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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
做主[zuò zhǔ, ㄗㄨㄛˋ ㄓㄨˇ,  ] make the decision; take charge of; back up; support; be host #15,885 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Good mother, I'd rather be their servant in my way, than sway with them in theirs.[CN] 好妈妈 我宁愿照我自己的意思做他们的仆人 和他们在一起做主 Coriolanus (2011)
Well, I may not live here anymore, but I'm still the king of this castle.[CN] 雖然,我不在這裡生活了 但這裡仍然由我做主 Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2010)
Be the master of my own destiny.[CN] 我的命运我做主 In the Light (2010)
I think that the only thing she'd be worse at than bartending is housewifing.[CN] 我覺得... 她要是做主婦 那還不如在酒吧干 Slow Night, So Long (2010)
It's my turn to host.[CN] 轮到我做主人了 Blind Spot (2010)
Maybe it's true some people deserve to die, but I'm a cop, and I don't make that fucking decision.[CN] 也许有些人的确该死 但我是警察 这事他妈的不由我做主 The Big One (2010)
I'm the boss in Treasure Shop[CN] 在龙凤店由我做主 Adventure of the King (2010)
You are? you want to be an executive assistant?[CN] 難道你想做主任助理? Valentine's Day Massacre (2010)
- Now, speak for yourself, kiss-ass.[CN] 别替我们做主 马屁精 Nine Dead (2010)
♪ Just take a chance don't think it's your choice ♪[CN] 抓住机会 你的生活要由你来做主 16 Wishes (2010)
From now on, I decide what the family does.[CN] 从现在开始 这个家我做主 We Are What We Are (2010)


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