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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
一撃[いちげき, ichigeki] (n, vs) blow; hit; poke #11,097 [Add to Longdo]
一撃の下に[いちげきのもとに, ichigekinomotoni] (adv) by a single blow [Add to Longdo]
会心の一撃[かいしんのいちげき, kaishinnoichigeki] (n) critical hit (esp. in RPGs) [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
The boxer received a blow to the body.そのボクサーはボディーに一撃食らった。
The blow made me see stars.その一撃で目から火が出た。
The blow caught him in the stomach.その一撃は彼の腹部をとらえた。
The lion put an end his prey with one stroke.ライオンが獲物に一撃でとどめを刺した。
I dealt him a blow on the ear.私は彼の耳に一撃を与えた。
The first blow is half the battle.先制の一撃をすれば半分勝ったようなものだ。
He took the blow on the head.彼はその一撃を頭に受けた。
He gave a blow with the flat of his hand.彼は手のひらで一撃を与えた。
The falling stone killed him at one blow.落下する石が彼を一撃で殺した。
Closer examination revealed that the skull had been crushed by some heavy blow.調べを進めるうちに、頭蓋骨が、何か重い一撃を受けて打ち砕かれているのが明らかになった。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
There must be power within every stroke![JP] 一撃に力を込めろ! Red Cliff (2008)
Yeah, right in the heart.[JP] ああ 心臓を一撃 Out of the Furnace (2013)
If you hold it too loose, your sword drops at the first impact."[JP] 弱すぎると、一撃で剣が手から落ちる 剣なしで戦うことになる」と Conquest 1453 (2012)
The blow to the head was the coup de grâce.[JP] つかみあって闘って 彼が打ち負かされたことがわかる 頭への一撃が とどめだったね Blood Brothers (2009)
If we had blown the site if we had taken out Concordia we would have put a dent in her plans for once.[JP] 炉を爆発させていれば コンコーディアを潰していれば あの女の企みに一撃を加えられた Devil in a Blue Dress (2011)
Your army was defeated by just one blow![JP] 貴方の部隊はただ一撃で倒された! Red Cliff (2008)
A single stroke, and there'll be no pain.[JP] 一撃ならば、苦痛はない United (2005)
It's the evening edition.[JP] 「ブリッツ 強力な一撃 再び」 Blitz (2011)
I think I can stop this with a single blow.[JP] 一撃でこれを止められると思う。 Solomon Kane (2009)
It killed Manfred, then it tried to kill Jamarcus, and I came up and I nailed it with a garden gnome and it cracked its neck and it's dead.[JP] マンフレッドを殺し ジャマカスも狙った 忍び寄ってグノームで一撃 首を砕いて殺した The Watch (2012)
We had a shot.[JP] 一撃してやった Bound (2009)
Fasolt and Fafner, have you felt my hammer's heavy blow?[JP] ファーゾルトにファーフナー このハンマーの きつい一撃をくらった事があるだろう Das Rheingold (1980)
Hydra is assembling an arsenal to destroy my enemies in one stroke, wherever they are, regardless of how many forces they possess, all in a matter of hours.[JP] ヒドラは敵を一撃で破壊するものを集めている。 敵がどこにいても、どのくらいの 武力があっても関係ない。 すべては時間の問題だ。 Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
Well struck.[JP] よい一撃 The North Remembers (2012)
Follow with haymaker.[JP] そしてトドメの一撃 Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (2011)
We will then crush the rebellion... with one swift stroke.[JP] そのときこそ一撃で 壊滅させてくれるわ Star Wars: A New Hope (1977)
Uh, the position of the car relative to the hiker at the time of the backfire, that and the fact that the death blow was to the back of the head, that's all you need to know.[JP] ハ、ハイカー、ハイカーと車の位置関係 致命的な一撃が 頭部の背後からという事実 それで十分説明がつく A Scandal in Belgravia (2012)
One more direct hit on the back quarter and we're done for.[JP] 後方にあと一撃くらったら 我々はおしまいです Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
This spatter suggests the initial blow was to the head from behind.[JP] これは最初の一撃の 血の跡で 背後から頭部へのものだ Those Kinds of Things (2011)
Someone who could kill that girl with one punch.[JP] 女を一撃で殺せる奴だ Jack Reacher (2012)
He who calls must prepare himself. I will deal him his deserts[JP] 僕を呼んでいる奴 覚悟はいいか 奴に相応しい一撃を与える Die Walküre (1990)
