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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
庆贺[qìng hè, ㄑㄧㄥˋ ㄏㄜˋ,   /  ] congratulate #19,690 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
慶賀[けいが, keiga] (n, vs) congratulation [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
No! No, no, no, no. How about we celebrate with silence?[CN] 不不不不 我們不要大聲慶賀 好不好? Winnie the Pooh (2011)
Stop it. This is not a celebration.[CN] 不要這樣 沒什麼值得慶賀 Holidaze (2009)
Let's all give out a cheer 'Cause the bride is getting married today[CN] 大家慶賀 新娘今天出嫁 Corpse Bride (2005)
Kegs and legs open, and on the house![CN] 開酒慶賀 本店請客 Shakespeare in Love (1998)
The clothes were beautiful, and you are beautiful, and that is something we need to celebrate.[CN] 衣美人更美 我們應該為此慶賀一番 Dirty Rotten Scandals (2012)
This is not a celebration.[CN] - 這沒什麼值得慶賀 Holidaze (2009)
Let's not polish each other's doorknobs quite yet.[CN] 現在別馬上忙著沾沾自喜地慶賀 Angel's Flight (1999)
Thank you all for being here on Devil's Night, but it is I who should be the one celebrating you.[CN] 感謝各位能出席今天的惡魔之夜 不過該是我為你們慶賀 Devil's Night (2015)
Huzzah![CN] 慶賀! Corpse Bride (2005)
Got it, okay, not a party.[CN] 知道了 沒什么值得慶賀 Waitress (2007)
They just congratulated each other on how marvelous they'd been.[CN] 他們只是互相慶賀 完成了一件多麼不可思議的事 My Fair Lady (1964)
Tonight, honoured friends, we are gathered to celebrate a great victory and to mourn a great loss.[CN] 今晚,尊貴的朋友們 我們聚集在此,慶賀大勝 并哀悼慘重的損失 The Foretelling (1983)
May Day in Moscow and in the whole of the USSR is a festival of victory to celebrate the rise of Socialism.[CN] 288) }五一勞動節在莫斯科和整個蘇聯 288) }是個慶賀共產主義誕生的 288) }勝利的節日 Papierove hlavy (1996)
Honey, you're mighty.[CN] 快上來 我們喝杯酒慶賀慶賀 Sex and Zen II (1996)
It's not a party, though.[CN] 沒什么值得慶賀 Waitress (2007)
And celebrate this, the longest day of the year![JP] 一年で一番長いこの日を 慶賀するでしょう Friendship Is Magic, Part 1 (Mare in the Moon) (2010)
You say celebrate.[CN] 你說慶賀 Dirty Rotten Scandals (2012)
Wanna play to celebrate it?[CN] 想找人划兩拳, 慶賀一下嗎? On the Edge (2006)
Let's raise our glasses to commence our banquet.[CN] 讓我們舉杯慶賀宴會開始 A Report on the Party and Guests (1966)
Yes I have sent silver anniversary card by courier.[CN] 我快遞了週年慶賀卡給你 Vicky Donor (2012)
Hooray![CN] 慶賀! Corpse Bride (2005)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
慶賀[けいが, keiga] Glueckwunsch, Gratulation [Add to Longdo]


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