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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
至る所(P);至る処[いたるところ, itarutokoro] (adv, n-t) (uk) everywhere; all over; throughout; (P) [Add to Longdo]
人間到る処青山有り;人間至る所青山有り[にんげんいたるところせいざんあり;じんかんいたるところせいざんあり, ningen'itarutokoroseizan'ari ; jinkan'itarutokoroseizan'ari] (exp) home is wherever one lays one's hat; you can make your living anywhere in this world [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
The pictures are pasted on all sides.その写真は至る所に貼ってある。
Rome abounds with relics.ローマは至る所に遺跡がある。
Violence erupted all over the city because of the food shortages.食糧不足のため市の至る所で暴力沙汰が突発した。
To this extent, it has the characteristics of a great complicated balance between plant life and lower forms of animal life.天候は、世界の至る所で、植物界と下等動物界の間の複雑な調和状態に影響を与えている。
He was welcomed everywhere.彼は至る所で歓迎された。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
There were walkers everywhere.[JP] ゾンビが至る所にいた TS-19 (2010)
There's guys here from pretty much everywhere.[JP] 皆、至る所からくるからね。 Live for Life (1967)
Wherever he's going, he's following this sewer line.[JP] 至る所に跡が... この下水道を使ったな Van Helsing: The London Assignment (2004)
But there are eyes everywhere.[JP] 至る所に目がある I Am Anne Frank: Part 1 (2012)
The machine is everywhere.[JP] 至る所にある Pilot (2011)
No, this has got Shaw's name written all over it.[JP] いいえ 至る所に逃げ道があります Fast & Furious 6 (2013)
It is a barren wasteland riddled with fire, and ash and dust.[JP] 不毛な荒れ地で... 至る所に火が上がり... 灰と埃に覆われてる The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
But they sell junk food on the highways and in factory cafeterias.[JP] あの高速道路サービスエリアの至る所に ジャンクフードのファミレスを作ってる奴らか? The Wing or The Thigh? (1976)
We are everywhere.[JP] 我々は至る所から監視しています Eagle Eye (2008)
A threat around every corner.[JP] 至る所に危険があった〉 Firewall (2012)
Anna dumps red rain on us, and now it's in everything... the soil, the air we breathe, the water we drink.[JP] アンナが赤い雨を降らせて もう至る所が 地面 俺達が吸ってる空気 Red Rain (2011)
You think there's something lurking around every corner, but there isn't, John.[JP] 至る所に 何かが潜んでると でも 居ないの ジョン Firewall (2012)
Yeah. Everywhere. Home, work, school.[JP] ああ 至る所 自宅 職場 学校 Pilot (2013)
They came out of nowhere. There were dozens of 'em.[JP] やつらは至る所から湧き出てきた Vatos (2010)
Negative, sir, it's moving all over the place.[JP] いいえ 至る所に 移動していますが Battleship (2012)
I do not ask your pardon, Master Elrond for the black speech of Mordor may yet be heard in every corner of the West![JP] じゃがモルドールの暗黒語は... まだ使われておる... 西方の至る所でな The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
Your prints are everywhere.[JP] 至る所にあんたの指紋があった Queen's Gambit (2008)
FBI's all over us about this, Panzer case.[JP] パンザーの事件のことで FBIが 至る所に顔を出してくる Always Bet on Red (2012)
You see, mate he went everywhere.[JP] 聞いてくれ メイト ・・至る所へ行った Red Dog (2011)
There were gods up there then.[JP] 神は 至る所にいた The Man from Earth (2007)
V's posing as humans established themselves in all facets of life whether it be business, government, religion, the military.[JP] Vは人間に成りすまして 社会の至る所に食い込んでる 企業家 政府要人 宗教家 軍人 Pilot (2009)
I'm sorry, Madiba, but we've got problems everywhere we look.[JP] 申し訳ありませんが マディバ 至る所で問題が山積です Invictus (2009)
♪ Through many calling lands ♪[JP] 至る所 Martha Marcy May Marlene (2011)