I'm only gonna have one shot to take Anna down.[JP] アンナは一撃で倒すしか無い Concordia (2011)
And that blow knocked you out.[JP] その一撃で失神か The Lincoln Lawyer (2011)
Or with one flop of his tail, he'll smash the boat and send us all to eternity.[JP] でないと尻尾の一撃で 舟は海底に葬られる Lincoln (2012)
This dealt a blow to the business giant resulting in its complete dissolution.[JP] 巨大企業に一撃を加えました 完全な解散に終り Resident Evil: Degeneration (2008)
First point of attack.[JP] それが攻撃の第一撃 Sherlock Holmes (2009)
Then they're gonna hit you in the head with a hammer, throw your ass down the nigger hole.[JP] その時はハンマーで一撃 ニガーの捨て穴へ Django Unchained (2012)
One shot more precise.[JP] もう一撃正確に Wanted (2008)
If you leave now, you will survive the initial invasion, and after that, if you take to the desert and live in caves and crevices, you could, you know, live with moderate dignity for most of your lives.[JP] 今逃げれば君等は 第一撃を生き残れる その後砂漠で洞窟や岩の隙間で 暮らせば... 程々の威厳を持って 余生を送れる The Watch (2012)
When we throw our first punch, it needs to be a knockout blow.[JP] 一撃目で致命傷を与える位でないと Red Rain (2011)
I already said it was well struck.[JP] よい一撃はもう言った The North Remembers (2012)
Then it's easy to see how a blow to the killer's face might result in those stains.[JP] 犯人の顔への一撃によって 血が肖像画に飛んだと考えるのは 自然だ Possibility Two (2013)
Well struck, Dog.[JP] よい一撃だったぞ 犬 The North Remembers (2012)
* You will know just how a lion would kill a man with his paws *[JP] "ライオンは一撃で人を殺せる" Samson & Delilah (2008)
Erica, we can end this war in one swift blow.[JP] 闘いを終わらせる事が出来るんだ 一撃で速やかに この方法しか無い Concordia (2011)
Our Greek comrades are begging for a crack at the Persians, sire.[JP] ギリシャ兵の仲間がペルシャ兵への 一撃を望んでいます 300 (2006)
God have gave it a shot yesterday.[JP] 昨日 神はこいつに一撃を くらわせたんだ Strange Things Happen at the One Two Point (2008)
Would it have needed much strength to strike the blow?[JP] 一撃を加えるには かなりの力が必要かね? And Then There Were None (1945)
So when they attack, they bite you, take your pulse with their teeth, reposition those suckers and boom, there goes your carotid.[JP] だから攻撃したら噛まれる 歯で鼓動ごと 頚動脈を一撃必殺よ We Bought a Zoo (2011)
Uh-huh. We called you because the coup de grâce was he ignited himself with an accelerant.[JP] あんたを呼んだ理由は 火をつけた最後の一撃 Small Apartments (2012)
And while you're there, sticking close...[JP] そこで奴に近づき 一撃を与えろ Those Kinds of Things (2011)
So we arrest someone else for the murders, someone pathetic and unworthy, thus destroying his mythology with one fatal blow.[JP] 殺人犯として 他の誰かを逮捕する 彼の神話を一撃で根底からぶち壊すような かわいそうなくらい哀れで 価値の無い奴をね Blinking Red Light (2011)
Shot's too important. You're gonna need a spotter... me.[JP] 貴重な一撃になる 照準合わせを手伝おう Concordia (2011)
- Fire one over the top.[JP] - 第一撃を、頂上へ Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007)
You can have me arrested, you can torture me, you can do anything you like with me, but nothing's going to prevent them from pulling the trigger.[JP] 僕を逮捕させるなり 拷問するなり 好きにするがいい しかし、殺し屋の 一撃は止まらない The Reichenbach Fall (2012)
It was well struck, Your Grace.[JP] よい一撃でございました The North Remembers (2012)
So we get a nice, synchronized kick.[JP] だからタイミングは一撃がある Inception (2010)
The framing of Nardin is the final stroke in a plan that leads to Wade Crewes walking free.[JP] ナーダンに罪を着せたのは ウェイド・クルーズを 釈放させる計画のとどめの一撃 One Way to Get Off (2012)
Good shot, Paddy.[JP] いい一撃だった Last Vegas (2013)
Only a precise hit will set up a chain reaction.[JP] 正確な一撃だけが 引き金となるのだ Star Wars: A New Hope (1977)


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