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扬起[yáng qǐ, ㄧㄤˊ ㄑㄧˇ,   /  ] to raise one's head; to perk up #18,721 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Suddenly he started shouting and raised his whip.[CN] 接着他突然大喊大叫 扬起鞭子 Shoah (1985)
Go to her and unfurl your kite.[CN] 去找她扬起筝帆 The Legend of Paul and Paula (1973)
The sign read 22nd Street, and my concern decreased until a cold wind blew a branch aside, revealing: "East."[CN] 路牌标指22街 我惑即散 一阵风扬起枝杈 "东"字现 Bedtime Stories (2013)
(man #4) The foxholes that had been covered up with the naval gunfire, the next morning, within about 20 yards of where l was, I watched the Japanese digging out.[CN] 那些散兵坑已经被海军的炮火 (扬起的沙子)遮盖起来, 第二天早晨, 在我所在位置的大约20码远, 我看到日本人在挖掘 Pacific: February 1942-July 1945 (1974)
Yellow flags were being flown to slow us down, but the race was never stopped.[CN] 扬起黄旗好让我们控制速度 但是比赛从未停止 1 (2013)
(man) We were down south, just in front of Bir Hakeim and, during the morning, we saw this dust going up from where Jerry was.[CN] 我们在南面, 就在比尔 -哈希姆的前面 在那个早晨, 我们看到尘土 在德国佬所在的地方扬起 The Desert: North Africa - 1940-1943 (1973)
Put your fins up[CN] 扬起妳的鳍 Put your fins up Barbie: The Pearl Princess (2014)
We headed south, with dust flying away, [CN] 我们向南行进,草原扬起盘旋的尘土, The Mirror (1975)
The fuselage is rising. It's going to sink.[CN] 机首扬起,要沉下去了 Brave Hearts: Umizaru (2012)
He uses dust to accentuate all his size and power.[CN] 扬起尘土来展示 他的体型和力量 Summer (2009)
They were kicking me in the face with the dust all the time.[CN] 他们踢我的脸,扬起很多灰 Little Dieter Needs to Fly (1997)
I started wearing suits, okay, and suddenly I'm walking around like I'm more important than everybody else.[CN] 我开始穿起套装,好了 然后我突然觉得走路也神气活现 趾高气扬起来了,好像我比 谁都重要 Episode #2.20 (1991)
And suddenly, a wind blows and the wind is aswarm with glistening florets milk-blue in the afternoon sun.[CN] 突然间,一阵风吹起 风儿扬起一阵灿烂花粉 就在粉蓝的午后艳阳下 Zombie Strippers! (2008)
Raise the sails![CN] 扬起风帆! Raise the sails! The Pirate Fairy (2014)
The victory flag's cinched, and James hunt crosses the line to win the British grand prix![CN] 胜利的锦旗扬起来了 詹姆斯·亨特冲破终点线获得了英国大奖赛的冠军 1 (2013)
It was difficult to discern through all the dust kicked in my face.[CN] 我都分不清楚脸上 扬起的灰是哪匹马的 The Scholar's Pen (2014)
Diving towards the toe, stroking the sole to rise like a caress towards the breast of the heel and down to its tip.[CN] 那是她留下的全部 扬起手要去写 屁股很大 The Other Man (2008)
Pablo cannot see any dust even from their horses.[CN] 帕布鲁看不到他们的马扬起的灰尘 The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948)
And you can see those little specks of dust glowing in the air above us.[CN] 你可以看见细小的灰尘在我们周围扬起 Incendiary (2008)
Captain says, raise the sails and step lively![CN] 船长发话 扬起风帆加把劲儿 Captain says, raise the sails and step lively! The Pirate Fairy (2014)
There's a 30-foot cloud of smoke billowing from the back of my car.[CN] 有一大团烟雾 -从我的车后扬起 Road Trip (2013)
It doesn't lift. And the boots are covering my legs.[CN] 它就不会飞扬起 Celine: Through the Eyes of the World (2010)
