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演化[yǎn huà, ㄧㄢˇ ㄏㄨㄚˋ,  ] evolution #14,676 [Add to Longdo]

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Humans, therefore, being not the only species on the planet, share this world with millions of other living creatures, as we all evolve here together.[CN] 因此,人类并不是这个星球上的唯一物种, 成千上百万的其它生物和人类一样, 共同演化,共同生活在这星球上。 Earthlings (2005)
Evolution is a part of nature, and nature kills.[CN] 演化是一种自然过程,而自然会 淘汰不适者,简单易懂,不是吗 Chapter Eighteen 'Parasite' (2007)
That the ape evolved from a lower order of primate, possibly man.[CN] 人猿是由低等灵长类演化的 大概是人类 Planet of the Apes (1968)
A planet where apes evolved from men? There's gotta be an answer.[CN] 为何人类会演化成人猿 一定是有答案的 Planet of the Apes (1968)
It's interesting to contemplate an entangled bank...[CN] 躯体和心智的天赋 会趋于演化到完美 思考理解千头万绪的知识 很有意思... Adaptation. (2002)
- This missing link in an evolutionary chain.[CN] -这个演化过程中失落的一环 Planet of the Apes (1968)
Evolution is an imperfect and often violent process.[CN] 演化是个不完美 而且常常是暴力的过程 Chapter Six 'Better Halves' (2006)
To think that today, all around us, the evolutionary process continues so dramatically.[CN] 演化过程仍旧 激烈地进行 Chapter Nine 'Homecoming' (2006)
They carry inside them the genetic code that will take their species to the next evolutionary rung.[CN] 身上带有能让他们种族 朝下一步演化的基因 Chapter One 'Genesis' (2006)
I'm going back to VSI... to complete the final stage of my evolution.[CN] 我正回到VSl ... 完成我的演化阶段的最后一步 The Lawnmower Man (1992)
He told us that in the future, people will be born, without the influence of evolution.[CN] 他告诉我们在未来 人类由于演化连手指都没了 Timber Falls (2007)
And though we may have come a long way from our early ancestors, one thing hasn't changed much.[CN] 就算我们已经过无数次的演化 有一样东西永远不变 The Secret of Sex (2002)
You stand... You stand on the lowest rung of evolution. You are still in the formative stage You are intellectually weak as yet.[CN] 你現在還處於最低級的演化中,還是成型階段 Heart of a Dog (1988)
Greed clarifies, cuts through... and captures the essence... of the evolutionary spirit.[CN] 贪婪可以厘清一切 披荆斩棘直捣演化的精髓 Wall Street (1987)
Is it evolution that takes us by the hand?[CN] 演化牵着我们前进? Chapter Two 'Don't Look Back' (2006)
Maybe we can rapidly evolve into water creatures.[CN] 我们可以快速演化成水生动物 Ice Age: The Meltdown (2006)
As the Galapagos islands are carried further and further away from their place of birth, the volcanic hotspot there's a remarkable progression[CN] 随着加拉帕戈斯岛屿不断地漂移 离诞生地越来越远 火山热点 生命开始出现了显著的演化 Born of Fire (2006)
The product of 3 billion years of evolution.[CN] 也是三十亿年演化的结晶 The Island (2005)
Darwin writes that we all come from the very first single-cell organism.[CN] 达尔文认为我们都是 从同一种单细胞演化 Adaptation. (2002)
It took us two billion years to do what they did in just a couple of days. Yeah.[CN] 20亿年的演化 它们只需一、两天 Evolution (2001)
This force, evolution, is not sentimental.[CN] 这股演化的力量并非慈悲 Chapter Three 'One Giant Leap' (2006)
These things are evolving so quickly.[CN] 它们演化的好快 Evolution (2001)
The next level of evolυtion. Man and compυter:[CN] 下一阶段的演化,人与电脑... Universal Soldier: The Return (1999)
You know what I'm saying?[CN] 把音乐演化 Snakes on a Plane (2006)
