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Japanese-Thai: Longdo Dictionary (UNAPPROVED version -- use with care )  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
成るべく[なるべく, narubeku] (adv) เท่าที่เป็นไปได้, อย่างไรก็ตาม

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
べく[beku] (aux-v, conj) (1) in order to; for the purpose of; (aux, suf) (2) (See 可き, 可し) must; should #3,782 [Add to Longdo]
べく[subeku] (aux-v, conj) (contraction of するべく) doing in order to; doing for the purpose of [Add to Longdo]
べくもない[bekumonai] (exp) cannot possibly be [Add to Longdo]
可くして[べくして, bekushite] (suf, conj) (1) (uk) as it is bound to (happen); following the natural course; (2) (uk) though possible as it may be [Add to Longdo]
成るべく(P);成る可く[なるべく, narubeku] (adv) (uk) as much as possible; wherever practicable; (P) [Add to Longdo]
然る可く;然るべく[しかるべく, shikarubeku] (adv) appropriately; properly [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
Help yourself to the cake.ケーキをお食べください。
We will try to correct it in order to straighten out our finances.このお支払いの問題が解決できるよう、ご指摘の件を改善すべく努力いたします。
Could you speak as slowly as possible?なるべくゆっくり話してもらえますか。
I would like the least expensive one.なるべく安いほうがいいです。
May we ask you to remit in full settlement at your earliest convenience?なるべく早く、全額をご送金くださるようお願いします。
I would appreciate a reply as soon as possible.なるべく早くご返事いただければ幸いです。
I'd like to come to see the doctor as soon as possible.なるべく早く診察を受けたいのですが。
We should read as many books as possible.われわれはなるべくたくさん本を読むべきである。
Please help yourself to the fruit.果物を御自由に取ってお食べください。
They that govern the most make the least noise.最も多くを製する者は、なるべくなりをひそめる。
Read as many newspapers as you can so as to keep up with the times.時勢に遅れないように、なるべく多くの新聞を読みなさい。
Books must follow sciences, and not sciences books.書籍が学問に従うべく、学問が書籍に従うべからず。
We want an assistant, preferably someone with experience.助手を求めています。なるべくならば経験のある人を望む。
I need it ASAP.大至急お願い、なるべく早くお願いします。
I'll make this a special case, but try to keep it short.特別扱いしますが、なるべく短めにしてくださいね。
They chased the man to arrest him.彼らは男を逮捕すべく追いかけた。
I'm looking for a coat. I'm short so the length should be on the short side, and as refined a design as possible.コート探してます。背が低いので、丈は短めで、なるべくすっきりしたデザインのものを。
I had tried to avoid thinking that as much as possible but as soon as I faced it I started to feel miserable.なるべく考えまいとは思っていたのだが、自覚をしてしまうと途端に侘しいような気持ちにもなってくる。
When drawing kanji be careful of dots and sweeps, write as carefully and quickly as possible.漢字を書くときは点やはらいに気をつけて、なるべく早くていねいに書きましょう。
It was an accident that was waiting to happen.起こるべくして起こった事故だった。
I want you to somehow resolve the situation as promptly, as much as possible avoiding causing trouble for my sister and those around us.なるべく姉ちゃんにも周りにも迷惑をかけずに、事態の早期解決をなんとか頼むぞ。 [ M ]
It's the prevention of migraines during daily life that's important, not dealing with migraines when they occur.偏頭痛がおこったときに対処するだけではなく、普段の生活のなかで、偏頭痛をなるべく防いでいくのも大事なことです。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
"a digital frontier to reshape the human condition. "[JP] 人々の暮らしをより良いものにすべく デジタルの世界で TRON: Legacy (2010)
Just like in life, all of my successes depend on me.[JP] 人生も同じ 俺はなるべくして勝ち組になった Chapter 1 (2009)
