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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
撃ち合い;撃合い[うちあい, uchiai] (n) gunfight; exchange of shots; firefight [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
That was the only way we could defend ourselves against all this terrible shooting.それだけが、この恐ろしい撃ち合いから身を守ることのできる唯一の方法だったの。
Terrible shooting broke out the night before last.ひどい撃ち合いがおとといの晩に始まったのよ。 [ F ]
The shooting started around noon.撃ち合いがお昼頃に始まったのよ。 [ F ]
When the shooting died down a bit, Daddy ran over to our flat and brought us back some sandwiches.撃ち合いが少し静まったとき、パパが走ってフラットに行って、私たちにサンドイッチを持ってきてくれたわ。 [ F ]
It's a shoot-'em-up western.撃ち合い場面の多い西部劇ですよ。
We listened to the shooting.私たち、撃ち合いに耳をすましたわ。 [ F ]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I guess we're shooting our way out after all.[JP] 撃ち合いをするか? Matter of Time (2012)
Once you blast the roof off a pub and seen all the parts flying off people, a little bang bang's never gonna match the sight of that.[JP] 以前バーの天井を爆破し 人が吹き飛ぶ姿を見た 小規模の撃ち合いが 似合う情景じゃねえ Sin City (2005)
He brings it in himself or we start shooting.[JP] 奴に運ばせるか 撃ち合いを始めるかだ Aftermath (2013)
-Where did this happen?[JP] どこで撃ち合いに? Bit by a Dead Bee (2009)
Companies wanna promote team building so they run around with guns and shoot each other with paint, blow off a little steam...[JP] 仲間でチームを作って 銃を持って ペイント弾で 互に撃ち合いをするんだ Playtime (2012)
When the shooting starts ... and it will, you'll cut and run.[JP] 撃ち合いが始まっても 逃げたりするなよ Suicide Squad (2016)
Can't take the risk of putting them in the crossfire.[JP] 撃ち合いになるような リスクは昌せない Arrow on the Doorpost (2013)
He made that phone call because he wanted a shootout, not a silent assassination.[JP] 警告は撃ち合いを 狙ったものだ 暗殺を明るみに出すために Kafkaesque (2010)
Didn't anybody ever tell you not to wear a dress to a gunfight?[JP] 撃ち合いにドレスは着てくなって 言われなかったか? Machete Kills (2013)
Didn't count the Douglas' being home or Paul having a .38.[JP] 家人に見つかって撃ち合いになったってとこだろう The Autopsy of Jane Doe (2016)
You are not in the line of fire.[JP] でも撃ち合いじゃ無いのよ We Can't Win (2010)
It was a hell of a fight, eh?[JP] ものすごい撃ち合いでしたね The Magic Hour (2008)
Yeah, I was filling out reports on the shootout at the port last night and getting grilled about how I let that archer get away.[JP] アア 港での撃ち合いの 報告書を昨夜書いてた 射手にどうやって逃げられたか Honor Thy Father (2012)
Witness with shotgun was shot dead also.[JP] 撃ち合いで 皆死にました The Salvation (2014)
Okay, listen up.[JP] 撃ち合いになるぞ Dissonance Theory (2016)
All right, we need to make it look like I was ambushed before you kill her.[JP] 撃ち合いで死んだように見せかける Surf N Turf (2016)
I was going into a shootout with a bunch of armed men with illegal machine guns with 100% kill rate.[JP] 強力な銃を持った奴らと 撃ち合いになることを覚悟したから Surf N Turf (2016)
So we can agree we don't want to start a shooting war.[JP] 撃ち合いはしたくないって ことでいいわね Casus Belli (2017)
Shootings and stabbings.[JP] 撃ち合いや喧嘩も Pilot (2015)
Early this morning in New York, a high speed car collision erupted in a dangerous shootout involving four private security contractors and a man and woman wearing ski masks.[JP] ニューヨークで今朝早く 高速車の衝突は 危険な撃ち合いで爆発しました 4人の民間の 警備請負人を巻き込みました Control-Alt-Delete (2015)
Sure beats the hell out of the lobby.[JP] ロビーでは ひどい撃ち合いになった The Devil You Know (2014)
Accidentally, he drops two civilians in the cross fire.[JP] そこで彼は判断した 偶然にも 撃ち合いで二人の民間人が Crossfire (2011)
So, Uncle Hank, he was in a shootout?[JP] ハンク叔父さんは 撃ち合い Bit by a Dead Bee (2009)
We fire off a shot in here, not getting out.[JP] 撃ち合いが始まったら もう後には引き下がれないぞ VS. (2009)
So was it scary?[JP] 撃ち合いは 怖かった? Breakage (2009)
Assholes shoot themselves all fucking day. Not you, baby. Not you.[JP] パカ野郎どもが撃ち合いをしてた お前は助かってくれ Heat (1995)
Accidentally, he drops two civilians in the cross fire.[JP] 「偶然にも」 「撃ち合いで二人の民間人が」 「そんな事だって起きる」 Crossfire (2011)
The shootout was the final straw[JP] 撃ち合いは我慢の限界だった Get the Gringo (2012)
Then suddenly there was this explosion and people started shooting.[JP] そしたら爆発と 撃ち合いが始まったの Momentum (2015)
More details have emerged about the shootout in Manhattan.[JP] 詳細が分かった 撃ち合いについて マンハッタンで レスリー? Control-Alt-Delete (2015)
I thought we were gonna have a shooting right there.[JP] そこで撃ち合いになるかと思ったよ The Red Barn (2013)
- Bunch-a shooting'. Massa got shot.[JP] 撃ち合いで 主人が死んだ Django Unchained (2012)
He didn't know I was with you and by the time he did, he was trying not to get shot.[JP] 撃ち合いになるまで 私達のことに気付かなかった The Sunshine State (2008)
Who's shooting who?[JP] 誰と誰の撃ち合いだ? The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
And the last thing we want is a gunfight at the OK Corral.[JP] 最後には OK牧場の撃ち合いになったりな Wild Bill (2011)
Detective Riley, most officers are never in a shootout.[JP] ライリー刑事 殆どの警官は 決して撃ち合いをしません Prophets (2014)
God damn it, we got a fire fight going down.[JP] 何てこった 撃ち合いが始まった Bad Country (2014)
I've been trading shots with one of Ludwig's goons.[JP] ストックヤードから来た ルートヴィヒのチンピラと撃ち合いした The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! (1988)


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