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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
国贸[Guó mào, ㄍㄨㄛˊ ㄇㄠˋ,   /  貿] Guomao neighborhood of Beijing [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Is this the American Trade Bureau?[CN] 这里是美国贸易局吗? The Good Shepherd (2006)
Remember that Russian Trade Commission?[CN] 还记得那个俄国贸易委员会吗? One, Two, Three (1961)
Next, I'm expecting the Russian Trade Commission at 10:30.[CN] 还有,俄国贸易委员会10点半要来 One, Two, Three (1961)
Michael Liebert.[CN] 前东德国贸局顾问米海尔·李贝特的儿子 Night of Punishment (2004)
I came over with the British trade mission, oh, years ago.[CN] 多年前我跟随英国贸易团访日 The Last Samurai (2003)
In Rio, the police of Carlos Lacerda arrested a Chinese trade mission, under charges of terrorism.[CN] 在里约,卡洛斯·拉塞尔达的警察 逮捕了中国贸易代表团, In Rio, the police of Carlos Lacerda arrested a Chinese trade mission, 以恐怖主义的罪名。 under charges of terrorism. Jango (1984)
"Cabinet split on U. S. Trade.[CN] "内阁在美国贸易问题上产生分歧" "Cabinet split on U. S. Trade. Open Government (1980)
Within EU, Spain and Italy, are the main trading partner of China.[CN] 其中,西班牙和意大利在欧盟成员国当中 与我国贸易往来非常密切 Life Without Principle (2011)
Assaulting a distinguished member of the international business community, kidnapping his daughter, extortion...[CN] 袭击优良国贸组织会员 绑架他女儿,以及勒索 The Transporter (2002)
American Trade Bureau[CN] 国贸易局 The Good Shepherd (2006)
"the socialist policies of the current President, Hugo Chavez, have proven unfriendly to American businesses."[CN] "当局总统Hugo Chavez的社会主义政策 表现出对美国贸易的不友好" Foreign Affairs (2011)
I'm going to see Commissar Peripetchikoff... chairman of the Russian Trade Commission.[CN] 我要去见佩里佩奇科夫委员 俄国贸易委员会主席 One, Two, Three (1961)


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