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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
享用[xiǎng yòng, ㄒㄧㄤˇ ㄩㄥˋ,  ] to enjoy the use of; to take pleasure from #15,452 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Tomorrow on the show, Colleen will make the British classic bangers[CN] 明天的节目中 柯琳将亲自享用《地狱厨房》 Morning Glory (2010)
-You know, for the road?[CN] 以備路上享用? Bit by a Dead Bee (2009)
...and to get drugs for himself and his men.[CN] 然后买毒品提供自己和属下享用 The Men Who Stare at Goats (2009)
Enjoy.[CN] 慢慢享用 Smart People (2008)
Until then... enjoy.[CN] 享用 Albification (2009)
I was thinking maybe I could come in and we'd eat them together.[CN] 我想或许可以在你家一起享用 World's Greatest Dad (2009)
Now enjoy your meal.[CN] 尽情享用美食吧 The White Ribbon (2009)
Tell us, Volstagg, are you going to dispatch that troll beneath you or you saving him for dinner?[CN] 告訴我們, Volstagg 你打算處理掉在你屁股底下的食人魔 ...還是打算當成晚餐來享用 Hulk Vs. (2009)
Toasted. Light cream cheese. You're really good to me.[CN] 我猜你没时间享用 葡萄烤百吉饼加奶油干酪了 Greek Tragedy (2009)
Eric, me, the cat, slightly worse for wear, sitting in the outer boroughs, eating.[CN] 我 Eric和小猫咪 慵懒地坐在城郊的外围 幸福地享用美食 Julie & Julia (2009)
Enjoy it![CN] 好好享用! All's Well, Ends Well 2009 (2009)
There you go. Enjoy.[CN] 給 好好享用 Better Call Saul (2009)


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