The molecular building blocks for life ... may be swirling within Jupiter's turbulent atmosphere.[CN] 可以演化出生命的分子构件 可能正在木星大气层风暴的肆虐中飞舞 Destiny in Space (1994)
Now, we humans, we think we're more fit, more evolved, because we're smarter.[CN] 我们人类... 认为自己更适合、演化更好 Slither (2006)
Because I promise you, it will come and it will evolve and you will see just how spectacular your "differences" are.[CN] 因为我敢保证 它将到来并且演化... ... 然后你就会发现你的"不同之处"有多特别 The Women (2008)
I think transsexuality is a radically evolved state of being.[CN] 我觉得变性人 是彻底演化的人类 Transamerica (2005)
Arguments become grudges, then end up being feuds.[CN] 争论会带来不合 还会演化成仇恨 Unfinished Business (2006)
You see, from an evolutionary point of view Jason looks for an attractive young woman because he wants healthy kids.[CN] 演化的观点来看 杰森喜欢年轻美女 因为他想生健康的小孩 Valentine (2001)
Evolution is an imperfect and often violent process.[CN] 演化不是完美 常常过程很暴力 Chapter Six 'Better Halves' (2006)
Simple, right? What you've done is not evolution.[CN] 你所做的不是演化, 是谋杀 Chapter Eighteen 'Parasite' (2007)
It was a lizard back in prehistoric times... who developed an outside digit of the forelimb which became greatly elongated... in order to support a winged membrane.[CN] 他们前肢的 外侧指节演化之后变长了 好支撑它们翅膀的翅膜 Trapped in Paradise (1994)
You're both geneticists. That is also evolution.[CN] 也是演化 Chapter Four 'Collision' (2006)
I think Mr. Billings and Mr. Darwin will be welcomed, because you girl, will evolve.[CN] 我想毕尔林斯和达尔文先生,, 大可站起来叫好 因为你即将演化 Timber Falls (2007)
I didn't evolve out of a monkey.[CN] 我不是猴子演化出来的 Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan (2006)
We humans like to think that we've evolved away from all of that.[CN] 我们人类以为自己 已经高度演化,不受嗅觉支配了 Pheromone, My Lovely (1993)
Evolution, Morpheus.[CN] 这就是演化过程,莫斐斯 The Matrix (1999)
They evolve...[CN] 演化 Galaxies (2010)
Evolution.[CN] 演化过程 The Matrix (1999)
My father always talked about how an entire species will go extinct while others, no more unique or complex, will change and adapt in extraordinary ways.[CN] 我父亲总是谈论 所有物种将如何灭绝 而其中某些则会开始演化 具备超能力 Chapter Four 'Collision' (2006)
Mahjong and Chinese chess through minor examples have also evolved from these diagrams.[CN] 像中国的麻将、围棋与象棋... 虽是小道... 也是由这图演化出来的 Double Vision (2002)
Their beaks are developing the filters and distinctive shape that will allow them to separate the algae they need from the mud and silt[CN] 紅鶴的嘴演化出具有篩檢功能的特殊形狀 可以分開沼澤裡的 The Crimson Wing: Mystery of the Flamingos (2008)
From there we go to bigger things. Jellyfish.[CN] 后来演化出较大生物 水母 Adaptation. (2002)
No, they must've been tipped off.[CN] 我已规划出一个交互式的演化算法 Knight Fever (2008)
It is awesome. How does it do it?[CN] 它很不可思議,它是如何演化的呢? Wit (2001)
He told us that it was all right to study the evolution of the Universe after the Big Bang, [CN] 他告诉我们 研究大爆炸之后的宇宙演化 这挺好 A Brief History of Time (1991)
What you've done is not evolution.[CN] 你做的不是演化,是谋杀 Chapter Nineteen '.07%' (2007)
And then a single celled organism evolved into the highest form of intellect known to God...[CN] 地球上的单细胞生物 演化成上帝所知最聪明的生物 2001: A Space Travesty (2000)
Don't do anything that may move the plot forward.[CN] 别做任何会让情节继续演化的事 Stranger Than Fiction (2006)


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