- Yes, she should secure him soon![JP] そうよ なるべく早くね Pride and Prejudice (1995)
I didn't see the whole of you... what you really were.[JP] なるべく近づかないように 自分に都合のいいところだけ見て Christmas on July 24th Avenue (2006)
Because that's what needs to happen.[JP] 起こるべくして起きた The Dark Knight (2008)
And my men are gonna be among your rabble, making sure that the cops have a nice, long time away from their posts.[JP] あんたが起こす騒ぎには 私の部下を出そう なるべく長くゴネて 警備を手こずらせるんだ 持ち場から引き離しておくんだ Concordia (2011)
As long as you can give me.[JP] なるべく長くだ The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
Here at Browning-Orvis, we have a longstanding commitment to humanitarian causes because exemplary corporate citizenship is our highest calling.[JP] ブローニング・オーヴィス社は― 長年 人道主義を 貫いて来ました 企業社会貢献の 模範となるべく RED (2010)
Get as many cell numbers as you can and try calling them. yes, sir.[JP] 携帯番号をなるべく多く見つけて - 通信を試みろ - 分かりました Day 7: 9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. (2009)
Well, the sooner the better.[JP] なるべく早くね And My Paralyzing Fear of Death (2007)
It was all... it just happened the way it did.[JP] それは全部... 起こるべくして起きたことよ Samson & Delilah (2008)
They were engineered to be this way.[JP] 彼らはこうなるべく設計された The Augments (2004)
DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME, YOU JUST GET HERE AS QUICK AS YOU CAN.[JP] 僕の事は心配ない なるべく早く帰るように Haywire (2011)
Not till later.[JP] なるべく早くだ Just Another Love Story (2007)
They're as close to your clones as I could possibly get.[JP] なるべくクローン並に 似たタイプを集めた Limitless (2011)
Those things had to happen to me.[JP] 起こるべくして私の身に起こった事だ Cabin Fever (2008)
When the power comes back on, I'll get the first plane to Shanghai.[JP] 電気が戻ったら なるべく早い 飛行機で上海に帰ります Until the Lights Come Back (2005)
Far away. I have something for you.[JP] なるべく遠くへ 贈り物がある Troy (2004)
And so today, it is a momentous occasion as the next phase of construction of Concordia sites around the globe will begin.[JP] 記念すべき一日 新たな時代を迎えるべく コンコーディアの建設が 世界各地で始まるのです Devil in a Blue Dress (2011)
These things happen for a reason, don't they?[JP] これは起こるべくして起きた、そうだろ? Flesh and Bone (2004)
Barlini's the former world champion motorcyclist who made a very successful switch to car racing last year and is certainly a potential world champion in Formula 1 racing.[JP] バルリーニはオートバイの 世界チャンピオンとしても有名で... 昨年から車のレースに転向、 ここでも成功を収めるべく... その才能をF1の世界でも 発揮しようとしています Grand Prix (1966)
Just get in, get out as quick as you can.[JP] 車に乗って 降りてくるだけ なるべく早くな Life as a House (2001)
Get her good medicine. Never mind the money.[JP] なるべく良い薬をつけろ お金に糸目をつけるな Raise the Red Lantern (1991)
And I do my best to stay out of their heads.[JP] 私もなるべく遮断してる The First Taste (2008)
Because when the boys that I brought over here come stomping' out of this jungle, you're gonna wanna be long gone.[JP] なぜなら俺をここに連れてきた連中が ジャングルで大暴れするからな なるべく離れた方がいい There's No Place Like Home: Part 1 (2008)
Please note the size and color of each item and send as many as possible.[JP] "リストを送るので なるべくたくさん下さい" A Charlie Brown Christmas (1965)
Give me a call if you get a sec, okay?[JP] なるべく早く電話を John May (2010)
In any case, I'm gonna get over there as soon as I can. No, no.[JP] なるべく早く そっちに行くわ Bit by a Dead Bee (2009)
Only those doomed to death are entitled to see me[JP] 私の姿は死すべく定められた 者にしか見えない Die Walküre (1990)
