13,360 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Yeah, those two, when they got together, there was a lot of laughs.[CN] 是啊 她俩在一起的时候总是很多欢笑 Heavy Is the Head (2014)
Eat with us, practice with us, laugh with us.[CN] 像往常一样 和大家一起吃饭 练剑 欢笑 Rurouni Kenshin Part II: Kyoto Inferno (2014)
I'd rather hang on to every moment that I ever held you or every laugh that I ever heard, every shred of happiness that we ever had.[CN] 我们的次次拥抱 你的每次欢笑 我们在一起的丝丝幸福 Do You Remember the First Time? (2014)
The last several weeks, I have laughed more, I have done more, [CN] 过去几周 我的欢笑更多 我的成就更多 Bend & Break (2014)
The important thing is to not beat yourself up about it and act weird.[CN] 别疑神疑鬼 重要的是别因这样强颜欢笑,表现离奇 Thanksgiving VI (2014)
They provide a laugh, or a fright, to people in need of entertainment.[CN] 让那些渴望娱乐的人 得到欢笑与惊悚 Monsters Among Us (2014)
Filled with laughter and hope for the future.[CN] 充满了欢笑 Filled with laughter 以及对未来的希望 and hope for the future. Terminator Genisys (2015)
Living and happy, smiling.[CN] 如我说的生机 生活、快乐和欢笑 like I said, for living. Living and happy, smiling. The Hero of Color City (2014)
They're laughing with you and at you at the same time.[CN] 他们和你一起欢笑 同时也笑你 Chef (2014)
Families come in many shapes and sizes, but the one thing they all share is love and laughter... and just being there for each other forever.[CN] 家庭有许多 的形状和大小, 但有一件事他们都 份额是爱与欢笑... ... Dakota's Summer (2014)
Over the years here at Fun With Flags, we've had an opportunity to learn, laugh, wonder...[CN] 在《有趣的旗帜》的这些岁月里 我们有机会一同学习 欢笑 惊奇 The Champagne Reflection (2014)
Lot of laughter.[CN] 很多欢笑 War Room (2015)


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