The legend is that the "Eye" is everywhere.[JP] ザ・アイの伝説は 至る所に... Now You See Me (2013)
They look evil, and I'm sure their picture's up on like everything everywhere in that country.[JP] 至る所で 悟ったような口を利くんです Vendetta (2012)
- And it's all over the place.[JP] しかも至る所にある Sin City (2005)
That life is as it is here on earth, here and now.[JP] 命は地球の 至る所に在る The Man from Earth (2007)
This woman is a killer. She's been dropping bodies all over the city.[JP] この女は殺し屋だ 都市の至る所で人を撃ってる Vendetta (2012)
In spite of the religious icons everywhere, this is a godless place.[JP] 至る所に宗教的な 彫刻があるけど ここに神は居ないわ I Am Anne Frank: Part 1 (2012)
His troops spill their blood across every field in Europe, but still he is no closer to achieving his goals.[JP] 彼の軍隊はヨーロッパの 至る所で血を流している。 だが、目標達成はほど遠い。 Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
There's no passage on intestines, but the scales of justice are all over the Bible.[JP] 腸は書かれていない だが秤は 聖書の至る所にある A Horse of a Different Color (2011)
People everywhere reacting to the fact that, when they leave... the Visitors will take with them their many gifts to humanity.[JP] 至る所で人々は危惧しています 彼等が居なくなる事を 人類への贈り物と共に ビジターが去って行く事を Fruition (2010)
I've been upstairs, downstairs, all over the place.[JP] 2階 1階 至る所 Empire State (2013)
There was debris everywhere.[JP] 至る所に残骸があり Battleship (2012)
I've got seismographs all over the valley. Compare the readings.[JP] 谷の至る所で測定してみたの 見比べてみて Tremors (1990)
What do you think?[JP] - 至る所に"ここがいい"と書いてあります Quill (2012)
There's tragedy every day all over your world.[JP] 貴方達の世界では毎日 至る所で悲劇が We Can't Win (2010)
Cryptography inhabits our every waking moment.[JP] 暗号は至る所にある The Blind Banker (2010)
We can't possibly sneak onboard with sailors and guards, everywhere all over the ship.[JP] 水夫に化ける訳にもいかないしー ー警備員だって至る所よ。 What's Up, Tiger Lily? (1966)
The Visitors are everywhere.[JP] ビジターは至る所に居る Heretic's Fork (2010)
As part of the PR buildup to the World Cup you will be conducting coaching clinics in townships all over the country.[JP] ワールドカップの 広報活動として 君たちは国内の至る所で 指導教室を受け持つ Invictus (2009)
- The Visitors have sleeper cells everywhere.[JP] -ビジターは至る所に潜伏してる A Bright New Day (2009)
There'll be security cams everywhere.[JP] 防犯カメラが至る所に ガルベス? A Gettysburg Address (2012)
Everywhere.[JP] 至る所 Mother's Day (2011)
You actually pretended, maybe even believed, like a sociopath, that you were some kind of holy saint without sin while you shit all over me... our life... and our family with betrayal and lies.[JP] 本当はフリをしたんだ 多分 反社会的人間のように 思ったんだ 至る所でボクに 辛くあたったのは ─ Spooky Little Girl (2011)
- Every one. Everywhere.[JP] - 至る所、すべて Brewster's Millions (1985)
We have just rescued Master Yoda. It appears this ambush has happened everywhere.[JP] マスター・ヨーダは救助したが 至る所で奇襲が起きてる Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)
But you guys had to uproot everything-- drag everyone across the country to start all over...[JP] でも あなた達は すべてを根絶しなきゃ... 至る所でみんなを 引きずって... Murder House (2011)
For cats and mice, Everywhere.[JP] 至る所にいる猫や鼠たちのために来ました The Simpsons Movie (2007)
They were everywhere.[JP] 至る所に居て Resident Evil: Degeneration (2008)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
至る所[いたるところ, itarutokoro] ueberall [Add to Longdo]


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