I'll be back with the first group as soon as I can.[JP] なるべく早く第一陣と一緒に 戻ってくるようにするよ Cabin Fever (2008)
But I experienced a revelation... that I had been brought to this island to provide the commensurate social services that were sadly lacking for the poorer elements of society here.[JP] 不思議な体験でした 平等な社会を実現すべく ココに導かれた だが ココは貧しい After the Sunset (2004)
- Get back here as fast as you can. - Okay.[JP] なるべく早くもどってきてね。 Something Nice Back Home (2008)
Yeah, he'll wanna make his moves up close.[JP] なるべく近くまで 迫ろうとするだろうな We Can't Win (2010)
That's all I can ask for, your eminence.[JP] 猊下 それ以上は望むべく Unholy Alliance (2011)
Uh, perhaps we'd, uh, gather them more discreetly?[JP] なるべく目立たないように 集まってもらえますか? Scarlett Fever (2009)
Yes, she should secure him soon![JP] そうよ なるべく早くね Episode #1.1 (1995)
Gifts mere mortals can only dream of possessing[JP] 並みの者には望むべくもない才能だ Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)
I'll try to make it in as few cuts as possible.[JP] なるべくすぐ すむようにする Pan's Labyrinth (2006)
Let's start with the short and go from there.[JP] なるべく手短に Groundhog Day (1993)
Stay as still as you can be, sir.[JP] なるべく静かに してて下さい Straw Dogs (1971)
I'm just saying you must have had your reasons, that's all.[JP] 死ぬべくして死んだ You'll Be the Death of Me (2008)
And so, the explorer's off to clear his name.[JP] 探検家は汚名を晴らすべく出発した Up (2009)
I'll get to it this afternoon if I can.[JP] なるべく今日中にな Chinatown (1974)
A level of detail our medical technology can't even begin to fathom.[JP] 地球の医療技術では 望むべくも無い水準です It's Only the Beginning (2009)
I'll be there as soon as I can. Okay?[JP] なるべく早く帰るから Jesus, Mary and Joe Cocker (2007)
And that we should seek to destroy it has not yet entered their darkest dreams.[JP] それを破壊すべく動いておる... 奴らの暗い野望が 成就する前に The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
have decided to dedicate my time to writing a fascinating autobiography...[JP] 後世に残る自叙伝を 執筆する事に専念すべく Fantastipo (2005)
One of the best.[JP] 尊敬すべく素晴らしい人だ Sound of Noise (2010)
You got a job to do, you do it right.[JP] しかるべき仕事を持ち しかるべく行う Russet Potatoes (2009)
Try not to touch anything.[JP] なるべく物に触るな Down (2009)

Japanese-English: COMPDICT Dictionary
テキスト平面定義ベクトル[テキストへいめんていぎべくとる, tekisuto heimenteigibekutoru] text direction vectors [Add to Longdo]
ビュー上方向定義ベクトル[ビューじょうほうこうていぎべくとる, byu-jouhoukouteigibekutoru] view up vector [Add to Longdo]
ベクトル[べくとる, bekutoru] vector [Add to Longdo]
ベクトルジェネレータ[べくとるじえねれーた, bekutorujienere-ta] vector generator [Add to Longdo]
ベクトルデータ[べくとるでーた, bekutorude-ta] vector data [Add to Longdo]
ベクトルラベル[べくとるらべる, bekutoruraberu] vector label [Add to Longdo]
ベクトル処理機構[べくとるしょりきこう, bekutorushorikikou] array processor, vector processor [Add to Longdo]
ベクトル処理装置[べくとるしょりそうち, bekutorushorisouchi] array processor, vector processor [Add to Longdo]
ベクトル添字[べくとるそえじ, bekutorusoeji] vector subscript [Add to Longdo]
ベクトル発生器[べくとるはっせいき, bekutoruhasseiki] vector generator [Add to Longdo]
節点ベクトル[せつてんべくとる, setsutenbekutoru] knot vector [Add to Longdo]
絶対ベクトル[ぜったいべくとる, zettaibekutoru] absolute vector [Add to Longdo]
増分ベクトル[ぞうぶんべくとる, zoubunbekutoru] incremental vector [Add to Longdo]
法線ベクトル[ほうせんべくとる, housenbekutoru] normal vector [Add to Longdo]


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