Tokyo was celebrating the victory with advertising balloons.[CN] 东京的商店却扬起庆祝战争胜利的广告气球 The Little House (2014)
Let's plot a revolution![CN] 一起扬起理想的风帆 So Young (2013)
Roused to the point of release, I raise my white flag in sweet surrender.[CN] 情感骤然释放 扬起白旗投降 Pee Mak (2013)
Then, embarking, headed east.[CN] 然后扬起帆 向东航行 Tales of the Black Freighter (2009)
Geng Hao raises his hands with his head held high[CN] 耿浩,耿浩率先举起了双手 他将头颅高高地扬起 Silver Medalist (2009)
Don't raise your eyebrows. It makes you look smug.[CN] 扬起眉毛 那会显得你很自鸣得意 Closer (2004)
- I raise one eyebrow tuck in my chin and...[CN] 一边眉毛扬起,下巴收进去... Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole (2010)
Hoist those sails. Toast that bread.[CN] 扬起帆,烤面包 Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (2009)
- When fatigue would muffle our screams in the prison... a sole voice would rise through the night... a balm to our agony...[CN] 监狱里,疲累梧住了我们的尖叫声 那是夜晚唯一会扬起的声音 是痛苦的解药 Haider (2014)
I am a thousand winds that blow.[CN] 我是那扬起了千千遍的风 Desert Cantos (2009)
I am unfurling the...[CN] 扬起了.. You're Not You (2014)
- loses his patience and takes his whip to it.[CN] 失去耐心 扬起皮鞭猛抽起来 The Turin Horse (2011)
The brows drawn down and together, the raising of the upper lid, the tightness under the eyes.[CN] 眉毛朝下紧皱 上眼睑扬起 眼周绷紧 Love Always (2009)
Your Majesty, dust is rising on the northern horizon...[CN] 殿下,北方有烟尘扬起 Jodhaa Akbar (2008)
With or without raised eyebrow?[CN] 要不要扬起眉毛? Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole (2010)
As if sailing on the sea.[CN] 就像船扬起风帆 在海面上航行一般 House on Fire (1986)
It's sad. Have you ever seen a woman fall in love with a soldier?[CN] 她们爱的是阅兵式上的士兵 高跨步走,扬起尘土 Port of Shadows (1938)
Do you think if two men would've walked down a train looking for women, do you think anybody would have raised an eyebrow?[CN] 你觉得如果两个男人 在火车上勾引女人 你觉得会有人扬起眉毛看他们吗? Nymphomaniac: Vol. II (2013)
Ei, ei, ei, fly your kite, man.[CN] 嗨嗨嗨 扬起筝帆 The Legend of Paul and Paula (1973)
♫ Chasing after a fluttering butterfly Lifting a white sail ♫[CN] "追逐翩翩飞舞的蝴蝶" "扬起白帆" Hanamizuki (2010)
Allow me to deliver the message to your world that Origin is the way to salvation and you will all be spared.[CN] 只要你让我在这里 宣扬起源之书 才是你们可以保命的唯一的希望 Stargate: The Ark of Truth (2008)
Would I raise a hand to the goddess of love?[CN] 我会对爱神扬起巴掌吗 Frenzy (1972)
I've only heard good things about him around town.[CN] 他说战争扬起的烟已经够他吸的了. Allied (2016)
Like an empty sail takes the wind[CN] # 就像扬起的帆带走了风 # If I Stay (2014)
Winds over 100 miles an hour skip off the ice out here and kick up snow so thick you can't see six inches in front of your face.[CN] 风以超过100英里每小时的速度带走冰块 (约161公里) 扬起的雪让你只能看见6英寸远的地方 (约15厘米) Whiteout (2009)
And by swimming in a tight circle it creates a ring of mushrooming mud around a shoal of fish.[CN] 它绕着圆圈游泳 用一圈扬起的滚滚尘沙 绕住鱼群 Challenges of Life (2009)


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